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Last of Us Patch Details (10)


Release: 14.06.2013

Quelle: gamezone.de

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- Wahrscheinlich Season Pass und DLCs eingebaut

- Leider wurde ein Fehler beim Autosave entdeckt

Release: 15.06.2013 (Vom Server ausgemacht)

Quelle: gamezone.de

- Bug des Autosaves gelösst

Release: 29.06.2013 (Version 1.02)

Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de

- Nummer zu einer Sex-Hotline im Spiel entdeckt, wird entfernt

- Host migration has been improved. Losing connection to the host during a migration should occur less often

- General crash when leaving multiplayer fixed

- Intro camera fix for some introductory cut-scenes

- Connectivity issues while playing have been tuned

- If you disconnect or lose connection to the host, you will no longer advance a clan day.

You will only advance a day if you are kicked from the match, or exit through the menu

- Explosion Expert level 2 should be selectable now

- The voting time for match selection has been reduced to 15 seconds

- "No party" playlist options have been added to both Supply Raid and Survivors,

players can only join this playlist solo

- Melee against a downed character now uses the same range as normal melee

Release: 12.07.2013

Quelle: gamezone.de

- Ein Grafik-Glitch verwandelt Ellie in Mr. Fantastic wurde behoben

Release: 29.08.2013 (Version 1.03)

Quelle: gamezone.de

Single-Player Fixes

- Fixes for "It's me" and "By any means" cinematics in the Cutscene Viewer.

Multiplayer Addition

- New game mode — Interrogation

Multiplayer Fixes

- Revive range has increased slightly (about 1 meter). It's more difficult to crawl out of range when a teammate is reviving you now.

- Players can prevent opponents from finishing Executions/Interrogations so that the opponent

does not receive Parts for the special Execution/Interrogation.

The downed player will still lose their life, but this makes preventing Executions/Interrogations

more helpful to your team, as you prevent the other team from gaining Parts.

- Matchmaking update: players should find opponents around their level of experience more often,

and teams should be balanced more evenly.

- Item cache locations adjusted for balance on University, High School, Lakeside, and Downtown.

- Starting cameras adjusted so they show your player with greater frequency.

- Item cache disbursement tweaked so additional items are given out more fairly.

- Winning a Survivors match by a count of 4 rounds to 0 now means your team will get more bonus parts for winning the match by that margin.

This applies for games with scores of 4-1, 4-2, etc. as well. Rewards are tiered by how dominant your team is.

This system is in place for Interrogation mode as well.

Release: 16.10.2013 (Version 1.05)

Quelle: gamezone.de

- Spielliste für Download-Inhalte für alle Spieltypen hinzugefügt.

Dies beinhaltet sowohl die Verkaufskarten als auch die Download-Karten,

aber die Download-Karten sollten viel häufiger vorkommen.

- Das Intro wird jetzt bei Start des Spiels nicht mehr gelegentlich zweimal zu hören sein.

- Ein blinkendes Ausrufezeichen erscheint auf der Option für Download-Inhalte, wenn neue Gegenstände hinzugefügt werden.

- Kleine Änderungen für ein paar Grafiken im Spiel.

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, bei dem Spieler im siegreichen Team gelegentlich vollständig gefertigte

Gegenstände oder Macheten aus Lagern erhielten, während Spieler im Verliererteam falsche Gegenstände erhielten.

- Spieler erhalten keine wiederkehrenden Waffen mehr (vorgefertigte Molotows/Bomben/Kaufwaffen),

wenn sie nicht knapp gewinnen.

- Die Gleichmäßigkeit beim Spawnen von wiederkehrenden Waffen behoben – in ausgeglichenen Kämpfen gibt es jetzt weniger wiederkehrende Waffen,

dafür ein gleichmäßigeres Spawnen in ungleichmäßig gewichteten Kämpfen.

Sobald ein Spieler jedoch wiederkehrende Waffen erhält, erhält er sie nicht erneut,

bis es im Kampf einen gewissen Fortschritt gegeben hat.

- Spawning-Logik für das Kantholz wurde in Vorratsraubzug und Verhör angepasst:

- Einen Fehler behoben, bei dem es für einen Spieler gelegentlich unmöglich war, ein Kantholz in einem Spiel zu erhalten.

- Die ursprüngliche Spawning-Logik für das Kantholz wurde so umgearbeitet, dass die ersten Kanthölzer etwas später spawnen, um die Eskalation des Kampfes auszugleichen.

- Die Gesamtzahl möglicher Kanthölzer gesenkt, die in einem Kampf spawnen können, indem der Kampffortschritt in Betracht gezogen wurde.

- Der zusätzliche Treffer bei modifizierten Nahkampfwaffen wurde vom Raufbold Level 1 auf Level 2 geändert,

und der Gesundheitsgewinn durch Nahkampftreffer von Level 2 auf 1.

- Einen Teilebonus für Spieler, die später einsteigen, hinzugefügt, basierend darauf, wann im Kampf ins Spiel eingestiegen wird.

Das schließt die Lücke zwischen Spielern, die am Anfang des Spiels begonnen und dadurch einen Teilevorteil über die Späteinsteiger haben könnten.

- Wenn ein Spieler nach den ersten 2 Minuten einsteigt, zählt dieser Kampf nicht mehr für Klan-Fortschritt oder Missionen.

- Einen Fehler bei Kontrollpunkt und Lakeside behoben, wo es Orte gab, an denen einige Gegenstände nicht aufgehoben werden konnten.

- Eine Korrektur vorgenommen, die verhindert, dass Spieler die Fahnenstange in der Karte „Highschool” hochklettern können.

- Einen Fehler behoben, bei dem Levelgrafik in Der Damm ausfällt.

Korrekturen im Verhör-Modus

- Spiele enden nicht mehr unentschieden, es sei denn, beide Teams befinden sich im selben Abschnitt des Aufschließprozesses.

Falls ein Team mehr Verhöre als das andere hat, gewinnt dieses Team den Kampf.

- Der zusätzliche Teilebonus für einen eindeutigen Sieg wird nur verliehen, wenn das Schließfach komplett aufgeschlossen ist.

Ansonsten wird nur der Standard-Siegbonus verliehen.

- Die Killcard beschreibt jetzt korrekt, ob euer Charakter exekutiert oder verhört wurde.

- Feuer auf dem Boden (von einem Molotow) fügt dem Spieler jetzt Schaden zu, wenn dieser versucht, das Schließfach zu öffnen,

und unterbricht damit den Aufschließprozess.

- Der Verhöranimation wurde Ton hinzugefügt.

- Einen Fehler behoben, bei dem im Verhör-Modus bei Kampfende keine Musik gespielt wurde.

- 111 MB groß

Release: 13.02.2014 (Version 1.06)

Quelle: gamezone.de | playstation.com


- Patch 1.06 is required to play The Last of Us: Left Behind chapter

- Adds "Left Behind" to the Main Menu

- Adds 10 new Trophies (1 Silver, 9 Bronze) for The Last of Us: Left Behind


- Doubled the rate player movement updates are sent peer-to-peer, reduced latency in game engine to 66ms.

- Increasing the network update rate will increase network traffic on your Internet connection.

Let us know if you are having trouble with your Internet connection after this change and/or if you are

hitting our Lag Detection Check frequently.

- This change is designed to catch situations where a player is lagging significantly and causing severe problems.

- When the Lag Detection Check occurs, your character will be frozen in place and you will see

the Network Trouble icon appear on your screen.

This is to ensure the lagging player cannot gain an advantage during this time.

- All players will have a minimum respawn time of 7 seconds, if their lockbox has spawned.

- A team will not respawn instantly when the whole team is wiped out, if their lockbox has spawned.

- Spawn exclusion zones around the lockboxes have been adjusted across all

maps so defenders don't spawn too close to their own lockbox.

Other fixes

- To improve spawning, reduced time that dead allies affect the downweight on spawn points from 40 seconds to 20 seconds.

- Fixed an issue where a player could get downed by a bomb just as they open a lockbox, and continue opening the lockbox while at 0 health.

- Fixed an issue where a lagging player could continue unlocking the box for some time after being attacked or downed.

- Fixed an issue with the end of match music stinger so it plays when the "You Won" or "You Lost" pop-up appears on screen, before the final scoreboard.

Survivors Mode

- Fixed an issue that prevented the 2x4 to spawn in the center item cache.

Reviving and Bleed-out

- Reduced the speed bonus that a player assisting with the revive gives from 50% to 25%.

- Reviver skill now only applies for the player who started the reviving action.

- Parts for reviving a player are reduced from 100 to 50 after that player has already been revived. Resets to default on player death.

- Supply Raid and Survivors only: Bleed-out time for a player (15 seconds in Supply Raid, 40 seconds in Survivors)

is now reduced by 25% each time that player is revived, up to a maximum 50% off. Resets to default on player daeth.


- Fixed where shooting a player who was in process of a melee attack could result in the melee attacker

aborting the move after the melee victim already registered the hit.

- Now melee attacks will only abort when the attacker is in the wind-up phase of the attack.

 - Fixed “shiv dance”. If you damage a player, that player won't be able to shiv you for the next 3 seconds. 


- Fixed an issue where downed players would make it more likely for teammates to spawn near them.

Supply Boxes

- Fixed an issue where the machete could spawn as a comeback item when the player already has a machete.

- When spawning a comeback item, a molotov will only spawn if the player already has 2 bombs.

If the player already has 2 bombs and 2 molotovs, no comeback item will spawn.

- Fixed Supply Raid and Interrogation where players with 1 execution and only 1 or 2 deaths would get additional crafting ingredients from a supply box

- Fixed exploit where a player could fire off a couple shots before opening a supply box and get extra ammo.

- Players now receive ammo in more precise quantities, so players won't get a box of 5 bullets when they should only get 2 bullets.

- As a result, more ammo boxes will spawn with varying amounts of ammo.

- Slight adjustments were made to the ammo given for certain weapons to keep them consistent with

the current ammo given under the old scheme.

- Fixed an issue where players could lose a comeback item or weapon by being killed after opening a supply box,

but before picking anything up. Now, players will have the same chance of getting that item or

weapon at the next supply box.

- Fixed issue in Survivors where players could get additional items by opening a box, not picking up the items,

then going to another box to open and pick up items, and returning to the first opened box to pick up additional items.

- Fixed issue where player who was Last One Standing would not get any ammo from a supply box.

- Fixed issue where Flamethrower could not be picked up when it spawned as a comeback weapon.

- Re-balanced ammo in comeback weapon spawns to match the amount when purchased:

Shotgun went from 5 to 2. & Assault Rifle from 20 to 10. & El Diablo from 4 to 3.

Maps Changes

- Fixed an issue where two of the supply boxes on Bill's Town would not respawn in Survivors.

- Fixed an issue in Supply Raid and Interrogation where the supply box

behind the Sammy's sign on Bill's Town would respawn while players were still close to the spawn point.

- Fixed an issue in all modes on Checkpoint where the item cache in front of the movie theater

would not respawn under certain conditions.

- Adjusted regions on High School for supply boxes in Elimination (side boxes) to improve the balance and

ensure they respawn at the same rate as the other boxes on the map.

Weapon Balance

- Max ammo for Shorty increased from 6 to 8, due to ammo box spawning changes

Loadout Balance

- Crafter 3 increased from 5 to 6 loadout points.

- Military Sniper purchase weapon decreased from 4 to 3 loadout points.

- Machete purchase weapon decreased from 4 to 3 loadout points.

- Strategist Level 1 decreased from 2 to 1 loadout points.


- Fixed late-joining players receiving extra parts after a host migration occurs.

- Fixed where some player outlines (allies or enemies) would fail to draw when enemies were

marked using Hawk Eye 2 or 3.

Release: 06.05.2014 (Version 1.07)

Quelle: gamezone.de | gamezone.de

- Änderungen im Multiplayer

- Vorbereitungen für den neuen DLC Map Pack


- Grounded Schwierigkeitsgrad zum Singleplayer hinzugefügt

- Ihr wollt eine Herausforderung? Dieser Modus ist für die Härtesten der Hardcore-Gamer.

Super aggressive AI. Gebt euer Bestes oder ihr werdet nicht überleben.


- Unsichtbarkeit & Gefangen-im-schwarzen-Bildschirm Bug

- Spieler, die unsichtbar werden oder in einem schwarzen Bildschirm gefangen sind

(typischerweise wenn sie darauf gewartet haben, neuzustarten), werden aus dem Match gekickt.

- diese Spieler werden nicht den Vorteil eines Clan Days haben oder Clan-Verluste hinnehmen müssen

- Es wurde ein Bug repariert, der Spielern erlaubt hat,

Boxen für zusätzliche Munition und 2x4s auszunutzen.

- Es wurde ein Bug repariert, der dem Spieler, der der Letzte war,

zusätzliche Comeback Items von mehreren Boxen zu bekommen geholfen hat.

- Es wurde ein Bug repariert, der das Spiel manchmal zum abstürzen brachte, wenn jemand erst spät zum Spiel gestoßen ist.

- Es wurde ein Bug repariert, bei dem Spieler gegnerischer Teams, die gleichzeitig gestorben sind, manchmal nah beieinander neu gestartet haben.

- Es wurde ein Bug repariert, bei dem Spieler manchmal,

wenn der Gastgeber während des Intros abgebrochen hat, in einem schwarzen Bildschirm gefangen waren.

- Es wurde ein Bug repariert, der er Spielern erlaubt hat, zu vermeiden,

von einer Rauchbombe getroffen zu werden, wenn sie im Sprung waren.

- Es wurde ein selten auftretender Absturz repariert, der dann bei einem Spieler auftreten konnte,

wenn er bei einem entscheidenden Match als Einziger übrig blieb nachdem alle anderen Spieler abgebrochen haben.

- Es wurde ein Bug repariert, der das Abspielen des Todeslautes VOX beim Sterben verhindert hat.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, welche Spieler davon abhielt, einen Gegner mit der Shiv Klinge zu töten, wenn dieser eine Lockbox geöffnet hat.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, welches Spieler davon abgehalten hat, eine verbesserte 2×4 gegen einen Feind zu benutzen

während dieser mehrmals hintereinander auf den Dreieck-Button gedrückt hat, wenn der Gegner eine Lockbox geöffnet hat.

- Die Anpassung vieler Intro Animationskameras wurde korrigiert

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei welche Spieler eine große Waffe bekommen haben, wenn sie einen Gegner

mit einer Melee Waffe niedergestreckt haben nachdem sie zu einem reinen Pistolen – Loadout gewechselt haben.

- Es wurde ein Bug repariert, bei dem Spieler manchmal keine Munition nach dem Niederstrecken

eines Gegners bekommen haben, wenn sie einen reinen Pistolen – Loadout benutzt haben.

- Es wurde ein Bug repariert, bei dem Spieler eine große Feuerwaffe halten konnten, während sie einen Melee Finisher anwandten.

- Es wurde ein Absturz behoben, der auftauchte, wenn die Spieler sich abmeldeten, wenn sie den in-game Store neu geladen haben.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei welchem VOX nicht nach dem Gewinn des Spiels abgespielt wurde,

wenn eine Runde im Survivor Modus gespielt wurde und dieses durch die Shiv Klinge gewonnen wurde.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei welchem die modifizierte 2×4 Attacke abgebrochen wurde, wenn ein Spieler über einen Gegenstand gesprungen ist.

- Es wurde ein Bug repariert, bei welchem die Shiv Klinge in bestimmten Fällen nicht richtig ausgerichtet war,

so dass es von einer Seite einfacher war als von der anderen, diese zu bekommen.

- Der Militär Sscharfschütze hat eine verringerte Zielhilfe.

- 151 MB groß

Release: 26.08.2014 (Version 1.08)

Quelle: gamezone.de | naughtydog.com

Weapon Balance

- Hunting Rifle scope altered to show headshot hit marker.

- Hunting Rifle scope upgrade level 2 is visually different, like in Single Player.

- Hunting Rifle now does 70 damage instead of 55.

It's still 2 shots to down but Hunting Rifle players can now finish off wounded enemies more easily.

- Reduce aim assist of second level zoom on Hunting Rifle and Military Sniper

Bug fixes

- Fix for buying armor, switching to another loadout while alive, then respawning and losing the armor

- Fix for buying purchaseable weapon, switching to another loadout which has the same purchaseable weapon,

respawning and losing the purchased weapon

- Fix for being able to spawn on a teammate after switching to a loadout with Strategist 3 before having spawned with that loadout

- Fix for being able to buy ammo for purchaseable weapon on the waiting-to-respawn screen without the price going up

- Fix to losing durability on a melee weapon when killing a downed player from more than 1.5 meters away

- Fix to player going into t-pose when in high cover while holding a shiv

- Fix for modded 2x4 not downing a player on slopes in certain cases

- Fix for 2x4 missing player on a slope when doing the horizontal swing animation

- Fix to not being able to shiv a player from behind on a slope unless you were extremely close

- Fix to not being able to shiv a stunned player from the front on a slope

Note: unfortunately this fix introduced a separate bug where in rare cases of a smoke bomb shiv from the front,

the animation of the attacker and victim don't line up properly.

No shiv functionality is affected, this bug is visual only. We are looking into a fix for this.

- Players using Bomb Expert 3 will no longer be stunned by their own smoke bomb while vaulting or falling

 - Hit sound and enemy flinch reaction for bombs and molotovs now only plays when you actually damage your opponent.

The flinch radius was larger than the damage radius on bomb, molotov, and launcher.

- Fix for late-joiner in a game of Survivors getting additional ingredients and parts at the first supply box in every round

- Fix for picking up a modded melee weapon and receiving an extra binding / blade / rag

- Fix for Specter firing sound not playing on University map

- Fix to Last One Standing not kicking in when players quit a match to leave one player on a team

- Fix to Last One Standing items not spawning when player had a supply box open at the moment when

they became Last One Standing, then picked up the items from that box

- Fix to Last One Standing items spawning at multiple supply boxes in Survivors under certain rare conditions

- Fix to 2x4's that weren't picked up sometimes not getting cleaned up when player moves far away from the supply box that spawned it

- Fix for game ending vox occasionally not playing

Supply Box Balance

- Supply boxes now adjust for unbalanced teams.  Being on a team of 3 players against

a team of 4 players is equivalent to being down by 3 lives in Supply Raid or 2 rounds in Survivors.

There is no reduction in items for players who are on the team with more players.

Team Balance

- Improved logic for balancing teams between matches

- Players are rated based on their combined leaderboard KDR values from Supply Raid and Survivors.

- Teams are balanced such that the sums of each team's player ratings are as close as possible.

- This also applies to parties, however when parties are involved the assignments of players are more limited so the team balance may not be as close.

- Note that Interrogation mode also uses the combined KDR values from Supply Raid and Survivors.

In future updates if we have time we'd like to add a unique player rating for each mode.

Release: 30.08.2014 (Version 1.09)

Quelle: gamezone.de | naughtydog.com

New Weapons

- Variable Rifle

- Scoped Semi-Auto

- Scoped Full-Auto

- Scoped Burst Rifle

New Missions

- All new weapons have their own missions

Updated Pre-set Loadouts








- 169 MB groß

Release: 09.12.2014 (Version 1.11)

Quelle: playstationlifestyle.net


- Agility footsteps are now as almost completely silent, like they are on PS3

- Arrows now fly in the correct direction for players observing the firing player

- Impact sounds from arrows are now audible

- Fixed a bug where a player could not send invites

- Fixed a bug that was kicking players who late-joined a game of Survivors

- Shooting a downed player who is using Fortitude 2 now deals the proper amount of damage for all users

- Scavenger 1 now gives the proper amount of ammo to a Variable Rifle user

- Fixed a crash that can occur when spectating your teammates

- Fixed several locations where graphics would drop out on High School and Hometown

- Fixed location where spawning on a teammate could result in getting stuck inside geometry on University and High School

- Fix for Late-Joiners possibly receiving more parts than intended when late-joining a game

- Fix for center supply box on University not spawning a 2×4 when opening in Survivors

- Fixed an issue with players being dropped from the lobby while searching for a matchmaking game

- Fixed a bug for a player be awarded extra stats for defensive downs in Interrogation

- Fixed a bug for a player be awarded extra stats for downing an attacker in Interrogations

Weapon Balance

- Silenced 9mm now costs one loadout point (was two)

- Full Auto Rifle now has a silencer option for two additional loadout points

- Full Auto Rifle upgrades now costs 300 / 600 parts (was 400 / 800)

- Machete now costs two loadout points instead of three

- Machete now gets one additional durability when modded

Part Rewards

- Winning 4-0 in Survivors (Absolute Victory) now gives an additional 1500 parts

- Winning 4-1 in Survivors (Decisive Victory) now gives an additional 500 parts

- Executing an enemy who is on a streak now gives an additional 200 parts.

Players are considered to be on a streak when they have a total of six combined downs +

executions without dying (e.g. downing and executing 3 players).

- Players late-joining into a game with unbalanced teams will receive additional 200 late-join parts for every missing player on their team

Interrogation Spawning

- Added logic to Interrogation spawning so players who are being spawn-camped around their lockbox should spawn further away from it

- Updated Interrogation spawn points to provide more spawning options for players defending their lockbox on the following maps:

Checkpoint, Lakeside, Bill’s Town, University, High School, Downtown, The Dam, Bookstore, Hometown, Bus Depot, Suburbs

Map: TDM/Interrogation Spawning

- Adjusted some TDM/Interrogation spawns on certain maps that were causing players to spawn too far from the action

Map: Bill’s Town

- Removed spawns behind garage

Map: Checkpoint

- Removed spawns in back alley behind Theater building

Map: High School

- Removed most remote spawns in locker rooms

- Removed most remote spawns in back of gymnasium

- Added spawns inside gym closer to front doors

 - Removed most remote spawns in library

- Removed most remote spawns above auto shop

Map: University

- Removed most remote spawns in administration buildings near upper start spawn

- Removed duplicate set of spawns in upstairs sniper perch room above fountain

- Removed most remote spawns in back of science building

- Removed spawns on second floor walkway in science building (behind windows)

Map: Water Tower

- Water Tower item caches (uphill & downhill) have been move to safer locations

Cover Additions

- Added selective cover to certain map locations which needed additional

protection or sightline blocking for balance.

- Checkpoint: low cover added to the ambulance outside the theater

- Lakeside: low cover added next to the shed by the boat facing the gazebo

- Lakeside: low cover added at the back of the building facing the supply box behind the general store

- University: low cover added in both hallways where supply boxes are located

- High School: low cover added behind the school bus facing the supply box outside next to the flagpole

- High School: folded tables next to hallway supply box had the gaps at the bottom covered up; same with the folded table near the library spawn

- Bill’s Town: truck at the bottom of the street had the open door and gaps below the truck blocked

Supply Box Adjustments

- Adjusted supply box locations closest to each team spawn on Water Tower to provide more cover / defensibility

- 272 MB groß

Release: in Arbeit?

Quelle: gamezone.de

-  Alte PS3 Konsolen wie 40GB, 60GB, 80GB haben Probleme

Die Konsole schaltet sich nach wenigen Minuten einfach aus

Test auf playstationfront.de