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Predator Hunting Grounds Patch Details (23)


Release: 24.03.2020 (Version 1.04 Day One)

Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | forum.predator.com


- Fixed an issue where an AI’s weapon would sometimes float in the air after their death


- Parrying the Predator attack with your knife will no longer cause you to automatically switch to your primary weapon

- Reduced amount of stamina required to Parry the Predator

- Fixed an issue where Medical Kits (spawned in the map) were sometimes not interactable

- Fixed an issue where Parrying the Predator would sometimes cause you to be unable to interact with your equipped gear

- Fixed an issue where Fireteam members would sometimes spawn in with an invisible weapon


- 1011-12: Reduced 1011-12 damage

- Grimtech19: Reduced Grimtech19 damage


- The Predator will no longer be able to see or interact with Veritanium drops around the map

- Predator Vision Mode will no longer show players as claimed if they have been reinforced


- Smart Disc: Fixed an issue that could cause the player to have infinite Smart Disc uses

- Net Gun: Fixed an issue that caused performance issues after repeatedly firing the Net Gun


- Increased Fireteam and Guerilla footstep attenuation

- circa 10 GB groß

Release: 26.04.2020 (Version 1.05 Hotfix)

Quelle: play3.de | forum.predator.com


- Problem mit Anpassungselementen, die als neu markiert bleiben, behoben.

- Problem behoben, bei dem die KI bei Spielen mit dediziertem Server nicht auf Schritte oder Schüsse reagierte.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem bestimmte Ziele nicht so gespawnt wurden, wie es für die Spieler notwendig war, um sie zu erreichen.


- Problem mit Kollisionen und Hängenbleiben in einigen Bereichen behoben.

- UI-Probleme bei der Navigation in den Tutorial-Menüs behoben.


- Problem mit der VOIP-Blase des Feuerteams behoben, die in beliebiger Entfernung angezeigt wurde.

- Problem behoben, bei dem die Aufforderung zur Ziel-Isolation nach Ende der Abklingzeit nicht angezeigt wurde.


- Optimierungen für die Warteschlangenzeiten bei der Partnersuche.

Release: 01.05.2020 (Version 1.06)

Quelle: forum.predator.com


- Reduced amount of Veritanium received when obtaining a duplicate item from opening a field locker

- Made some improvements to AI pathing

- Reduced boar health and run speed

- Fixed some issues that were occurring with new item notifications

- Stability improvements regarding loading screens and various gameplay interactions

- Players will now be kicked from the match if they are inactive for over 2 minutes

- Field locker reveal will now wait until objects are fully loaded before appearing


- Reduced amount of Medical Stations and Ammo Crates in each map

- Reduced amount of AI spawned on missions and defense points

- Fixed an issue where the defense timer missions would sometimes display the incorrect countdown timer

- Reduced defense timer countdowns on several missions

- Fixed collision on some trees that were blocking bullets and projectiles in its leaves

- Increased Health of Destructible Branches

- Fixed an issue where map collectibles that were not being awarded correctly

- Fixed an issue where the collectible interact would get stuck on screen

- Fixed an issue where weapon lockers would prevent weapon switching if an empty weapon was replaced in the locker

- Fixed an issue where weapon crates were not showing the correct weapon on the weapon swap widget


- Increased amount of time to wait for reinforcements to spawn after radio has been activated

- Can no longer toggle sprinting while mid jump

- Increased stamina required to parry

- Parrying without enough stamina will now cause you to enter an exhausted state

- Jumping without enough stamina will now cause you to enter an exhausted state

- Large Veritanium pickups are now instantly added to your currency instead of taking up an inventory slot

- Fixed an issue where jumping did not cost any stamina

- Fixed an issue where the Fireteam fall damage was not calculating correctly

- Fixed an issue where Fireteam members were not able to move immediately after being downed

- Fixed an issue where certain XP events would not be calculated during Exfil

- Fixed an issue where Fireteam members would see their ammo as a negative amount

- Added line of sight requirement for downed Fireteam widget to appear


- 2XL: Reduced close range damage

- ABR-Z: Reduced close range damage

- D34-D: Removed impact grenade firing mode

- D34-D: Reduced explosion timer on timed grenades

- RP-103: Fixed an issue where the RP-103 would receive ammo too early in its reload animation

- 7EN: Reduced firing rate

- 7EN: Reduced close range damage


- Reduced the amount of Medical Kits and Ammo Bags you can carry to 2 (down from 3)

- Increased gear weight cost of Medical Kits and Ammo Bags

- Reduced Grenade inner damage radius

- Increased Grenade damage falloff speed

- Fixed an issue where Medical Kits and Ammo Bags would sometimes stick to objects when thrown


- Increased Predator damage resistance to knives

- Reduced the amount of damage that the Predator receives from taking headshot damage

- Leap Slam now causes nearby Fireteam members to experience a blinding effect

- Second Wind now causes nearby Fireteam members to experience a blinding effect

- Increased health gained from feasting on boars

- Boars will now show up during Target Isolation

- Made changes to the visuals of target isolation markers

- Fixed an issue where some of the Predator weapon reticles were incorrect


Hunter/Jungle Hunter ‘87

- Fixed an issue where the Jungle Hunter ‘87 class did not have the same stats as the Hunter class

- Increased damage resistance to all Fireteam firearms other than the shotgun


- Increased damage resistance to all Fireteam firearms other than the shotgun

- Increased Gear weight limit



- Reduced melee swing damage

- Reduced melee swing speed

Net Gun

- Increased firing rate

Net Gun net can no longer be shot out of the air

Plasma Caster

- Increased damage to uncharged plasma caster shots

- Reduced damage at maximum charge to prevent downing a full health Fireteam member

Smart Disc

- Fixed an issue that caused the Smart Disc UI to stay on screen if the Predator is damaged while controlling the Smart Disc

Yautja Bow

- Increased velocity of arrows

- Added ability to hold bow at full charge for an extra 10 seconds before auto release


- Fixed flare sounds not triggering when placing flare during exfil


- Fixed an issue where other player pings would appear higher than they should

- Fixed mission planning screen not waiting for the last person to completely finish loading the level before starting the timer

- Removed the P2P Fallback for players after a long period of time when dedicated servers are available, prevents Predator players from creating P2P lobbies that no one can find

- Fixed an issue where matchmaking would reset your position to the end of the line after waiting

- Fixed an issue so that the Predator queue estimates will be more accurate

Release: 27.05.2020 (Version 1.08)

Quelle: play3.de | play3.de

- bei dem sie während des Level-Aufstiegs eine Reihe von Sprachaufnahmen hören.

- kostenpflichtiges Charakter Paket mit Major Alan “Dutch” Schaefer kann erworben werden

Auch der frühzeitigen Zugang für QR5 Hammerhead Gewehr und das Messer von Dutch enthalten

Release: 03.06.2020 (Version 1.09)

Quelle: play3.de


- Erhöhte Abwurfraten bei seltenen, exotischen und mythischen Gegenständen

- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Spielerkarte nicht sofort visuell die Belohnung widerspiegelte, die bei Herausforderungen eingelöst wurde.

- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Perk-Beschreibung auch nach Auswahl von „keine“ im Auslademenü erhalten blieb

- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem der Text „Keine Herausforderungen aktiv“ hinter gelösten Herausforderungen angezeigt wurde.


- Weitere Glyphenvariationen zum Minispiel „Selbstzerstörung – Defusal“ hinzugefügt

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, der dazu führte, dass der dritte Ausrüstungseinschub nicht bestückt wurde, wenn man gleichzeitig die Feldsyrette, die medizinische Ausrüstung und den Munitionssack bestückte.

- Ein Problem wurde behoben, bei dem die Gesichtsbehaarung von Dutch nach der Beanspruchung durch den Predator zurückblieb.

- Fehler behoben, durch den die Animation beim gleichzeitigen Springen und ADSing nicht wie beabsichtigt funktionierte

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem das Ausrüsten der ballistischen Maske das Gesicht des Feuerteam-Mitglieds beim Neustart des Clients entfernen konnte.

- Fehler behoben, der dazu führte, dass die Karte während des Zuschauens nicht aktualisiert wurde


- Fehler behoben, der es dem Predator ermöglichte, zwei Sprungschläge nacheinander auszuführen

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem die Animation für Stealth-Kills nicht wie beabsichtigt funktionierte, wenn das Ziel neu geladen wird.

- Fehler behoben, der dazu führte, dass das Waffenrad fortbestand, wenn es während des Nahkampfes geöffnet wurde


- Hand Held Plasma Caster: größerer Schadensausstoß

Release: 12.06.2020 (Version 1.10)

Quelle: play3.de | play3.de

- Nun auch für alle Spieler der Zugang vom QR5 Hammerhead Gewehr und das Messer von Dutch

- Erhöhung des maximalen Charakter-Levels auf 150. Versüßt werden soll euch die Jagd nach dem neuen Level-Cap durch exklusive Extras, die auf dem Weg zu Stufe 150 freigeschaltet werden.

- Darüber hinaus gibt es viele Farbtöne, Skins und Shader, die dem Anpassungsmenü hinzugefügt werden, sobald sie in Waffenkoffern gefunden und freigeschaltet wurden.

Release: 12.06.2020 (Version 1.11)

Quelle: play3.de

- Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den bestimmte Waffen-Skins dazu führten, dass das ausgerüstete Loadout auf die Standardeinstellungen zurückgesetzt wurde

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, durch das die Charaktere im Hauptmenü manchmal nicht angezeigt wurden

- Es wurde ein Absturz behoben, der im Anpassungsmenü auftreten konnte

Release: 30.06.2020

Quelle: play3.de | play3.de

- Kostenpflichtiger DLC 2 kann ab sofort erworben werden

Nun kann der Samurai-Predator erworben werden

- Neue Karten werden kostenlos hinzugefügt

Release: 28.08.2020

Quelle: play3.de

- Cross Play hat das Spiel bereit aber das wurde laut Quelle hinzugefügt

Ich denke es ist gemeint das man nun auch im Spiel andere Platformen einladen kann also innerhalb einer Gruppe mit PS4 und PC gespielt werden kann

- Neue kostenlose Waffen "OWLF-Sturmgewehr" werden hinzugefügt

- Auch weitere kostenlose Items "Anti-Cloaking-Granate, der "UAV-Scanner" und eine "Selbstwiederbelebungs-Spritze" können nun als Ausrüstung gewählt werden

Release: 29.09.2020 (Version 2.05)

Quelle: play3.de | play3.de | forum.predator.com | play3.de

- Neue Karten "Excavation" wurde kostenlos hinzugefügt

- Neuer Spielmodus "Clash" wurde kostenlos hinzugefügt


-Increased loadouts from 6 to 12

- Fixed melee weapon icons being stretched in some cases.

- Fixed an issue where inputs may sometimes not work properly in the weapon customization screen

- Boars spawns now prioritize being closer to the Predator

- Fixed an issue where the D-pad would become unresponsive when hovering over private match or tutorial and making a party

- Improved d-pad icons for better readability

- Added audio stinger for when connecting to a match

- Crossplay accounts can now invite friends when on the “waiting for players” screen

- Fixed a bug where server blades in the Bug in the System mission could be destroyed without breaking the server door first

- Fixed various bugs with mission interactables and environmental damage sources

- Fixed collision issues with the medical building sunroof in Backwater

- Fixed multiple exploitive locations, stuck spots, and locations prone to unintentional clipping, throughout all maps

- Fixed a bug that would cause the game to sometimes crash


- Fixed an issue where the player could be claimed while standing up from a self revive

- Fixed first person animations not always playing when zoomed in with a scope

- Fixed FT melee icons being shrunken down on customization screens

- Fixed an issue where the Fireteam would sometimes not have a backpack

- Increased amount healed from Medical Kits that appear throughout the map

- Fixed up inconsistency with impact sounds for the local player


- Fixed weapon stat calculations on customization screen

- 2XL: Reduced damage

- AR-W: Increased ammo resupply from guerrilla ammo drops

- QR-4: Increased extended magazine ammo capacity


- Kills that occur from self destructing will now count properly as kills and give rewards

- Predator will now hold their primary weapon in customization screens with different idle animations

- Cloaked Predators now have reduced visibility when viewed from a longer distance

- Fixed an issue where weapon selection hotkeys not working for Predator when using KBM

- Fixed an issue where the Fireteam head not always disappearing in long claim cinematics

- Fixed an issue where Predator rotation getting wonky in customization screens

- Adjusted medical building (Backwater) sunroof button so Predator can use it

- Adjusted predkour trees to improve branch connections and mounting from the ground, throughout all maps

- Fixed an issue where Predator melee weapons would sometimes not hit world objects (such as health packs)

- Improved Predator melee lock in


Smart Disc

- Tints now apply to controlled smart disc, not just the one you’re holding

- Increased base flight speed.

- Increased boost flight speed.

- Increased boost duration.

- Reduced return speed.

War Club

- Increased damage of the second hit in the combo

Plasma Caster

- Increased AoE radius

Alpha Sickle

- Increased damage


- Fixed an issue where armed bear traps would sometimes appear as disarmed


- Observant: Reduced cost.

- Fast Hands: Reduced cost.

- Medic: Increased cost.



- Increased resistance to fireteam melee attacks

- Increased melee damage

- Reduced stamina regen rate while melee attacking

- Increased stamina regen rate

- Increased stamina


- Increased Energy.

- Increased predkour speed.

- Increased stamina regen rate while melee attacking.

Alpha Predator

- Reduced energy.

- Reduced health.

- Increased stamina.

- Increased melee damage.

- Increased perk points.

- Increased speed.


- Increased perk points.

- Increased predkour speed.

- Increased energy.

- Reduced stamina.

- Increased health.

- Reduced melee damage.


- Reduced resistance to fireteam melee attacks.

- Reduced stamina regen rate while melee attacking.

- Increased stamina.

- Increased melee damage.

- Increased stamina regen rate.

City Hunter

- Reduced perk points

Release: 28.10.2020

Quelle: play3.de | play3.de

- Kostenpflichtiger DLC 6 "Predator-Klasse" kann ab sofort erworben werden

Dabei handelt es sich um den Wikinger-Predator, der durch seine physische Stärke überzeugt

Er verfügt über mehr Kraft als der Berserker, ist dafür aber deutlich langsamer.

Ab Dezember lässt sie sich die neue Klasee auch im Spiel freischalten.

- Unter anderem gibt es nun in den Spielmodi „Jagd“ oder „Konflikt“ ein neues Schnellspiel-Menü.

- Bei den Klassen Sturmsoldat, Unterstützer, Späher und Aufklärer wurden zahlreiche neue Bonusvorteile eingeführt.

Zum Beispiel kann der Sturmsoldat durch den Perk „Tödlich“ seinen Sturmgewehr-Schaden um 15 Prozent erhöhen.


- Auch beim Waffen-Balancing gab es Änderungen. In „Konflikt“ machen Schrotflinten und Granatwerfer nun deutlich mehr Schaden.

- Granaten sind sogar bis zu 400 Mal stärker als sonst.

Release: 16.02.2021 (Version 2.14)

Quelle: play3.de | forum.predator.com

Paid DLC

- New playable Predator: Valkyrie

- Early Access to the new Predator weapon:  Norse Hammer


- Fixed an issue where the host would always be chosen as predator in private matches when everyone selects the team “?”

- Added an option to disable the HUD while in game via the options menu (Video)

- Fixed an exploit spot in Overgrowth

- Reduced amount of the dead AI bodies that persist on the map (dependant on quality settings and platform)

Release: 29.06.2021

Quelle: play3.de

- kostenpflichtiger DLC 9: Sniper: "Isabelle"

- Neue Karte: Hauptquartier wurde kostenlos hinzugefügt

Release: 31.08.2021 (Version 2.25)

Quelle: forum.predator.com

Paid DLC

- New playable Predator: Cleopatra

- Early Access to the new Predator weapon Skin Ancient Disc

Free Update

- Fireteam bots are now available in Hunt!

- Support role throwing ammo and health packs.

- Revive downed players

- Players have the ability to take over Fireteam bots if killed.

- New Collectibles: Isabelle Tapes (Unlock at level 1, 10, 20, 40)

- NRV-E (Sniper Rifle) is now available at Level 100

- Added Platinum & Golden Armor Styles for the Elder Predator, Jungle Hunter 87 and Alpha Predator

- Added PS and Epic exclusive tints for Valkyrie


- Fixed an exploit spot on Headquarters map.

- Fixed several collision issues in the Headquarter map.

- Updated audio for the Headquarters map.

- Fixed cosmetics not displaying correctly when being granted from a field locker.

- Guerrilla Mercenaries will now use Flashbang grenades.

- Several cosmetics issues have been fixed.


- Fixed a stamina issue for Host on private Clash matches.

- Fixed floating spawns and added additional respawn points in Headquarters clash map.

- Fixed missing audio for the Airstrip map.


- Fixed an issue where Fireteam members continue to go through the muddy up animation even after cancelling the interaction

- Fixed an issue where Isabelle head would not appear incorrectly in big head mode.

- Fixed an issue with Comms specialization not behaving as intended.


- Fixed an issue with the Requiem and Paroxysm armor styles for the Hunter Predator that caused the armor styles to be level locked instead of purchasable.

Release: 28.10.2021 (Version 2.28)

Quelle: forum.predator.com

Free Update

- Max level has now been increased to level 999

- Players will now receive a predator trophy every 50 levels post level 100.

- Players who are already level 150 will already have trophies unlocked retroactively.

- Night map variants are now available!

- The Fireteam must now navigate through dark jungles and light filled camps to complete their missions. To help visibility in the night maps, the Fireteam will be able to toggle Night Vision when needed.

The Predator can now use the cover of darkness to stalk their prey, so make sure you don’t get your biomask knocked off by the Fireteam.

- Three new obtainable Predator Masks




- The Obsidian shader is now available for the Battle Axe and Norse Hammer

- Ancient Disc is now available at level 27


- Added Audio feedback when picking Veritanium

- Items on the weapon wheel will now display as a different color when unselectable

- Improved overall input sensitivity for held inputs

- Improved UI in mission briefing lobby

- Grenade icons no longer appear on the mini-map for both Predator and Fireteam

- Fixed several localization issues on Airstrip

- Fixed an issue where a UI element was not visible, using low graphics settings, when selecting to play as Fireteam or Predator

- Fixed an issue where the amount of remaining field lockers was not displaying correctly

- Fixed an issue where your current loadout would incorrectly display your previous loadout setup

- Fixed an issue where an error message was not displaying when sending invites from a crossplay linked account to a non-crossplay linked lobby or party

- Fixed an issue where push to talk, when bound to the mouse buttons, would not function correctly in lobbies

- Fixed an issue in the mission “Smooth Talk” where an objective could be completed through a wall

- Fixed an issue where Guerrilla Mercenaries were not being cleaned up properly after being killed


- The U.A.V Scanner now has an idle noise when being held in a Fireteam member’s hand

- Made several improvements to Search Area missions for better player clarity

- Improved UI to primary objective markers for better player clarity

- Fireteam gear will now display larger icons on the mini-map

- Spotting the Smart Disc as the Fireteam will now display the proper icon

- Added a maximum range to the “Kill” marker that appears when a guerilla NPC goes to pull the alarm

- Fixed an issue that would reset the “Waiting for Player” countdown when a player would join a lobby and replace a friendly bot

- Fixed an issue where looking at the countdown timer of an objective,while ADSing, would result in a graphical error

- Fixed an issue where the Isabelle Steam Exclusive Skin was not displaying properly

- Fixed several audio issues where long claiming Female Fireteam members would result in an incorrect VO

- Fixed an issue where two voices would play when long claiming Dante

- Fixed an issue where the burning sound would never go away after dying by fire in a Clash match

- Fixed several Zeus VO issues in Headquarters

- Fixed issue where Dutch’s hair would sometimes disappear

- Fixed an issue where the exfil ropes would not appear for client-sided Fireteam members

- Fixed an issue where a Fireteam member may not spawn in the correct location if the player joined the lobby right before the game starts

- Fixed several Veritanium spawn locations that the Fireteam was unable to interact with

- Fixed an issue where the Poncho face paint would not appear properly when obtained from a field locker

- Fixed an issue where UI elements would overlap when picking up O.W.L.F. collectables and Veritanium

- Fixed an issue where “Inside the Search Area” displayed when Fireteam members were not inside the search area

Fireteam Bots

- “Classic Hunt Without Fireteam Bots” Game Mode added to custom Private Matches

- Fireteam Bots will now chase after the Predator if the Predator is the only player in the match

- Fireteam Bots will now move out of the player’s way when the player is too close

- Fireteam Bots will now attempt to avoid or move away from activated explosives

- Fireteam Bots will now use their gear more frequently

- Fireteam Bots will now teleport to a player if they get too far away

- Fireteam Bots are now better at reviving downed Fireteam members

- Fixed an issue where Fireteam Bots would not mud up correctly

- Fixed an issue where Fireteam Bots remained perpetually on fire under certain conditions

- Fixed an issue where reinforcing a Fireteam Bot would result in that bot having double the speed

- Fixed an issue where, in private match lobbies, bots would be placed into a waiting for player slot even when an actual player was present

- Fixed an issue where Fireteam Bots did not display correctly in the Mission Planning Screen


- S-R3D: Added SFX for the S-R3D reloading


- The Predator is now able to cancel the boar eating animation

- Made several improvements to Predator melee combat

- Adjusted UI location for Predator HP

- Added a hit indicator for the Predator when damaging Fireteam supplies

- Added several visual improvements to the Predator stamina bar

- Improved Mission Planning Screen when a Predator Player is joining a lobby

- Fixed an issue that prevented the Predator from equipping the City Hunter Rebreather Mask

- If the issue persists after patching, try deleting your save data to resolve the problem

- Fixed an issue where the war paint selection menu was available while equipping the City Hunter Rebreather Mask

- Fixed an issue where mask shaders were not displayed in the same location across all masks

- Fixed an issued with war paints not aligning correctly with the Prophet Predator Mask

- Fixed an issue where the Eclipse and Journeyman Mask were applying War Paint incorrectly

- Fixed an issue where the Mr. Black Mask did not have the Olive Shader

- Fixed several Predator Skins not showing up correctly when obtained from a field locker

- Fixed an issue with the Predator hitmarker not displaying correctly when destroying Fireteam gear


Smart Disc

- Fixed an issue where the Ancient Disc would not properly return control to the Predator Player under certain conditions

Handheld Plasma Pistol

- Added SFX for the Handheld Plasma Pistol reloading


- Rebalanced several aspects of the Battleaxe

Norse Hammer

- Rebalanced several aspects Norse Hammer



- Increased run speed


Spectral Awareness

- Text is now properly situated in the Perk box.

Release: 29.10.2021 (Version 2.29)

Quelle: updatecrazy.com | forum.predator.com


Overgrowth (Day) and Headquarters (Day/Night) are now back in the map rotation

Fixed an issue where the optional objectives were not spawning in properly in Night Mode maps

Players may still encounter this issue on Derailed

Fixed an issue where certain guerilla AI were doing too much damage

Fixed an issue where the lighting was too bright during the Excavation map infil cinematics

Fixed an issue where players in the lobby would sometimes see an empty “Waiting” player card instead of Bots/other users.

Fixed an issue where the lobby countdown timer was not working properly when a user would join


Fireteam Bots

Fixed an issue when Fireteam Bots replaced a disconnected party member, the Fireteam Bot would be invisible



Fixed an issue where the Sunburst (Skull Cleaver) shader was not displaying properly



Fixed an issue where the Predator’s cloak was not working properly

Fixed an issue where the City Hunter (‘97) mask was defaulting to the wrong color


Smart Disc

- Made improvements to the feedback when collecting the Smart Disc

Plasma Caster

- Made improvements to the feedback when firing the Plasma Caster

- 6,844 GB groß

Release: 16.12.2021 (Version 2.32)

Quelle: play3.de

- kostenpflichtiger DLC: Jagdgesellschaft

Kostenslose Inhalte

- Neuer spielbarer Predator: Captured

- Neues spielbares Raubtier: Falconer

- Neues spielbares Raubtier: Mr. Black

Enthält die freischaltbare „Mr. Black“-Predatormaske

- Darin ist die Haken-Waffe des verbannten Predators aus dem vergangenen Oktober enthalten.

- Hinzukommen Narben für Predator-Masken.

- 4,850 GB groß

Release: 17.12.2021 (Version 2.33)

Quelle: updatecrazy.com | wocco.de

- Addressed a bug where some players were crashing when Exiled Predator was set to their default loadout.

- Addressed a bug where users could not access Hunting Party DLC on Steam.

- Added performance and stability fixes.

- Other minor fixes.

- 602,0 MB groß

Release: 21.12.2021 (Version 2.34)

Quelle: updatecrazy.com | wocco.de

- Crossplay is now re-enabled for Steam users

- Backwater (Day/Night) is temporarily unavailable in quickplay.

- Added general stability fixes.

- Other minor under the hood fixes.

- 231,0 MB groß

Release: 04.03.2022 (Version 2.36)

Quelle: play3.de | psu.com

- kostenpflichtiger DLC: New Playable Predator "Wolf"

- Beispielsweise werden die vereinzelten Clipping-Fehler der Vergangenheit angehören, die bei der Nutzung des Plasma-Casters auftreten konnten.

- Darüber hinaus wurden kleinere Balancing-Anpassungen an ausgewählten Waffen vorgenommen.

- New Fireteam mask “Nolan” is now available at Level 250


- Various Crash Fixes

- Backwater (Night Variant) has been reenabled and will once again show up in the map rotation

- Fixed an issue on the Excavation Mission “Compromise of Safety” where objective markers were appearing at the wrong time/out of order



- Fixed an issue with Dante’s death cry not playing during Long Claim cinematics

- Last Man Standing now properly plays a sound when activated



- Fixed an issue where the “Scars” customization option was not working properly with the Captured mask

- Fixed an issue where the Falconer Predator’s Plasma Caster would clip through the shoulder

- Fixed an issue where Mr. Black’s predlocks were behaving erratically in the Customization menu

- Fixed an issue where Exiled Predator Armor Styles “Requiem” and “Nova” were using the same swatch

- Fixed an issue where the Steam exclusive Exiled Armor skin was displaying the incorrect pattern

- Fixed an issue where the Falconer Predator and Mr. Black’s predlocks were not displaying properly

- Fixed an issue that allowed the Predator to equip the War Club variant Hook while in Predkour


- Hand Held Plasma Caster

- Increased Base Damage

- Increase Splash Damage

- Increased Magazine Size

- 1,243 GB groß

Release: 15.03.2022 (Version 2.37)

Quelle: play3.de

- Geboten werden diverse neue Kriegsbemalungen.


- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem EGS-Benutzer nicht auf Wolf Predator zugreifen konnten.


- Handgelenk-Klingen: Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem die Wolf Predator Wrist Blades nicht wie beabsichtigt funktionierten.

- 228,2 MB groß

Release: 15.03.2022 (Version 2.39)

Quelle: forum.predator.com | mp1st.com

Paid DLC

- New Playable Predator - Emissary

Free Content

- New unlockable Predlocks - Tank (Level 500)

- New unlockable Predator Skin patterns - Aurora (Level 500)

- New unlockable ‘Dutch’s Knife’ shaders

- Green Viper (Level 155)

- Damascus Steel (Level 160)

- Shard (Level 165)

- Sunburst (Level 170)

- Violet (Level 175)

- New ‘Exiled Predator’ Predlocks Tint


- Backwater (Day Variant) has been reenabled and will once again show up in the map rotation

- Fixed an issue where certain cinematics were too dark in several maps

- Fixed an issue on Headquarters where a certain ammo crate could not be interactable


- Fixed an issue with the Wolf Predator mask appearing too dark in certain locations

- Fixed an issue where the Wolf Predator’s skin pattern shaders would display incorrectly when previewing in the customization menu

- Fixed an issue where the Falconer Predator’s face was not displaying the intended pattern

- Fixed an issue where the Exiled Predator’s Platinum and Steam exclusive armor had the same swatch in the customization menu


Wrist Launcher

- Lowered gear cost from 2 to 1

- Reduced total ammo from 10 to 8

- 363,1 MB groß

Release: 28.06.2022 (Version 2.40)

Quelle: forum.predator.com | mp1st.com

Free Content

- New Predator mask “Tank” is now available at Level 87


- Fixed various issues where certain items may be displayed incorrectly when opening Field Lockers

- Fixed various collision issues on the Headquarters map


- Fixed an issue where the Nolan mask was not positioned correctly on several Fireteam classes


- Reduced the requirements for the Tank Predlocks to Level 150

- Improved the Wolf Predator model to be more accurate

- Emissary Predator description is now localized in Portuguese, Arabian, Russian, and Traditional Chinese

- Fixed an issue with Mr Black’s Predlocks not behaving properly in the customization menu

- Fixed an issue where claimed skulls may sometimes overlap over the Predator’s trophies

- Fixed an issue where trophies were not positioned correctly on the Mr. Black Predator

- Fixed an issue where trophies were not positioned correctly on the Emissary Predator

- Fixed an issue where a part of the Eclipse mask was clipping into the Cleopatra Predator’s face

- Fixed an issue where the vision mode activation and deactivation effect was not displaying properly on the City Hunter Predator’s mask


Battle Axe

- Fixed an issue where Battle Axe was not properly held by the Predator

Plasma Caster

- Fixed an issue where the Plasma Caster would not reflect the shader changes when customizing the Emissary Predator armor styles

- 261,5 MB groß

Release: 23.08.2022 (Version 2.42)

Quelle: forum.predator.com

Paid DLC

- New Playable Predator: Bionic

Free Content

- New Predator mask “Bone” is now available

Available at level 1

Nearly all the available tints are also unlocked by default

- 371,5 MB groß

Release: 22.11.2022 (Version 2.45)

Quelle: forum.predator.com

- Fixed an issue where the Amazon Predator and Pirate Predator were missing their specializations

- Fixed an issue where the Amazon Predator and Pirate Predator would not redirect players to the store page when trying to make the purchase from in game

Amazon Predator

- An incredibly prolific hunter first observed operating deep in the jungles of Brazil. She’s notable for her number of confirmed non-human kills, indicating she has either a resolute hunting code or is easily bored.

Pirate Predator

- A rare, perhaps unique, Predator, she eschews the protection of the jungle for the challenge of the open sea. A scourge of great ocean hunters, she’s inspired more than one seafarer’s tale of monsters from the deep.

- 429,3 MB groß

Release: 15.12.2022 (Version 2.47 -> 2.48)

Quelle: forum.predator.com | hotfix=twitter.com

- A hotfix just released for Predator: Hunting Grounds which fixes localization for Hunting Party Pack 3

Paid DLC

- New Playable Predator: Celtic

- New Playable Predator: Chopper

- New Playable Predator: Scar

- 346,7 MB groß

Release: 27.01.2023 (Version 2.49)

Quelle: forum.predator.com

- Fixed an issue where certain Predators did not have their specializations working properly

- Fixed an issue where the Scar Predator was not displaying the correct head model

- Fixed an issue where the Scar Predator skin tints were not displaying properly.

- 252,6 MB groß