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Call of Duty Modern Warfare Update Details (50+X)


Release: 20.10.2019 (Version ->

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Abstürze auf Xbox One und PC.

- Chat zwischen PC und Konsolen nicht möglich.

- Spielern war es möglich ihr Eingabegerät während des Spiels zu ändern. Dieses Problem wurde bereits während der Beta per Hotfix behoben.

- Recon-Drohnen-Interface wird nach Benutzung weiterhin im HUD angezeigt.

- Fehlerhafter Juggernaut-Anzug-Spawn bei Öffnung der Kiste sowie verbleiben der Maske auf dem Bildschirm nach dem Tod des Spielers und anschließendem Respawn.

- Ground War: In einigen Fällen wurden Spieler beim spawnen unter die Map bugsiert, was ihnen ermöglichte von dort Spieler zu eliminieren.

Spielern desselben Teams war es dadurch möglich ebenfalls unter der Karte zu spawnen.

- Das Spawnen bei Mitstreitern sowie in Fahrzeugen wird untersucht.

- Spielern war es teilweise nicht möglich zwischen Geländern, Gittern oder Pfosten durchzuschießen.

- Screen Tearing bei Charakter- und Waffenmodellen auf der Xbox One.

- Das Schießen des VTOL Jets durch Dächer verschiedener Gebäude.

- Sound der schallgedämpften M13 derselbe wie ohne Schalldämpfer.

- FOV Slider Einstellungen setzten sich beim Laden der Map zurück. Wurde bereits behoben.

- Türen öffneten oder schlossen sich nicht wie vorgesehen. In manchen Fällen war es Spielern möglich durch Türen hindurch zu sehen.

- Cyber Attack: Keine Möglichkeit die Bombe zu legen. Nach Wiederbelebung unmöglich eine Waffe aufzuheben.

- Verschiedene Audio-Bugs durch welche ausschließlich Fahrzeug-, Waffen- oder gar kein Sound zu hören war.

- Xbox Nutzer: Wir wissen von einem Fehler bei Einladungen oder Beitritten aus dem Xbox Dashboard. Während wir dies untersuchen könnt ihr im Spiel Freunde einladen oder ihnen beitreten.

- Nach einem Match in einer Party bleiben: Nach Abschluss eines Matches als Party, war es für einige Spieler unmöglich ein neues Match zu finden und sie saßenin der Spielersuche-Lobby fest.

Bis wir einen Fix bereitstellen können, ist es am besten, wenn Spieler die Party auflösen und danach eine neue Party starten.

- Spawning und Visuals: Das Spawning ist auf einigen Maps unbeständig. Danke, dass ihr eure Videos und euer Feedback mit uns geteilt habt.

Wir werden das Spawn System weiter beobachten und werden euch Bescheid geben, falls wir Änderungen bereitstellen.

 Außerdem werden wir die Belichtung einiger Bereiche der Map untersuchen, zum Beispiel wie dunkle Räume von außerhalb des Gebäudes aussehen und umgekehrt.

- Voice Chat: Der Voice Chat ist unbeständig, wenn Spieler anderer Plattformen beitreten. Dieses Problem wird untersucht.

Release: 24.10.2019 (Version ->

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- Nachtkarten werden erst einmal deaktiviert


- Screen tearing on character and weapon models on Xbox

- Impact damage of lethals/tacticals and the ammo box were causing instant kills

- Adjustments to the descriptions in Gunsmith

- Fix for a bug where the wrong input would be shown for players in a party

- Fix for a bug where a door could open in the opposite direction of the player’s movement

- Footsteps: Footstep tuning of volume fall off distance, mixing volume and occlusion settings

- Placing Deployable Cover on stairs could prevent teammates from being able to mantle or crouch under, blocking paths

- Various audio tuning and fixes for executions and weapons

- Players were able to spam the crouch button while moving creating a ‘snaking’ effect.

Spawning in Core Multiplayer:

- Fixed edge case scenarios with spawning on enemies

- Adjusted spawn logic to improve spawn quality. We’ve also added more spawns to increase your options.

We will continue to improve this map by map post-launch

Ground War:

- Added more fallback spawns to FOBs if the flag has too many enemies

- Improved safety checking for spawning on Squadmates (is still dangerous, but the UI will notify you of this!)

- Added spawning on Squadmates while in vehicles

- Neutral tanks and helicopters now show up in the Spawn Selection screen

- Helicopters now have flares to help manage incoming missiles

- If all flags are captured by one team, you’ll go into Defcon to win so protect those flags!

- Fix for an exploit that was allowing players (and therefore teammates) to spawn under the map


- Brightened characters in dark areas across many maps

Low Health Visuals:

- Now brightens up in the middle of the screen instead of darkening

Weapon Balance:

- In general, weapons received a lot of love since the Beta. Most notably shotguns and pistols.


- Enemy claymores now have larger, visible lasers

- Reviving a teammate near a friendly claymore could cause the claymore to explode, resulting in a suicide


- Now on by default across core multiplayer and Ground War. Enemy firing does not show up on the mini-map unless a team UAV is active

- Map zoom is pulled out a bit to help with player awareness


- VTOL Jet adjusted to not target players though rooftops

- Fix for the Juggernaut Suit not spawning out of a crate. Another fix was deployed to prevent the mask from staying on the player after you have died as the Juggernaut and respawned

- After using the Cruise Missile, player character models were sometimes stuck in a lean after using the streak

Munitions Box:

- Activated by using a prompt instead of proximity

- Reduced the explosion radius of the box

Trophy System:

- Applied the Snapshot effect to the owner of any Snapshot grenades

Recon Drone:

- All players in vehicles are now markable 

- 68,93 GB groß

Release: 25.10.2019 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Spielmodus: Bodenangriff (Ground War) [32 versus 32] wurde freigeschaltet

- Spielmodus: Frei Für Alle (Free for All) [Deathmatch] wurde hinzugefügt

- Backend-Korrekturen, um Abstürze auf allen Plattformen zu vermeiden. Wenn es zu einem Absturz kommt, teilt es den Entwicklern mit.

- Behebung eines Fehlers, bei dem Spieler mehr Punkte verdienen konnten, wenn sie auf bestimmte Fahrzeuge schossen, während Pointman ausgerüstet war.

- Verbessertes ADS bei der Verwendung von Waffen ohne Zielfernrohr auf der Xbox.

- In einigen Fällen konnten Spieler die Highway-Mission aufgrund eines Exfil-Fehlers nicht abschließen.

- Fix für die „Best of the Best“-Herausforderung, bei der der Fortschritt nicht verfolgt wurde.

- Korrektur für die „Elite Sniper“-Herausforderung, bei der die Beschreibung nicht korrekt angezeigt wurde.

- Fix für verschiedene Camos, die während des Fortschritts nicht freigeschaltet wurden.

- Korrektur der Freischaltkriterien für das „Double Cross“-Fadenkreuz.

- Korrektur der Beschreibung und der Anforderungen, die zum Entsperren einiger Optikfernrohre in Gunsmith erforderlich sind.

- Behebung eines Exploits in Gunsmith bei Verwendung von Maus und Tastatur.

- 1,92 GB groß

Release: 28.10.2019 (Version

Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de || play3.de | gamezone.de

- Es wurde am Backend gearbeitet, um die Stabilität zu verbessern und Abstürze auf allen Plattformen zu verhindern.

Wenn es dennoch zu einem Absturz kommt, sollt ihr es den Entwicklern mitteilen.

- Fix für ein Special Ops Achievement, das nach Abschluss aller Missionen nicht freigeschaltet wurde

- Third-Person-Schritte sind jetzt leise, während das „Dead Silence Field Upgrade“ aktiv ist

- Hardpoint: Anpassungen an den Hügel-Rotationen und Standorten auf Arklov Peak, Azhir Cave, Hackney Yard, Rammaza und St. Petrograd

- 3,02 GB groß

Release: 02.11.2019 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | realism=xboxdynasty.de

- Nachtkarten werden wieder aktiviert, Spieleliste Nachtsichgerät wieder verfügbar

- weitere Spieleliste ist verfügbar: Abschuss bestätigt

- Fehler mit den Waffenanhängern behoben wurde. Hier beeinträchtigte ein angelegter Anhänger das Streuverhalten beim Feuern aus der Hüfte.

- Spieleliste "Realimus" wurde deaktiviert

-  2,47 GB groß

Release: 08.11.2019 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de || gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamezone.de

- Neue Karte "Shoot House" für Schnelles Spiel

- Neue Karte "Krovnik Farmland" für Bodenkrieg-Spieleliste

- Neue Spieleliste "Stellung" in Schnelles Spiel verfügbar

- FOOTSTEPS: We’ve increased the occlusion percentage to filter footstep sounds behind geometry and adjusted the footstep volume at a distance.

Claymores werden überarbeitet

 - Auch wurde der Auslöser und Schadensradius reduziert sowie die Schadensbreite, um die Abzugsbreite besser anzupassen.

- So stirbt man nicht mehr, wenn man die Claymore mit einer Kugel zerstört und dabei volle Gesundheit hat.

Waffen Balancing

- RIOT SHIELD: Fixed an issue where the throwing knife and Thermite weren’t causing the shield to go on the player’s back when thrown.

We’ve also fixed the issue where explosive splash damage wasn’t working consistently.

- 725 Shotgun: Increase to ADS and Hip Spread, reduced damage range

- M4A1 Assault Rifle: Reduced damage range, small recoil increase

- Assault Rifles: Increased hip spread to reduce effectiveness up close, less damage at long range for full auto 5.56 rifles

- SMGs: Increased move speed, increased ADS move speed, small reduction in sprint out time

- UZI SMG: Increased damage range

- MG34 LMG: Increased hip spread, damage range reduction, small ADS slow down

- M91 LMG: Increased hip spread, small damage range reduction

- PKM: Increased hip spread, medium damage range reduction

- Pistols: Increased move speed, reduced sprint out time, increased damage range

- Crouch and Prone no longer adjust recoil

Gameplay Changes

- MOUNTING: Slight increase to recoil while mounting.

- PERKS: E.O.D. now clamps damage to a non-lethal amount, assuming the player is at full health

- LIGHTING: Continued updates to player visibility in dark windows and dark areas.


- Backend fixes to prevent crashes and improve stability across all platforms, include dev errors, and various performance fixes.

- Fix for a few bugs where some streaks and Field Upgrades were able to be flown out of bounds without penalty. General out of bound fixes were also added.

- Fix for a bug where a player being killed by an enemy with a Variable Zoom Scope would not see the zoom function in the killcam

- Fix for the Semtex warning audio being heard at the same volume whether in a building or outside

- In Headquarters, players were able to place a Tac Insert and respawn when their team owned the point. This has been fixed.

- Fix for various collision issues across maps

- Added UI that shows when XP events are active in playlists menus

- Sprint and Tactical Sprint speeds are now back to speeds in Beta

- Fix for a bug where the progress of the bomb defusal can be seen by the team that planted the bomb

- Fix for a bug that revealed players to UAVs when they fired their weapons, even if they had Ghost and a silencer equipped

- Fixed an issue where if multiple Personal Radars were active on a team, and are both marking the same enemy, only one player would see the enemy on their minimap.


- Fix for a bug where the Infiltrator challenge was not tracking properly

- Fix for launchers not giving XP when shooting down killstreaks

- Fix for a bug where planting or defusing 5 bombs in Cyber Attack or SnD was not tracking properly

- Camo challenge for “Kills After a Reload” didn’t give the player enough time to acquire a kill, so time has been increased

- Fix for a bug where your XP require to reach the next rank was higher than the value needed



- Fix for a bug where a player could use lose their primary weapon and would be unable to see their viewmodel after being revived by a teammate


- Updated rulesets for CDL competitive modes in private match


- Fix for a bug where players would sometimes be unable to pick a spawn location

- Fix for a bug where a Tac Insert could cause players to spawn on the enemy home base


- Pick up Intel!: In the Operations, explore Verdansk to find additional backstory information of Verdansk and the Operators.

- Fix for scoreboards displaying incorrect data

- XP adjustments and general backend fixes

- Various fixes for out of bounds and parachute exploits

- Respawn timer no longer stays on screen after teammates are revived from bleedout

- Fix for issue where the Munitions were not usable after respawning via Gunship

- Fix for losing your weapons when picking up the core

- Achievements can now be unlocked in CP

- Fix for issue where players could spawn with their weapons in the downed state

- Picked up Munitions no longer carry over from match to match. Only the Munitions you purchase with points will.

- When respawning via the Gunship, you will no longer be given the Tank role

- Selecting an Allegiance Operator or Allegiance as a favorite faction will now properly assign the voice of the correct operator

- Operation Headhunter: Fix for a bug where players are not able to lock missiles onto the final boss helicopter

- Operation Crosswind: Adjusted stealth for gameplay

- Operation Paladin: Fix for a bug where there was no UI or indicator of where to go or how to finish the objective after defending the 3rd arms crate

- Operation Paladin: Fix for a bug where the default weapon was different than the weapon a player would hold if they were placed in Last Stand

- 10,60 GB groß

Release: 12.11.2019 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de


- More backend fixes to prevent crashes and improve stability across all modes and all platforms

Riot Shield:

- Fix for a bug where a player using the Riot Shield would not take explosive damage during certain situations

- Fixed an issue where the Riot Shield would stow on the players back when using Stim. (Tactical)


- Adjusted to always play walk footstep sounds when in ADS and crouch independent of speed

- Increased the speed in which you can remain using the walk footstep sounds by slightly pressing on the movement stick


- General fix for the UI and Challenge state getting out of sync. We’ll continue to monitor and make additional fixes as needed in future updates

- Fix for a challenge related error that could occur; DEV ERROR 5476

- Fix for Mission Challenge description, “Get Kills with a Burst Weapons” being too vague.


- Spawn tuning while playing TDM and Domination

- Domination flag adjustments; B Flag is now near the busses instead of the center fountain


- ARs: Minor hip spread adjustment

- 725: Reduce range

- M4: increase hip spread, decrease damage to the head

- FAL: Reduced recoil, increased ADS speed

- EB-14: Increase ADS speed

- Miscellaneous ammo reserve adjustments upon spawning to be in-line with other weapons of their class

Special Operations:

- Fix for a bug where a player using the Overkill perk with an SMG as their secondary would sometimes spawn without a primary weapon when joining a match in progress

- 2,59 GB groß

Release: 13.11.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamezone.de

- Spieleliste "TDM-Realimus" wurde wieder aktiviert

- Prüfungen wurde wieder aktiviert

Ein Ticket ist erforderlich, um an einem Test teilzunehmen

Ein Ticket gewährt euch 3 Versuche

Abhängig von eurer Leistung erhaltet ihr eine 1-, 2- oder 3-Sterne-Bewertung

Jede Sternebewertung gewährt XP-Belohnungen:

0 Sterne: 0 EP

1 Stern: 5000 XP

2 Sterne: 7500 XP

3 Sterne: 10000 XP

Release: 19.11.2019 (Hotfix)

Quelle: reddit.com | play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de


- Special Operations: Fix for an issue where a player would see no objective after retrying a mission after spectating (Operation Paladin)

- CDL: Fix for rulesets in Search and Destroy where Field Upgrades were disabled

- Fix for an exploit where players could duplicate their killstreaks (“Fix for various exploits”)

- Fix for the “Blue V” Optic challenge not displaying the proper text description

- Fix misspelling of “trophy”

Ground War:

- Fixed a bug that could cause the filter on the respawn selection screen to stay on screen when spawning back in

- Fix for an issue where the Select Loadout screen would keep reappearing after already selecting a loadout and attempting to spawn back in


The following challenges have been fixed:


“Warrior’s Code”




Officer progression “Launch Destroys”

Officer progression “Heartbreaker”

Officer progression ”Precision Airstrike”

Officer progression: “Karma”

Officer progression “Close and Personal”



- Increasing close range damage

- Increasing mid damage range and reduced chest multiplier


- Small reduction to base weapon damage range

- Significantly reduced the damage range added by attachments

- Small hips spread increase

- Reduced effective damage at the hip

Model 680

- Slight reduction of damage range with all range-extending attachments

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 22.11.2019 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de || gamezone.de | reddit.com | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Single Player: Fix for a bug that could cause an error when selecting a mission

Neu Inhalte wurden kostenlos hinzugeüftt

- Special Operations: “Harbinger” and “Brimstone”

- Classic Special Operations: “Door Kick”, 3 Star Rating System and Rewards

3-star rating system (based on time completed)

XP & MP unlocks based on your star rating after finishing a game.

Spielelisten werden erweitert

- Gun Game

- Realism Moshpit (Domination, Hardpoint, Headquarters, Kill Confirmed)


- Fix for a bug where a player could spawn without a character model when spawning in on a friendly vehicle

- Fixes for various exploits across all maps and modes

- Fix for an issue where copying an opposing players loadout was also copying their killstreaks

- Fix for the After-Action report not displaying newly acquired awards

- Fix for player rank icons not appearing on the scoreboard

- Shortened the amount of time an execution animation plays

- Accessibility: Added the option to Always Sprint

- Footsteps: Adjusted volume and sound type played for crouch walk and walking while Aiming Down Sights

- Dead Silence: Fix for the Dead Silence Field Upgrade not lasting the correct amount of time when CDL rules are enabled

- Fix for nameplates being visible in a certain location on Piccadilly

- Updates to the obituary (killfeed); removed “Avenged” and “Save Player”, play of the game owner, and player rank increases

- Fix for players being able to join a match even though they’ve been blocked


- Fix for rocket launcher camos not unlocking or tracking properly

- Fix for the Model 860 camos not unlocking or tracking properly

- FN SCAR 17: slight increase in ADS time, reduction to barrel and bipod grip penalties

- Fix for a white placeholder box appearing when leveling up a weapon and unlocking new attachments

- Added descriptions to all optics that have scope glint

- Fixed an issue where the P90 + FFS Ring Sight would create a scope glint

- Thermal scopes are now able to see through smoke grenades

- Fix for charms not appearing where they should on various weapons

Neue Privat-Lobby Optionen

- Added the option to disable the spawn camera

- Fix for a bug where the ‘Starting Flags Captured’ private match option was not functioning as intended

- Fix for the bomb screen appearing blank when defusing or planting the bomb in Search and Destroy with Realism enabled. Added bomb carrier indicator.


- Fixed an issue where selected killstreaks would revert to the previous selection mid-match

- Fix where players using the Shield Turret killstreak could see through smoke at certain angles with the side panels of the turret


- Spotter: perk was not marking equipment, Field Upgrades, or Killstreaks through walls in FFA. Fix for Spotter perk not marking UAVs and slightly brightened outlines

- E.O.D: Fix for players losing HUD elements after hacking an enemy claymore in certain scenarios

- Fix for the “Quick Fix” perk not giving faster regeneration when earning kills with the throwing knife.

- Fix for the “Amped” perk not stowing the Riot Shield as quickly as it should

Leaderboards/Combat Records:

- Fixed a bug where selecting “All” would sometimes kick the player back to the main menu

- Added CTF and Hardpoint into Combat Records

Audio: Voice chat options:

- No Effect: default voice chat. No additional effects or EQ adjustments

- Stealth Comms: Bring the immersion of the Campaign into Multiplayer with added SAS radio effects to voice chat

- Classic Chatter: Feeling nostalgic? Coordinate with your team using classic Modern Warfare radio effects

Special Operations:

- Added munitions drops! After various objectives, a care package will drop to provide you with much needed munitions!

- Various exploit fixes

- Fix for an issue where players could lose functionality after using the EMP Drone in Operation Crosswind

- Fix for crashes that occur when viewing the scoreboard from the match summary


- Fix for enemies spawning out of bounds on Piccadilly

- 15,32 GB groß

Release: 26.11.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Allowing up to 4-player parties in Gun Game

- Moving FFA to the Filter menu

- Fixing join in progress for FFA to prevent finding late-progress matches

- Turning off spawn cameras for Headquarters and Hardpoint

General Fixes:

- Removed infils for both teams when loading into Piccadilly, Search and Destroy

- Fix for a bug where the thermal optic on the PP19 Bizon would appear white while ADS

- Fix for the E.O.D. perk not allowing players to hack claymores in FFA

- Fix for various boosting and out of bounds exploits

- Fix for laser sights becoming misaligned on the P90 and MP5

- Special Operations: Minor adjustment to difficulty

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 29.11.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de

- Anpassungen am Schild

- Anpassungen am Killfeed da gibt es immer noch Probleme

- Probleme mit dem neuen 2vs2 Gunfighter Tuniermodus werden ausgebessert

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 03.12.2019 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de || play3.de | gamezone.de || xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de || xboxdynasty.de

Season 1 Battle Pass wird eingebaut

- Bei der kostenlosen Variante werden Dinge freigeschaltet, die das Gameplay beeinflussen, wie etwa Waffen und Aufsätze

- Bei Premium finden sich hingegen nur Gegenstände kosmetischer Natur, mit der die Optik von Waffen etc. angepasst werden kann

- Mit dem Battle Pass sollen sich Spieler zudem COD Points verdienen können

Weitere kostenlose Inhalte

- Neue Spec-Ops Missionen: BGrounded, Just Reward (Nachtkarte), Pitch Black

- 1 neue Multiplayer Karten: Crash

- 1 neue Karte für den Spielmodus Bodenangriff "Port"

- weitere Karten für 2vs.2 Gunfight: Cargo und Atrium

- Neue Spielelisten: Reinforce, Gunfight OSP, Infected

- 2 neue Waffen: RAM-7 und Holger-26

- 18,68 GB groß

Release: 04.12.2019 (Version

Quelle: wooco.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Es ist aber bekannt das es einige Performace Probleme mit dem Modus Bodenkrieg, welche mit dem Update behoben werden.

Zudem wurden die Nacht-Maps aus dem Hardcore-TDM entfernt

- 1,64 GB groß

Release: 10.12.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Playlists: "Waffenspiele" (Gunfight) wird in "Waffenspiele ohne Startwaffe" (Gunfight OSP) ersetzt

- Playlists: Verstärkung wird durch "Infiziert" ersetzt

- Hardcore Playlist: Frei für alle

- Nachtsich-Moshpit werden um Spieltypen erweitert: Team Deathmatch, Abschuss bestätigt, Hauptquartiert und Herschafft

- Shoot House 24/7 werden um Spieltypen erweitert: Team Deathmatch, Abschuss bestätigt, Hauptquartiert und Herschafft

- Bodenkrieg wird um die Karte "Aniyah Palace" erweitert

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 10.12.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Fix for the R9-0 Smoothebore not appearing correctly in-game

- Fix for the “Smooth Dominator” not appearing correctly in-game

- Fix for the “Heat Cycle” weapon not appearing correctly in-game

- Fix for a bug where equipping the “Old Wounds” LMG could cause an error, kicking players out of the menu

- Operator challenge descriptions have been updated to indicate that a specific Operator must be equipped in order to complete the challenge

- If you reached a new rank while in the middle of a match and perform the criteria to complete a challenge you just unlocked,

progress would not show in the UI until you entered a new match. We’ve done some backend work to help improve this.

- Fix for Objective 2 of Mara’s Operator Mission showing a placeholder name ‘Desert Work’ for the reward

- Fix for Wyatt’s Calling Card appearing with the incorrect rarity

- Fix for the Cluster Strike’s missiles getting stuck on surfaces without detonating and playing looping audio the remainder of the match

- Fix for exploits in Special Operations: Survival

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 18.12.2019 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | play3.de || gamezone.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Neue Spielelisten: Deathmatch Cranked, Gunfight ist zurück

- 2 neue Multiplayer Karten: Shipment (Gunfight), Vacant

- Neue Spec-Ops Missionen: Bomb Squad, Strong Box, Disinform


- Fix for a bug that could players to be stuck in a “Update requires restart” loop

- Fix for a bug where creating a custom mode could prevent access to private match game mode options

- Fix for players disconnecting and experiencing the “TURTLE” error code

- Fix for a bug where the green ‘new’ notification icon was not clearing off the screen even though there weren’t any new items to view

- Implemented fixes for various exploits and boosting techniques

- Fix for some players experiencing a ‘drift’ while using an Xbox controller

- Fixed two bugs that could cause players to accidentally use multiple XP tokens due to a delay between clicking the button and confirmation on our end

- Fixed an issue where Care Packages could fall through the roof of various buildings in Port

- Fixed a bug where players were unable to swap Field Upgrades after selecting Field Upgrade Pro

- Attempting to deploy the Weapon Drop Field Upgrade at the beginning of a round-based mode would result in the Field Upgrade becoming unusable until the player respawns. This has been fixed

- Fixed a bug where all tablet-based killstreaks/Field Upgrades have a zoomed-in view when using on Aniyah Palace

- Made some slight UI adjustments to the base and officer rank progression screens to both have similar designs

- Fix for watches not appearing in modes with preset loadouts

- Added a new menu that allows players to launch a specific Trial

- Fixed a bug that caused keybinds to reset to their default values

- Friend Request & Party Invite Notifications option will be set to Enabled by default after the patch. Players can disable that option through the Account tab of the Options menu

- Implemented several settings for the Auto-Sprint option (Always Sprint, Always Super Sprint)

Added an Auto Move Forward feature for Keyboard and Mouse as well as Controller

- For Keyboard and Mouse, a keybind can be added in the Options menu via the advanced section of Move Forward

- For Controller, when this feature is enabled in the Options menu, it can be activated in game by pushing the movement stick forward twice

Keyboard and Mouse

- Improved navigation in the Store and Battle Pass menus

- Added a Change Zoom/Toggle Hybrid Behavior gameplay option to change which keybind triggers the Change Zoom/Toggle Hybrid


- Footsteps: reduced audible range of 3rd person footsteps

- Increased occlusion on footsteps

- Adjusted various foley sounds that played at a larger range than footsteps during ADS/crouch movements

- Fix for air vehicles not occluding properly

- General occlusion adjustments to all air vehicles

- Fix for knife impact sounds missing from kill cams


- Adjusted hip spread for the .357 Snake Shot so it’s consistent regardless of stance

- Reduced flinch on the Kar98k, EBR-14, and MK2 Carbine

- Reduced re-chamber time on the Kar98k

Special Operations: Survival

- Various exploit fixes

Classic Special Operations:

- Fixed a bug where players were receiving inconsistent amounts of XP

Special Ops

- Fix for rank up UI splashes no working as intended

- When using a Respawn Flare, no UI icon would appear on the minimap (Operation Harbinger)

- Fixed a bug where pistols were dealing too much damage against Juggernauts compared to other weapon classes

- In Operation Crosswind, nearby enemies will not become alerted if a player uses a rocket launcher, causing the player to not break stealth. This has been fixed

- Fixed a bug where players were able to go prone with the minigun if they get revived while having it equipped

- Added the reward players could earn if completing an Operation within the playlist menu

- 14,10 GB groß

Release: 08.01.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de

- Neue Spielelisten: Grind wurde in Gunfight kann 1 vs. 1 und/oder 2 vs. 2 ersetzt

- Playlists: Shoothouse 24/7 wird durch "Shipment 24/7" ersetzt als 5 vs. 5 Modus

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 11.01.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: infinityward.com | play3.de | gamezone.de

- Fixes to a few glitch spots on Karst River Quarry that requires vehicles to access

- Fixed a bug that was preventing the “Mark 25 Enemies Using the Recon Drone” challenge from tracking properly

- When using a Trial Ticket to activate a Trials match, users could spend more tickets than required and lose unconsumed tickets. This has been fixed.

- If more than 9 players are Infected, the player will not have a throwing knife available after using a Tac Insert

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 14.01.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de

- Neue Spielelisten: Gunfight 3 vs. 3 wurde hinzugefügt

Release: 15.01.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Neue Spielelisten: "Same Day Delivery" (Cranked & Drop Zone) wurde hinzugefügt

- Neue Spielelisten: "Feuergefecht 2vs2" wurde in Schnelles Spiel-Filter hinzugefügt

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 22.01.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de || xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamepro.de

- 5 weitere eigene Klassen können erstellt werden

- Neue Waffe "Armbrust" kann freigespielt werden

Fehler in der Playlist "Schnelles Spiel" wurde behoben welche den Spielmodus nicht wechselte

- Probleme mit dem Kill-Feed werden behoben

- Probleme mit Fehlern auf der Karte Shipment werden behoben

- Weiterhin das Problem mit Spielerkollision wurde behoben


- In some cases, players could hit an invisible kill trigger in a bush that would cause them to die instantly while near A Flag on Port. This has been fixed.

- Fixed an out of bounds exploit on Aniyah Palace

- Temporarily removing Krovnik Farmland out of rotation while we work on a few bugs

- The “Stand Together” calling card (3 Wins in Team Deathmatch) was being awarded even though this calling card is earned by default.

This has been adjusted to the “Redemption” calling card.

- The Daily Challenge for getting “10 Claymore Kills” was awarding the “One Shot” spray which is unlocked by default.

This has been adjusted to the “Soft Serve” spray.

- Fix for an issue where the playlist filter would not switch game modes, even with multiple modes selected

- Adjusted the damage threshold for “Get X Kills while Injured” challenge to make it a bit easier to obtain

- Various out-of-map exploit fixes

- Fix for a few graphical errors that could occur on Ground War maps

- Infected: Fixed a bug where the Nuke effects and audio will interrupt and overlap the final killcam if called in after death of the final survivor

- Fixes to the Recent Players list appearing incorrectly on Xbox

- Fixed a bug that allowed players to capture the Hardpoint while in the hotel on St. Petrograd

- Adjusted the obituary to remove the oldest items first

- Fixed a bug that would reset Voice Chat settings after the application was hard closed

- Fix for a bug that allowed player collision. This has been fixed

- Players can no longer cancel their recovery state when sliding, but will always incur the standard fire delay (visually the player will still respond)

- On Shipment, players are able to set Care Packages on spawn points, causing players to die instantly when spawning in on these points. This has been fixed.

- Fixed an issue where the Elite Xbox One controller had a slight bounce back with the analog sticks

- Fixed a bug that could give players invincibility

- Fix for some Officer Progression emblems not displaying the correct rarity

- Fixed an issue that would lock Operator missions despite having the correct Battle Pass Tier

Field Upgrades:

- Fixed a bug where using the ‘Stopping Power Rounds’ Field Upgrade with an empty C4 slot would cause the C4 detonator to appear before reloading with the Stopping Power Rounds

- Fixed a bug that allowed players to reach unintended locations while manipulating the Weapon Drop Field Upgrade

- Fixed a bug that allowed the Recon Drone to fly into geo if C4 was thrown onto it

- Fix for Stopping Power Rounds not applying the correct damage boost to headshots

Trophy System:

- Increased protection radius

- Decreased the radius and the damage taken by trophy explosions

- Fixed a bug where the explosion damage and effects wouldn’t trigger for the third explosion


- Fixed a bug that allowed the Cruise Missile to kill players while out of bounds on Shipment


- Fixed a bug where the 1mW Laser would not appear equipped on the 1911 pistol while in the Gunsmith menu

- M4A1 Blueprint „OG“ ADS position moved forward; the viewmodel or gun’s position relative to the  camera or player’s eye is moved forward more, so it blocks less of the line of sight

- Changing the magazine capacity from 45 to 50 for the RAM-7 extended magazine.

- Increasing the bullet penetration of the MK2 Carbine

- Less horizontal recoil on the initial bullets of the FN Scar-17

- Changed the way stats are displayed for stocks to be more consistent with other attachments (this is for the graphs only, not the actual stats)


- Domination: Flags must be neutralized before being captured again. Settings for neutralization timing are now available in settings

- Decreased charge time on the Trophy System

- Headshot multiplier damage has been clamped; torso and headshots are now the same

- Removed lightweight boost and decreased charge time on Dead Silence

COD Caster

- Reworked minimap visuals (removed outside map background, removed minimap frame)

- Improved readability of the killfeed and nameplate colors

- Improved the quality of the colored arrows shown under players when using the Aerial Camera

- Data View feature has been temporarily removed

- 18,40 GB groß

- PS4: 12,942 GB groß

Release: 29.01.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamezone.de

Playlists Änderungen

- Deathmatch Domination hinzugefügt

- Gunfight (Feuergefecht) Custom hinzugefügt

- Shipment 24/7 ist zurück (ersetzt Shoot the Ship)

- Winter Docks entfernt

- Capture the Flag in die "Schnelles Spiel" Filter verschoben

Weitere Fehler wurden behoben

- Fix for an exploit in Ground War via ATV

- Fix for missing character model on the LA OpTic CDL skin

- Shipment: Spawn tuning to reduce the frequency of instant deaths and spawn traps.

Adjustments to spawn positions around the edge of the map for all modes. New spawn logic for Domination.

- When using keyboard and mouse, a controller button prompt will appear to access the Social Menu while matchmaking.

On PC with a PS4 controller, the button prompt will appear as an Xbox prompt. This has been fixed


- MP5: Reduced headshot multiplier, Small reduction to 10mm range

- M4: Small damage decrease to reduce headshot effectiveness, Small range decrease

- M13: Range increase, Small reduction to horizontal recoil, Small damage increase to boost headshot effectiveness

- Crossbow: Players are able to shoot down an enemy Support Helo with only 3 Thermite Bolts.

This has been adjusted; 5 to take down a VTOL and 6 to take down a Support Helo and Chopper Gunner

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 05.02.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

Playlists Änderungen

- Face Off Grind statt Gunfight (Feuergefecht) Custom

- Shipment 24/7 wurde hinzugefügt

- Shoot House 24/7 wurde hinzugefügt

in den Filter wurde hingefügt

- 10v10 Mosh Pit (Abschuss bestätigen und Hauptquatier) statt 10v10 Herrschafft


Hardcore Playlists Änderungen

- Shoot House & Shipment

- 10v10 Mosh Pit (Team Deathmatch, Abschuss bestätigen, Hauptquatierr, Herrschafft)

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 11.02.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | play3.de

- Season 2 ist gestartet und neuer Battle Pass kann erworben werden

Neue Operator "Ghost" kann mit dem Battle Pass freigeschaltet werden

Weitere kostenlose Inhalte für alle Spieler

- Neue Karte "Rust" & "Atlas Superstore" wird in Schnelles Spiel hinzugefügt

- Neue Karte "Bazaar" & "Rust" für Gunfighter (Feuergefecht) Modus

- Neue Bodenangriff Karte "Zhokov Boneyard" wird kostenlos hinzugefügt

- 2 neue Waffen Grau 5.56 und Striker 45 werden hinzugefügt und können freigeschaltet werden

- Auch werden unter Social auch Clans "Regiment" hinzugefügt

Playlists Änderungen

-  Feuergefecht 3vs3 Nur Sniper statt Face Off Grind

- Ich hab Rust Probleme (Rust 24/7) statt Shoot House 24/7

- Die Tuniere kehren zurück - Filter neben Hardcore Modus

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 68,25 GB groß

Release: 16.02.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Behebung eines Fehlers, durch den Spieler noch nicht verdiente Attachments  verwenden konnten

- Exploit-Korrekturen für verschiedene Karten und Modi

- Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den der CDL-Filter eines Players aktiv blieb, nachdem er einer Party ohne CDL-Filter beigetreten war

- Backend-Korrekturen

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 19.02.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Doppel XP wurde aus allen Spielelisten entfernt

- 1v1 Rust wurde hinzugefügt

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 25.02.2020 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

Playlists Änderungen

- Gunfight-Karte „Bazaar“ in die Rotation aufgenommen

- Gunfight (Feuergefecht) 3vs3 nur Sniper auf Rust

- Infantrie-Bodenkrieg: Bodenkrieg ohne Fahrzeuge wird hinzugefügt


- Fix for a bug where friends who are online in Social Tab were not always appearing at the top of the list

- Various map exploit fixes

- Fix for some players seeing an incorrect Career Level

- More fixes to Regiment tags

- Fix for some players encountering an issue where their mouse stopped working after the last title update

- Fixed a bug in 3v3 Gunfight that allowed players to shoot through the center structure on King while using the AX-50

- Fixed an error that could occur when Hardline was earned in Specialist

- Quality of life backend fixes to help the Regiments and Social menus run smoother

- Fix for a spawn exploit on Vacant 

- Fix for White Phosphorous killing all players instantly when in Realism modes 

- Trials: Fix for the score at the end of “Fire in the Hole” not tallying up properly


- Fixed a bug for the “Kills with Enemy Weapon” Karma challenge not tracking properly 

- Fixed Daily Challenges that require you to get an X number of kills with an enemy weapon

- Fix for an objective when completing Golem’s Operator Mission that requested 5 Kills with lethal equipment but was tracking with killstreaks.

- “Alliance” Objective 6: Complete any 4 Co-Op Operations has been fixed

- “Alliance” Objective 2: Requires 50 Juggernaut kills with Otter as your Coalition Operator. This has been fixed


- Fixed a bug where weapons stopped showing level progress 1 level before their max rank, giving the appearance that they are no longer gaining XP

- Striker 45: Fixing range and ADS speed to match the description of the 300mm Poly Barrel

- Model 680: Slight range increase

- Model 680 XRK 30.0 Sport: range increase

- Slight Range decrease and ADS increase to the following:

- Model 680 – XRK 18.0” Liberator

- R9-0 Force TAC Sentry

- Origin 12 Forge TAC Precision

- Under Barrel Shotguns: increased pellet count, reduced rate of fire, increased shell count to 8, tuned autoswap after ammo is complete, range increase

- Crossbow: Increased reload speed

- Fixed a bug where the Akimbo Snakeshot .357s did not register damage for both guns when fired on the same frame

- Reduced recoil to the SA87 12.4 Factory Barrel

- Increased close and mid-range damage for the AK 5.45x39mm round mags

- Classic Special Operations: Fix for a graphical bug that could occur on mission "Disinform" while on Xbox

Special Operations: Survival

- Piccadilly: Fix for a bug where helicopters could clip through buildings

- Adjusted Cluster Strike damage towards enemy helicopters

- Fix for a bug where destroying the enemy helicopter/pilot was not awarding money as intended

Special Operations:

- Operation Crosswind: Fix for a bug that could prevent players from using the Cruise Missile while having the Thermite Launcher equipped

- Operation Crosswind: Fixed an issue where the Juggernauts outside the airport might not pursue players after breaking stealth 

- Operation Crosswind: Fixed a bug where a player would have infinite ammo and standard weapons if jumping out of the plane with the Juggernaut suit

Call of Duty League:

- When CDL Rules are enabled, the Restrictions warning icon will be displayed next to the buttons that contain CDL banned items,

even if they are in sub menus. This should make it easier for players to know what parts of their loadouts need to be replaced in order to follow CDL Rules.

- Domination: Round timer set to 5 minutes (previously 6)

- Search and Destroy: Round timer set to 1 minute 30 seconds (from 2 minutes)

- Restricted Thermite, Throwing Knives, and Killstreaks to CDL playlist

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 11,39 GB groß

Release: 04.03.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

Playlists Änderungen

- Shoot the Ship 24/7 (ersetzt Dirty Old House Boat)

- 3v3 Feuergefecht (ersetzt 3v3 Feuergefecht Snipers Only)

- 1v1 Me Bro: enthält alle Feuergefecht-Karten, UAV-Drohne immer aktiv, feindliche Spieler die sprechen können gehört werden.

- Boots on the Ground Bodenkrieg (ohne Panzer und Realismus-Regeln)

- Giant Infection entfernt

Waffen Änderungen

- Increased close and mid-range damage for the AK 5.45x39mm round mags

- Reduced recoil to the SA87 12.4 Factory Barrel

- Uzi: Sped up sprint out time

- Uzi: New attachments available through challenges!

New .41 AE caliber change for increased damage and range

New Uzi Carbine Pro Barrel for increased range and bullet velocity

CoD Caster:

- Fixed a bug where killfeed colors would become inverted

- Added a way to see when a player has activated Dead Silence

- In CDL Domination, the round transition screen would display “Team Wins” instead of “Switching Sides” when the first round ends. This has been fixed.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 10.03.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de || play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- Geheim im Hauptmenü wird zum Battle Royal Modus "Warzone" geändert

150 Spieler in einer Runde

- Ingame-Cash sammelt ihr im Spielverlauf und könnt dafür Ausrüstung, Upgrades und Killstreaks kaufen.

- Zudem können mit Ingame-Cash Revive-Tokens erworben werden, mit denen ihr Mitspieler wieder auf die Beine helfen dürft.

- Auch können während der Gefechte Contracts angenommen werden. Euch erwarten damit spezielle Mini-Missionen, die euch Belohnungen wie seltenes Loot oder Ingame-Cash bescheren.

- Free to Play Version: 80-100 GB groß


- Added Search and Rescue

- Added Mayhem Mosh Pit (10v10 Grind, Drop Zone, and Cranked)

- Removing "Boots on the Ground War"


- NEW Shotgun: "VLK Rogue"

- Fixed a bug that prevented respawning after a Defcon Nuke had been set off in Realism Ground War 

- Increased damage to Juggernauts when being hit by a Thermite Crossbow 

- Various Exploit fixes, including fixes to Hackney Yard and Piccadilly 

- Fix for a bug where a different pistol than one that was equipped would appear when climbing a ladder 

- Fixed a bug where any charm used alongside the MP7 Bengal variant would clip through the weapon 

- Various Ground War exploit fixes

- Fix for a bug where a constant yellow “High Alert” screen would persist after death if the player died while the perk was granted via Specialist 

- Fixed a bug in the After-Action Report that would display 0 in the Challenge field even if a Challenge had been completed 

- Fixed a bug that would spawn players elsewhere on the map after using a Tactical Insertion near the crawl space on Rust 

- Fixed a bug in the Giant Infection mode that spammed radio VO across all teammates when a player is a driver or passenger 

- Fixed a bug that allowed players to deploy throwable Field Upgrades during the round countdown.

After the countdown ends, the player would still have another Field Upgrade available. This has been fixed 

 -Added option to toggle a square or circular minimap

- Call of Duty League: Restricted the .357 Snake Shot in the CDL public playlist


725 Sawed-Off Barrel:

Increased move speed

Increased ADS Spread

Reduced ADS damage

Reduced far damage range

Extended very lethal close damage range

- Fix for the RAM-7 variant, “The Corrupter” not allowing the use of any sniper scopes

- Fixed a bug that could create an 'infinite ammo' glitch on the Model 680 

- Updating the ammo descriptions to the “Bludgeoner” LMG and the “Skull Hammer” Shotgun 

- Fix for a bug where using an NVG Thermal Scope on the Grau 5.56 could cause a graphical bug 

Missions and Challenges:

- Fix for a bug that only displayed the “One Shot One Kill” splash medal on screen when a sniper rifle was used. This is fixed to display whenever any one-shot weapon like shotguns or marksman rifles are used

- Fix for the “Get 50 Kills with Light Machine Guns” challenge not tracking as intended

- Fix for Golem’s 3rd Mission Objective, “Get 5 Kills using Lethal Equipment” not tracking properly 

- All vehicles now award progress to any challenges that require “X vehicle run over kills” 

- Updates to the splash screen and in-game HUD as players make progress in the “Alliance” Missions

Classic Special Operations:

- Fixed a bug that prevented players for being able to use finishing moves on enemy AI. This has been fixed 

- Bomb Squad: Fix for a bug there enemies might not spawn until after the last bomb is defused 

- Special Operations: Survival: Leaderboards for Azhir Cave (night) and St. Petrograd have been added

Special Operations:

- Camera is now in a fixed position when reviving while prone or crouched

- Hostages will reset to a safe area if dropped out of bounds

- Fix match ending if the last-alive player calls in a Team Revive but goes down before the other players revive themselves.

- Fix some instances where the juggernaut music could stay on unintentionally 

- Increase Heavy Hitter weapon perk to 2x melee damage

- Ensure that players who are parachuting receive the ‘out of bounds’ warning if they drift out of bounds

- Fix for hint prompts showing up while players are in last stand

- Fix for an edge case that could prevent the 4th squad leader from spawning in during Operation Headhunter

- Operation Just Reward: Fixed an issue where the cell phone intel would fail to drop

- Operation Strongbox: Fixed a bug where destroying an enemy Wheelson was not granting any XP

- 18,16 GB groß

Release: 17.03.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: warzone=xboxdynasty.de

- Warzone Solo Modus wurde hinzugefügt

Release: 27.03.2020 (Version

Quelle: maps=xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | verschoben=play3.de | gamezone.de | release=play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- Neue Karte "Khandor Hideout" wird in Schnelles Spiel hinzugefügt

- Khandor Hideout 24/7 Playlist im Modern Warfare Multiplayer.

- Neuer Mehrspieler-Modus (NVG Infected): Überlebende haben ein thermisches Visier und eine begrenzte NVG-Batterie,

aber die Infizierten können im Dunkeln sehen. Im Modus kommt Realismusschaden zum Einsatz.

- Plünderung Blutgeld: Garantierte Geldverluste bei allen Kills. Kopfgeldverträge und Finishing Moves gewähren extra Bargeld.

 - Neuer Operator Talon.


- Spieler sehen einen kompletten schwarzen Bildschirm, wenn sie ganz normal die Karte durchqueren

- Spieler, die in ihrem Squad als letztes gestorben sind und das Spiel verlassen wollen,

sehen die Meldung, dass sie von einem Kameraden wiederbelebt werden können, obwohl alle schon tot sind.

- Spieler, die einen Verbindungsabbruch haben, lassen nicht mehr ihre getragenen Gegenstände fallen.

- Wenn eine Wiederbelebung begonnen und sofort wieder unterbrochen wird, kann der Spieler in einer Animation feststecken

- Spieler, die in Last Stand vom Spiel getrennt werden, lassen ihre Gegenstände jetzt fallen, wenn sie das Spiel verlassen.

- Behebung eines Fehlers, bei dem die Animation für den Spieler, der eine Gasmaske ausrüstet, daran hindert, den Fallschirm einzusetzen.

- Der Nahkampfschaden der Schrotflinte wurde optimiert, um zu verhindern, dass ein Schuss mit der Schrotflinte einen voll gepanzerten Spieler zu Fall bringen kann.

- Warzone-spezifische Controller-Schaltflächenlayouts hinzugefügt.

Mit den Layouts „Bumper Ping“ und „Bumper Ping Flipped“ können diejenigen, die „Warzone“ mit einem Controller spielen, die Ping-Funktion effizienter nutzen.

Battle Royale:

- Fix for a rare bug that allowed players to equip two riot shields if they had two different camos, but only one would appear on the player

- Made it easier to see which item is selected while using a Buy Station

- Updated button layout for equipment while using gamepad

- Fixed a bug for players are not receiving a banner on the top right of the screen for allies or enemies initiating kill streaks

- Prevent bullets that hit the riot-shield from depleting player armor

- If a player flies the Recon Drone out of bounds, the player will hear the out of bounds countdown timer but will not see the countdown splash on their screen. This has been fixed

- Fix for various and potential exploits

- Field Upgrades: Fixed a bug where some Field Upgrades were not ending at the end of the pre-match

- Players will now get a kill when someone that you’ve downed, disconnects from the game

- Reduced the amount of cash given for averting a bounty

- Increased price of Loadout Drop within the Buy Station to $8,500


- When using a Tactical Insertion in the crawl space near the oil derrick on Rust, the player will spawn elsewhere on the map instead of where the Tac Insert was placed. This has been fixed

- When using KBM, the navigation arrows used to change which Season you’re viewing go in the wrong direction. This has been fixed

- Fixed a bug where the killcam showed the player they were killed by Thermite rather than underbarrel thermite

- In some cases, Xbox players might experience in-game stuttering after the console has been in Rest Mode and the “Instant On” setting is enabled. This has been fixed

- Fix for a bug where players could see Daily Challenges rewarding duplicate rewards instead of XP

- We now show weapon and equipment counts in the killcam. If a player was using Stopping Power, then the ammo count will be orange to denote this.

We also show whether a player was using Dead Silence in the killcam as well

- Since the 3/10 update, some players could encounter white flashes of light/VFX when shooting/standing near a wall, object, or another player. This has been fixed


- Increased the max travel time for Crossbow bolts from 3 seconds to 6 seconds for longer distance shots

- Bolt action rechamber will no longer be retriggered if interrupted after the round has been ejected (this fixes an issue with redundant bolt action rechambers after weapon switches)

- Removing inaccurate attachment description from Solozero NVG Enhanced Scope: “Optic glint visible to enemies”


- Amped: Increased Amped reload speeds for the Strela-P, PILA, and JOKR

- E.O.D: Damage resistance fixes and tuning:

Fixed an issue where Thermite equipment was not showing the damage resistance icon even though damage resistance was being applied

Stuck Thermite and Thermite bolts no longer have their damage reduced

Field Upgrades:

- Field Upgrade Pro: Stopped cases where failed Field Upgrade placements would cause equipment to be used

- Tactical Insert: Added broken Tactical Insert icon that is shown when the Tac Insert is destroyed

- Deployable Cover:

Shotguns now destroy Deployable Cover with 3 melee hits

Added damage stats for vehicle and thermite damage

Fixed a bug where placing Deployable Cover on a door two times would allow the door to be moved

- EMP Drone: Allow the EMP Drone to be used at the start of a new round in multi-round game modes

- Stopping Power: We’ve doubled the amount of Stopping Power ammo given to Akimbo weapons

Special Operations:

- Operation Strongbox: Fix for the vault location/crypto key objective markers not displaying on the Tac-Map

- Operation Strongbox: Fixed a bug that prevented guided rockets from locking onto the enemy helicopter

- Operation Brimstone: Fixed a bug where objective icons were not appearing on the Tac-Map

- Operation Crosswind: Fix for sometimes jumping out of the plane into an out of bounds area

- Operation Crosswind: Fix for enemies not spawning in the plane if one player is outside of the plane during the regroup

- Operation Headhunter: Fix for Cruise Missile marking teammates as enemy targets

- Operation Just Reward: Fix for stealth being automatically broken when retrying the Operation

- Operation Just Reward: Enemy sentries will no longer shoot players parachuting in

- Rebalanced explosive damage against Juggernauts

- Fix for a bug where the Double Time Perk was not awarding the correct speed bonuses

- Fixed a camera bug that could sometimes drift off the while in the pickup truck

- Fix for icons not appearing correctly when using UAV

- Fix for exploit involving molotovs and munitions crates

- Fix for High Alert not triggering on suicide bombers or juggernauts

- Fix for throwing knife not killing enemies in 1 hit

- Fix for players respawning with empty ammo clips/magazines

- Fix for enemy melee attacks ignoring player armor

- Fix for Restock perk not showing grenades recharging

- Fix for Suicide Bombers playing their VO too frequently

Ground War

- Fix for a bug that resulted in a player falling through the map upon spawning on a tank as it became full

- 17,70 GB groß

Release: 01.04.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de

Playlists Änderungen

- Cyber Attack Pro (Spieler werden respawnt) wird hinzugefügt

- Feuergefecht 3versus 3 mit Sniper

- April-Schewrz Playlist: "I Have Trust Issues" (Shipment Karte mit Strafe für frühzeitigen Spielausstieg)

- April-Scherz Playlist: "COD Players Only Wants One Thing and its disgusting" (Shipment Karte als 10 versus 10)

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 07.04.2020 (Version

Quelle: infinityward.com | play3.de | gamezone.de

- Season 3 ist gestartet mit neuem Battle Pass (2 neue Waffen (Pistole "Renetti" & DMR "SKS"), Operator und vielen neuen Anpassungen)

- Warzone: Squads sind nun 4 Spieler statt 3 Spieler groß

- Multiplayer: 3 neue Maps werden hinzugefügt Talisk Backlot (Remake der „Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare“-Map Backlot), Hovec Sawmill, Aniyah Incursion


- Lowered the max amount of XP and score given for Decoy Grenade assists

- Backend fixes to help Memory Error 13-71 issues. If you’re still experiencing this error, please reach out to Activision Customer Support

- Fixed a bug where more than one dog would be present in the squad walk in the main multiplayer menu

- As an owner of a regiment, players could sometimes see an error when selecting another player in their regiment. This has been fixed

- Fixed an issue where players were unable to skip cutscenes in the campaign while using keyboard and mouse controls

- Fixed a bug where players were sometimes unable to see Clan Tags for other players in the Social Menu after restarting app, or going through a power cycle

- Fixed an issue where some players could encounter graphical corruptions, causing their screen to have a black ‘shadow’ that followed them. This has been fixed

- Fix for an area on St. Petrograd that lacked collision and allowed the Recon Drone to fly out of bounds

- Fixed a bug that made clan tags appear twice

- Fixed a bug that could prevent players from speaking to their team in a custom match if they switched teams after the match has started


- Lowered the volume of the plane audio during infil

- Lowered the audio once you enter the Gulag

- Reduced the volume of occluded far and distant weapons

- Some footstep sounds while ADS and crouched were cut short on the distance you could hear them, depending on the surface type


- Fixed an issue where “The Line Breaker” variant of the EBR could out perform the base version of the same weapon

- Players with the "Cherry Blossom" variant of the Akimbo handguns could have broken animations while ADS on ladders. This has been fixed

- Firing a smoke grenade with the under barrel 40mm smokescreen launcher did not emit any smoke from the grenade. This has been fixed

- Attaching the Sniper Scope to the MK2 Carbine while in the Gunsmith would show a white, opaque lens. This has been fixed.

- Tightened the pellet spread on the Slug 6-R Mags for the Model 680

- Akimbo weapons now start with 2 extra magazines of ammunition instead of 1

- Tightened up the hip spread on the VLK Rogue Shotgun

- Decreased ADS spread for shotgun slugs

- Added descriptions to slugs noting that longer barrels and chokes improve ADS accuracy

- Updating names of weapons to match weapon logos

- 725: “FTAC Equilibrium” renamed to “Cronen Equilibrium”

- SA87: “FSS SA87 Heavy Stock Pro” renamed to “XRK SA87 Heavy Stock Pro”

- RAM-7: “XRK Ranger” renamed to “FSS Ranger

- Grau 5.56: “FSS 26.4" Archangel” renamed to “Tempus 26.4" Archangel”


- Added on screen text to call out when a player’s vehicle is damaged

- Operation Headhunter: Fix for an error that could occur after launching the drone

- Operation Headhunter: Fixed a bug where the minimap could overlap the Objectives on screen

- Fall damage is now the same in Co-Op as it is in Warzone


- We now tell you how far away you are from your teammates while in a match

- Fix for the gas mask animation interrupting and blocking players from deploying their parachute

- Various exploit fixes

- Fix for a bug where players were unable to revive teammates after getting interrupted during the initial revive animation

- Fixed a bug where players could be killed by vehicles without being near the player 

- Fixed an issue that could display the incorrect rank on screen after the player’s game application had been suspended and reopened

- Fixed an issue where deploying a Recon Drone would use the VO lines for a Personal Radar. That VO was also heard by all players on the map. This has been fixed

- Fix for a bug where players could become invincible if they become downed while switching seats in a Tac Rover

- While spectating a player in the Gulag, the option to redeploy your teammate would appear on screen, even though they cannot be redeployed. This has been fixed

- If a player spectates the winning team of a BR match, the After-Action Report will display the winning team's score in the scoreboard tab. This has been fixed.

- Fixed a bug where placing a Shield Turret on a teammate could kill them


- Fixed a bug where players couldn’t swap out the M13 for any other weapon in the Plunder tutorial


- Fix for players unable to self-revive in Solos

- Increased price of Loadout Drop within the Buy Station to $10,000

- Removed Blood Splatter and Screen Shake when being punched in the Gulag waiting area

- Removed Loss Column from BR Leaderboard and replaced with Top 10s

- Fixed issue with final circles occurring out of bounds or in undesirable areas

- Fixed issue with Armor plates and Killstreaks being unusable under certain conditions

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 13,62 GB groß

Release: 10.04.2020 (Version

Quelle: gamestar.de | mein-mmo.de | play3.de

- Warzone: BR-3er Modus wurde hinzugefügt

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 816,06 MB groß

Release: 14.04.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamepro.de | gamezone.de | play3.de | fixes=xboxdynasty.de | mp=gamepro.de

- Warzone: BR-Einzel wurden die Trucks entfernt

Playlists Änderungen

- Warzone: "Scopes and Scatter Gund Trio" mit Sniper und Shootguns im Battle Royal gegen Normal BR-3er getauscht

- Mehrspieler: Abwurfzone ("Drop Zone") kommt als Hardcore- und Softcore-Modus, ersetzt Deathmatch-Herrschaft

- Mehrspieler: 10v10-Playlist "Lagerkoller" kommt mit Cranked, Abschuss bestätigt, Herrschaft und Hardpoint

- Mehrspieler: Die Hardcore-Version von "Lagerkoller" hat statt "Hardpoint "Team Deathmatch" in der Rotation

- Mehrspieler: Der Nachtmodus-Moshpit wurde entfernt


- Fixed an issue on PC where players would lose the ability to use Field Upgrades purchased when replacing Armor Plates while in the Buy Station menu

- Upon picking up a dropped SKS, the initial raise audio would be heard globally. This has been fixed.

- Fix for Azur’s “Brother’s Keeper” skin displaying the incorrect headgear while in the multiplayer squad walk

- Added icons to the killcam to show if you were killed by someone using Dead Silence or Stopping Power

- Fix for the stats graph for the Renetti appearing incorrectly

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 17.04.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | plündern=xboxdynasty.de | trucks=gamepro.de | gamezone.de

Playlists Änderungen

- Warzone: BR-3er Modus wurde wieder hinzugefügt

- Warzone: Plündern wird in Duo ttatt Trio geändert

- Warzone: Von einem ATV, Auto oder gepanzerten Truck können Mitfahrer nun Killstreaks verwendet werden

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 22.04.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: charlieintel.com | play3.de | gamezone.de | playlist=gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

Playlists Änderungen

- Multiplayer: 3 vs 3 Feuergefecht Tunier

- Multiplayer: Cabin Fever Moshpit

- Multiplayer: Cranked ist zurück

- Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den es Spielern mithilfe von Game Battles gelang, benutzerdefinierte Waffenentwürfe zu erstellen, die sie dann im Multiplayer oder in Warzone verwenden konnten.

- Beim Aufnehmen einer fallengelassenen Renetti kam es zu einer globalen Audio-Erhöhung. Dieser Fehler wurde behoben.

- Behebung eines Unbesiegbarkeits-Exploits, der nach Wiederbelebung eines Teamkollegen in Warzone verzeichnet wurde.

- Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den zwei Uhren am Handgelenk des CTSFO 1 Mil-Sim Operator zu sehen waren

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 29.04.2020 (Version

Quelle: größe=gamepro.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | Auftrag=play3.de | waffe=xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | patchnotes=xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | anticheat=gamezone.de

- Data Pack 1 muss zusätzlich heruntergeladen werden: 18,03 GB groß

Möglich unter Optionen / Allgemein weiter unten Installationsmenü

- Neue Waffe kann freigeschaltet (Mission"LMG Foxtrot") oder erworben werden

- Warzone: Auftrag macht euch als Kopfgeld-Ziel für alle Team, überlebt Ihr werden alle Teammitgleider wieder einsteigen

Anti Cheat Maßnahmen

- Im Killcam und Spectator Modus kann man direkt den Spieler melden

Playlists Änderungen

- Multiplayer: Blueprint Gunfight (Feuergefecht Baupläne)

- Multiplayer: Reinfected Ground War (Infiziert-Bodenangriff)

- Multiplayer: 3vs3 Cranked Gunfight (Feuergefecht Aufgeputscht)

Allgemeine Änderungen

- Dem Mehrspieler-Hauptbildschirm wurde eine Registerkarte „Herausforderungen“ hinzugefügt, um den Zugang zu erleichtern

- Einstellung der Tonwiedergabe für den Präzisions-Airstrike, damit er dem Flugzeug genauer folgt

- Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den Spieler, die KBM in Game Battles verwenden,

benutzerdefinierte Waffenentwürfe erstellen konnten, die auch im Mehrspieler- oder Kriegsgebiet verwendet werden konnten.

- Derzeit erscheint weißer Text, wenn jemand spricht, unabhängig vom Team. Wenn sich jemand in einem feindlichen Team befindet, erscheint sein Text jetzt rot.

- Fix für einen Exploit auf Hackney Yard während des Spiels Infiziert

- Fehler behoben, der verhinderte, dass Spieler, die auf einem ATV saßen, einen Feind im Nahkampf bekämpfen konnten.

- Verschiedene Out-of-Bounds und Exploit-Fixes

- Nach der letzten Aktualisierung erschien das Charaktermodell von Talon im Truppengang gestreckt mit grafischen Problemen. Dies wurde behoben.

- Korrektur für einige Embleme der Saison 3, die mit falschem Text erscheinen

- Ein Problem mit Kreugers Augen beim Beenden eines Schlusszuges wurde behoben

- Fehler behoben, durch den einige Uhren beim Gestikulieren in die falsche Richtung angezeigt wurden

- Fehler behoben, durch den Spieler die Option verlieren konnten, ihre Lieblingsfraktion im Operator-Menü auszuwählen

- Fehler behoben, durch den weißes Licht beim Bewegen oder Abfeuern einer Waffe in der Nähe bestimmter Orte gesehen werden konnte

- Es wurde eine Nur-Gamepad-Option „Deadzone“ hinzugefügt, die es Spielern erlaubt, den inneren Bereich einzustellen, in dem Stick-Eingaben nicht registriert werden.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, das Partymitglieder daran hinderte, ihre CDL-Loadouts zu bearbeiten, wenn der CDL-Schnellspielfilter aktiv war.

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem die Auto-Run-Funktion gestoppt wurde, wenn Spieler ihren Text-Chat im Spiel öffneten.

Waffen Änderungen

- Fix for a bug where completing the completionist challenges for the SKS are unlocking the associated camos for the Renetti

- Fix for a bug where unlocking camos for the SKS was inconsistent with other camo challenges for marksman rifles

- Fixed a bug where the “Hard Wired” skin for Alex would appear in thermals while Cold Blooded is equipped

Warzone Änderungen

- The ability to view available XP tokens is not visible in the Warzone Menu. This has been fixed.

- After being brought back into the match, a player was in a state where they couldn’t interact with the team’s loadout drop,

and they had the revive prompt on them even though they were alive. This has been fixed

- Adjusted the speed and sizing of the circle

 - We’ve added the cargo truck back into BR Solos with reduced turning speed, acceleration, and top speed

- Moved the scoreboard to be visible in the pause menu

- Fix for an issue where the After-Action Report was not displaying the total team earnings

- Fixed a bug where players were unable to equip Armor Plates while Dead Silence is activated

- New item (Armor Satchel: finding one of these allows you to carry up to 8 armor plates instead of 5.  These drop on death and can be looted by other players.

 These do not contain any armor plates by default, only increase the player carry amount.

Guaranteed reward upon completing Scavenger contracts (replaces Gas Mask as the guaranteed item)

Spec Ops Änderungen

- Fix for a bug where selecting the USEF 1 skin for the Mil-Sim Operator appears as the default skin in Co-op

- The Munitions Shop can now be accessed while in the safehouse at the beginning of each Special Operation.

- Operation Crosswind: Fixed various situations where players could get stuck outside of the plane when the rest of the team regroups.

- Fix some rare instances where players in last stand could be revived, or have started a self-revive, but still bleed out anyway.

- Fix an instance where the player’s revive icon color could quickly shift from blue to red after they had been successfully revived.

- Fixed players being able to exit a Juggernaut suit, and then gain the ability to revive others even if they themselves were in last stand.

- Operation Harbinger: Players can now exit the safehouse earlier and ‘capture’ the first intel item faster following the dialog from Kamarov.

- Operation Harbinger: Fixed missing audio on the large cargo truck.

- Operation Crosswind: Fixed some instances of soldiers giving armored hitmarkers, but not having visible armor.

- Fixed an issue where a syringe could be seen floating while reviving a teammate.

- Fixed an issue with helicopter audio.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 12,72 GB groß

Release: 01.05.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de

- Warzone (wurde entfernt): Auftrag macht euch als Kopfgeld-Ziel für alle Team, überlebt Ihr werden alle Teammitgleider wieder einsteigen

Playlists Änderungen

- Warzone: Entfernung der Most Wanted Contracts aus Warzone und Rückkehr von Kopfgeldverträgen.


- Korrektur für Gunsmith Custom Loadouts, die nicht korrekt angezeigt wurden.

- Anpassung des Timers von 10 auf 15 Sekunden in 3v3 Cranked Gunfight.

- Timer außerhalb der Grenzen in Infected angepasst.

- Anpassung des Spielstart-Timers in Infected, damit Spieler beitreten können, bevor der Countdown endet.

- Behebung eines Fehlers, bei dem Spieler beim Laden eines BR-Matches stecken bleiben konnten.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 05.05.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de

Playlists Änderungen

- Multiplayer: Shipment 24/7 mit 5 gegen 5 Moshpit

- Mehrspieler: Wafenspiele Reloaded

- Mehrspieler: Sprengcommando

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 07.05.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamepro.de | play3.de | gamezone.de

- Alle Rauch-Herausforderungen ein wenig nachsichtiger zu gestalten. Dazu gehört auch die Herausforderung, die Bruen MK9 freizuschalten.

- Korrektur, um Fahrzeugmissbrauch zu verhindern

- Verschiedene Exploit-Fixes, darunter Ground War Infected

- GameBattles: Behebung einiger Probleme, bei denen Spieler möglicherweise nicht an einem neuen Spiel teilnehmen können

- Reduzierte Schussverzögerung an den Abzugsaufsätzen Lightweight und Match Grade bei allen .357 Kalibern

- .357 Snake Shot Rebalancing für Schadenausstoß

- Ein Fehler wurde behoben, durch den der Schaden der .357 Snake Shot bei größeren Entfernungen zu hoch war.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 08.05.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de

Playlists Änderungen

- Multiplayer: Shipment 24/7 wurde zu Shipment 10v10

- Multiplayer: 3v3 Gunfight Knives Only hinzugefügt

- Warzone: BR Solos wurden durch BR Stimulus Solos ersetzt

- Warzone: Höhe und Radius, in denen feindliche Fallschirmspringer rufen, wurden verringert (BR).

- Warzone: Hubschrauber wurden wieder hinzugefügt

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 13.05.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de

Playlists Änderungen

Nur Mehrspieler

- Bodenkrieg (Ground War) war zuvor Bodenkrieg zu Fuß

- Feuergefecht Baupläne (Gunfight Blueprints)

- Feuergefecht Nur Messer (Gunfight Knives Only)

-  (Demolition)

- Realistisch Waffenspiele Reloaded (Realism Gun Game Reloaded)

- Dreckiges, altes Hausboot (Dirty Old Houseboat): Rust, Shipment, Shoot House 24/7

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 19.05.2020 (Version

Quelle: gamepro.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | gameswelt.de

Neue Inhalte

- Mehrspieler: Neue Karten "Hardhat" wurde kostenlos hinzugefügt

- Feuergefecht: Neue Karte "Aisle 9" wurde kostenlos hinzugefügt

- Special Ops Modus: Es wurde weiterhin eine neue Option hinzugefügt, um den Wiederspielwert zu erhöhen.

Einige Feinde können nun öfter auftauchen. Andere hingegen lassen sich nur auf bestimmte Weise, wie etwa nur mit einem Kopfschuss, ausschalten.

Playlists Änderungen

 - 24/7 Hardhat

- Relasitisch Moshpit Nachtsicht

- Feuergefecht Baupläne

Warzone Änderungen

- Classic BR Modus: ohne Gulag, ohne Aufträge, ohne Shops

- Gulag Änderungen: Ausrüstungen wird erweitert um AK-47, M13, Kilo 141, Ram-7, Striker 45 und mehr

- Neue Ausrüstung kann gefunden werden: Rüstungsbox funktioniert wie eine Munitionskiste

- Der letzte Kreis / die letzte Zone: diese bewegt sich wieder


- Infected and Gun Game now feature playlist text to reinforce that KDR and win loss are not affected

- Blueprint variants of Gun Game and Gunfight can now be enabled in custom match advanced options for their respective modes

- Added the fire throwing knife to restricted equipment for CDL

- Fix for the ‘Splash Guard’ shotgun weapon camo not applying properly to the weapon

- Fixed a bug where on occasion, your selected Operator would not appear in the squad walk

- Added a ‘Hold to Use’ option that allows you to choose between a hold or a press for the interaction button on keyboard and mouse

- Adjusted the Monitor Distance Coefficient slider option to maximum value from 2.00 to 5.00

- Out of map exploit fixes across various maps

- Fixed a bug where players could take the ATV out of the map on Aniyah Palace

- Fix for an XP exploit in Hardpoint

- Fix for the ‘Time to Reap’ watch not displaying the time

- Fix for the ‘Blue Skies’ watch appearing backwards when worn

- Fix for some players spawning facing a wall while playing FFA on Talsik Backlot

- Demolition: Added VO to alert the defending team a bomb site was destroyed

- One in the Chamber: This mode is now available in custom games!

- Regular Infected playlist now has random care package drops!

- Gun Game Reloaded is now in the Quick Play filter.


- Fire throwing knife is now available in OSP mode

- Fixes to the Snapshot grenade so it functions as intended in OSP mode

Reinfected Ground War:

- Removed IAV and Counter UAV

- Added a hint to tutorialize how to sky dive in this mode

- Do not show death icon when a player uses Field Upgrade Tac Insert to skydive

- Deaths from Field Upgrade Tac Insert (skydive) no longer count as deaths on the scoreboard

Kills & Deaths do not count against your lifetime records in this mode, this is purely to reflect the accurate KDR on the scoreboard

- Lower Juggernaut health in this mode only

- No longer give killstreak points on kills if the player is in your party

- Significantly lowered damage from killstreaks if the player called out the killstreak and then moved to the infected team

- Added ATV visibility on the map to avoid players hiding while riding the ATV


- Fix for Rodion’s Season 3, Objective 3 Mission from not tracking properly (“Purchase the Armor Bundle in Warzone 2 times while using Rodion as your Allegiance Operator”)

- Fix for the “Use the Dead Silence Field Upgrade in 3 different matches” not tracking properly



- Reduced the max ammo reserve

- MK3 Burst Mod: Significant hip spread increase

- MK3 Burst Mod: Small decrease to damage

- Reduced damage when Akimbo and MK3 Burst Mod are both equipped

FAL: Decrease to ADS time

SCAR: Decrease to ADS time

LMGS: Lowered ammo count for reload warning on belt fed LMGs

Reduced penalty for holding breath too long with sniper scopes

Fix for the level 34 unlock of the Renetti showing the Merc Foregrip

VLK Rogue

- Increased rate of fire

- Increased close damage range for 12 gauge

- Increased damage range to 6” Revolt barrel

Holger 26

- Increased move speed

- Improved ADS time

- Slight recoil reduction


FTAC 8.98” Spitfire Barrel:

Improved ADS time

Faster movement

Reduced hip spread

XRK Ultralight Barrel:

Improved ads time

30 Round Magazine:

Reduced sprint out time

Improved ADS time

Faster movement

Improved hip spread profile

Not Stock:

Increased sprint out time

Faster movement

Reduced hip spread

Improved ADS time

Stippled Grip

Improved ADS time


- Fix for a bug where a player could become immune to the gas if they were bought back as the final circle was closing

- Fix for a rare bug that left a player in the Gulag until the end of the match

- Removed the option to “Squad Fill” while in BR Solo

- Fix for voice chat sometimes cutting out during a match

- Reduced the RPG kill radius for players with full armor

- Final circle now moves (BR)

- The Most Wanted contract has had the time reduced from 5 minutes to 3 minutes

- Replaced Shield Turret with Armor Box at Buy Stations (Shield Turret is still in loot)


- When players are respawned via the plane their weapons will now start with at least one full magazine each, to fix getting into situations where you could respawn without any ammo

- Operation Headhunter: Fix for the players keeping the Gunship munition if the team wipes during the tank assault section

- Operation Brimstone: Fix for the Extraction Crate appearing to be already open if the team had wiped and restarted earlier in the match


- PS4: Atlas Superstore has been added to Survival Mode

- Teammates respawned via the ‘Respawn Flare’ item will now come back with full armor, to help them survive their dangerous respawns better

- Disallow usage of the ‘Respawn Flare’ item if no teammates are currently in last stand or spectating, and display why

- Fix for missing dialog, store icons, and sounds during the buy phase

- Fix for missing message display for players attempting to use the minigun at the weapons store

- Fix for the ammo store not filling your magazine, and only your stock, and fix its missing sounds

- Made the assorted stores’ Cash font easier to read on dark screens

- Players now get $10 per hit on enemy helicopters

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 30,90 GB groß

Release: 29.05.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de


- Warzone Duo Modus wurde hinzugefügt

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 20.05.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de

- Fix für Battle Royale: Hier konnte es vorkommen, dass die Trios nicht ordnungsgemäß starteten

- Darüber hinaus stecken im Update Fehlerbehebungen für Reinfected Ground War und Grind sowie Kill Confirmed

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 26.05.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de

Playlists Änderungen

Nur Mehrspieler

- Entfernt: Realism Mosh Pit, Hardhat 24/7, Clean Up on Aisle 9, Reinfected Ground War, BR Trios Classic, Blood Money Trios

- Hinzugefügt: Deathmatch Domination, Drop Zone, Shipment 24/7, Shoot House 24/7, Gun Game on Gunfight Maps und Plunder Quads

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 11.06.2020 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | release= play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Season 4 wurde gestartet mit neuem Battle Pass und neuen Anpassungen wie neuer Operator "Captain Price" uvm.

- Für alle Spieler eine neue Waffen "CR56 aka Galil" (Sturmgewehr) & Vector (MP) wurde hingefügt

- Für alle Spieler neue Multiplayer Karte "Scrapyard" wurde hinzugefügt

- Für alle Spieler neue Bodenkrieg Karte "Barakett Promade" wurde hinzugefügt

- Für alle Spieler neue Feuergefecht Karte "Trench" wurde hinzugefügt

- Weapon Mastery Challenges: Verfügbar nach der Gold-Tarnung mit 51 Waffenanpassungen

Playlist Änderungen

Nur Mehrspieler

- Scapyard 24/7 Moshpit

- Trench Moshpit

Nur Warzone

- Battle Royal Rumble (Team-Deathmatch mit 50 vs 50 Spieler) wurde hinzugefügt


- Fix for some players not receiving their Season 3 emblem

- Fixes to help reduce players encountering Error Code 13-71. If you still experience this after today’s update, please reach out to Activision Customer Support

- Fix for a bug where the Ghost Perk was not hiding players from the Heartbeat Sensor when viewing the Killcam

- Fixed an issue where some players were unable to activate a Nuke after getting the appropriate number of kills

- Fix for a bug where the 4th Operator Mission for Talon, “Complete 2 Warzone Plunder Matches” was not tracking as intended

- Fix for an issue where some players could find long wait times when attempting to load into Ground War matches

- Fix for a bug where neutral Hardpoints were appearing yellow instead of grey

- Various exploit fixes across multiple maps

- Fix for the Officer Challenge, “Get 20 kill while crouched” not tracking properly for some players

- Fixed a bug where the white health regen was triggering on downing other players even if Quick Fix wasn’t equipped

- Fix for an exploit where players could sometimes call in duplicate UAVs

- Added new weapon perks to the Specialist Bonus (the bonus earned after getting 8 kills while specialist is active):

Frangible-Disabling, Frangible-Wounding, Mo'Money, Recon, Heavy Hitter, FMJ, Presence of Mind

- Fixed a bug where players were unable to perform executions when on some elevated surfaces

- Fixes to help prevent an issue where players were able to move before the match countdown timer completed

- Fixes to help prevent against black graphical corruption issues some players were seeing

- Fix for the “For the Cause” grip tape not appearing properly on the base M4

- Fixes to help prevent issues with voice chat


- Lowered ammo count for reload warning on belt fed LMG

- Fixed bug with HDR and Sleight of Hand where reloading would not give ammo to the player


- Loot Update: New weapons and updated Blueprints! Be on the lookout for the Fennec, CR-56 Amax, Renetti, and more!

- Fixed a bug where the Recon Contract could spawn inside an Ammo Supply cache, making it unusable

- After completing the Contraband Mission and calling in the extract helicopter,

players could shoot the helicopter without receiving hitmarkers and the helicopter would remain on screen indefinitely

- Fixed a bug where players were able to drop their weapon in the Gulag

- Fix for an exploit where players were able to duplicate Self Revive kits


- Fix for a bug where a player was stuck in 3rd person gameplay

- Daily Challenges are now displayed alongside Multiplayer and Warzone challenges

- Fixed an issue where unlocking an Operator skin in Co-Op would not unlock the base skin for that Operator as well

- Fixed a bug where the game would not end correctly if the last player alive used Team Revive immediately before dying


- Fix for being able to duplicate the Juggernaut Suit Munition minigun

- Fix for rare instances of waves not ending properly

- Fixed an exploit on St. Petrograd where players could fully hide from soldiers behind a bar

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 33,05 GB groß

Release: 13.06.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com

· Fix to help prevent spawning out of the map on Scrapyard

 · Fix for some players who were unable to use content unlocked via Battle Pass

 · Fix for the frequency of In-Match events occurring in Warzone

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 16.06.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com | gamezone.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

Playlist Änderungen

Nur Mehrspieler

- Adding Gunfight 3v3 Snipers Only

- Adding Gunfight Blueprints

- Adding One in the Chamber

- Adding Realism Ground War

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 17.06.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com

Adjustments to One in the Chamber

- Join in progress is now limited to one minute after match start

- changing the weapons to pistols only

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 23.06.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com | gamezone.de | play3.de

Playlist Änderungen

Nur Mehrspieler

- Boots on the Ground War

 - Realism Mosh Pit

- All or Nothing

- Face Off

- Stir-Crazy (10v10)

Nur Warzone

- Plunder Quads (Replaces Blood Money)

 - BR Quads (Replaces Realism BR)

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 24.06.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com

- Removing uncommon and rare burst fire versions of the M4 assault rifle in Warzone loot

- Allowing parties into the All or Nothing playlist

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 30.06.2020 (Version

Quelle: twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamezone.de

- Für alle Spieler neue Multiplayer Karte "Cheshire Park" wurde hinzugefügt

- Neue Operator  "Roze" wurde hingefügt

- Für alle Spieler eine neue Waffen "Rytec AMR" (Sniper) wurde hinzugefügt und kann freigeschaltet werden

Playlist Änderungen

Nur Mehrspieler

- Team Defender

- Spooter Scope

- Blueprint Gunfight

- Cheshire Park 24/7

- Shoot the Ship 24/7

- Gunfight Tournaments

- Schnelles Spiel: Realism Mosh Pit wurde in den Filter hinzugefügt

Nur Warzone

 - BR Quads 200 mit 200 Spieler (gegen BR Quads ersetzt)

- Neue Gulag Klassen (Loadouts): Semi Auto rifles, Snipers, Nahkampf (just fists) + Wurfmesser

- Nach dem Ende der Runde kann ohne in die Lobby zu müssen, die nächste Runde suchen

- Im Spiel Updatesystem


- Fix for an issue where players could modify weapons with attachments from other weapons while using a mouse

- Fixed the wording in the Daily Challenge “Deploy the Manual Turret Killstreak 5 Times” to say “Shield Turret”

- Multiplayer and Warzone win/losses now track as intended per mode

- Fix for Kreuger’s eyes coming out of his character model while performing the Brassed Off execution

- Fix for some Completionist camos not applying to the Witching Hour (AX-50 variant)

- Fixed an exploit on Krovnik Farmland while playing Reinfected Ground War

- Fixed a bug where the MIL-SIM CTSFO viewmodel gloves didn’t match the in-game world model

- Fix for a section of Hardhat that had invisible collision

- Fix for a bug where Demolition matches would not end as intended in overtime

- Added the Kali Sticks to modes like All or Nothing, Gun Game, Infected, and Gunfight

- Longshots now display the distance in the point feed

- Fixed a bug where the Juggernaut HUD elements would remain on the screen if the player was crushed by a crate

- Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck in place when throwing a grenade and trying to use a Shield Turret at the same time

- If a player throws a Molotov at a severely damaged Deployable Cover, the Deployable Cover will break and the Molotov fire will disappear, but damage for the fire remains present for a duration of ~20 seconds. This has been fixed

- Recon Drones can now be destroyed with Throwing Knives

- Hipfire reticles are now visible in Spectate and in the Killcam. This will make it easier to tell if a player is using Stopping Power rounds or Slug rounds


- Fix for an exploit in Boneyard where players could climb into the destroyed portion of a plane

- Gas Mask now cracks when you’re taking damage near or in the circle

- ‘Team Wiped’ message now appears in the Killfeed for your whole squad to see

- Fix for an issue where players could spawn under the map after winning their Gulag match

- Fixed a bug where players using Charly’s Tactical Human skin or Mara’s Valkryie skin would notice their character models missing from the exfil epilogue in the helicopter

- The audio for the Supply Choppers is too loud, preventing players from hearing most other sounds and communicating with their squad. This has been adjusted

- During the Supply Chopper event the supply choppers may spawn from under the map, killing players positioned on top of these locations as they raised through the map. This has been fixed

- Fix for the final circle being too close over areas that players cannot access such as the middle of Stadium

- The After Action Report now shows Cash Earned and Placement

- Fix for a rare bug where a player spawned out of bounds after dying out of bounds

- Fix for a minor issue where the radio operator dialog and subtitles for called in Killstreaks could incorrectly play the wrong faction

- Now allow up to three Precision Airstrikes to be called in at once but within a distance restriction


- The M4 will perform an AR magazine reload when attempting to reload the underbarrel launcher while you have the 50 Round Mag attachment equipped. This has been fixed

- Stopping Power is now applied to headshots. Only certain weapons can go from a 2-shot to a 1-shot head shot, like the FAL and Oden.

This fixes a few cases where headshots could sometimes do less damage than body shots when using Stopping Power

Start Ammo and Max Ammo Adjustments:

- Increased Max Ammo: M4 .458 SOCOM Rounds

- Increased Max Ammo and Start Ammo:

- CR-56 AMAX M67 Rounds

- SKS 10 Round Mags

- Striker 45 Hollowpoint Rounds

- SCAR Default Mags

- Oden Default Mags

Increased Start Ammo:

- SCAR 25 Round Mags

- Oden 25 Round Mags

- AX-50: Increased damage range

- HDR: Guaranteed one-hit to lower torso at any range


Increased ADS speed

Small decrease to hip spread

Increased damage range

MK2 Carbine:

Faster movement speed

Increased damage range


Increased ADS speed

2 hit kill min

Gun recoil returns to the center more

Faster rate of fire

- FAL: Added a close range damage shelf with one-hit headshot potential

- AK-47: Increased ADS speed

- CR-56 AMAX: Decreased damage range


Decreased damage range

Decreased 10MM damage range

Reduced long range damage to 10MM ammo

Slight recoil increase to 10MM ammo

Grau 5.56

Damage range reduction

Slight increase to high frequency recoil

Reduced recoil compensation and decreased range on Tempus 26.4” Archangel and FSS 20.8” Nexus barrels

Shotgun Slugs:

Increased projectile velocity

Reduced ads spread

Added dynamic hip spread

Increased damage ranges

Increased lower torso damage

No stock attachment:

Increased weapon recoil

Decreased ADS aiming steadiness


- Improved the effectiveness of the Decoy Grenade against most types of enemy soldiers

- Added new Mission 'Hard Boiled' - Demonstrate your proficiency in Co-Op operations with these tricky challenges!

- Operation Harbinger - Fixed issue where some of the white trucks would appear without any enemies inside of them


- At the Weapons Store the weapons with purchased Gunsmith attachments are now displayed clearly

- The Buy Phase timer now pulses red when about to run out to help remind players of the upcoming wave

- Fixed issue where the text chat was overlapping some Buy Phase store elements

- Fixed issue where players could purchase weapons from the store as they are being downed

- Fixed issue where if players voted to ‘Retry’ after failing beyond wave 55 they would start each Buy Phase with reduced time

- Fixed a rare issue where players could use Munitions / Killstreaks in while downed

- 31,92 MB groß

Release: 09.07.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: infinityward.com

- Fix for incorrect text appearing as one of the SUV camos

- Fix for the Rytec AMR not awarding the correct amount of XP when using explosive rounds

- Fixed an issue where the Rytec AMR could one-hit kill when using explosive rounds in BR

- Fix for the Fully Loaded gun perk not functioning as intended when equipping alternate ammunition on the Rytec AMR

- Fixed a bug where a CUAVs could be found in Warzone

- Fixed an issue where some players were unable to use Field Upgrades in FFA 

- Fix for an issue where players were able to go AFK while playing All or Nothing

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 14.07.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | play3.de | bugs=gamepro.de

- Renames D-Day’s ‘Border War’ skin and bio

- An exploit where players could pick up weapons they dropped before the infil sequence in Warzone

- A Rytec AMR bug where shots were hitting above the crosshairs in their scope

Playlist Änderungen

Nur Mehrspieler

- Realism Ground War

- Feuergefecht Baupläne (2 vs 2)

- Sheshire Park and Shoot House Moshpit

- TDM and Kill Confirmed Remix

- Party Modi (mit Frei für Alle, Waffenspiele Reloaded, Eine im Lauf, Alles oder Nichts)

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 05.08.2020 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | infinityward.com | release=gamezone.de | play3.de

- Season 5 ist gestartet

- Neue Karte für Feuergefecht (Gunfight): Livestock

- Neue Karten für Schnelles Spiel 6 vs 6: Suldal Harbor & Petrov Iol Rig

- Neue Karte für Bodenkrieg (Ground War): Verdansk Internation Airport

- Neue Waffen sind im Battle Pass kostenlos verfügbar: AN-94 und ISO

- Neuer Operator: Lerch

Warzone Modus

- Ein Zug fährt durch Verdansk

- Das Stadion ist endlich geöffnet

Warzone Playlist

- Mini Royal

Multiplayer Playlist

- Ground War (Adding Verdansk International Airport)

- Blueprint Gunfight

- Search and Destroy Double Down (12v12)

- Face-Off (Livestock)

- Oil Rig and Harbor 24/7


- Added Weapon Inspect!

- Fixes to prevent screen tearing

- Fix for an issue where Price and Gaz occasionally lose their eye models while navigating various menus

- Fixed a bug where, when the ‘Headshots Only’ option is set in a custom game, the male Operator hitboxes aren’t functioning properly

- Fix for an issue where the default scope on the Rytec AMR cannot be customized

- Fix for a bug where Care Packages, Juggernauts, and Emergency Airdrops were not getting properly refunded to the player if getting the ‘Too many vehicles, refunding killstreak’ message in a Custom Game

- Stopping Power rounds are now preserved on dropped weapons

- Added a brief decay period when transitioning from heavy footsteps (sprint, tactical sprint) to lighter footsteps (walk).

This addresses players immediately becoming quiet upon slowing down from fast movements

- Fixed a bug where the player’s choice of weapon fire and scope states were not being saved and restored after interacting with the Sentry Gun, Shield Turret, and Care Package


- Fix for invisible collision appearing in Barakett Promenade

- Fix for a bug where the 23.0" RPK Barrel was appearing broken in-game and in the Gunsmith menu

- Fix for an exploit where players were able to give themselves unlimited ammo

- Fix for an exploit using the Recon Drone and Care Package

- The PKM: Bludgeoner will now gather ammo from any other PKM weapon

- Fixed an issues where players were hearing the missed hit VO for the Precision Airstrike when right after calling it in

- Added a VO line when a player’s High Alert warning is triggered

- Fixed an issue where players could receive ‘wallbang’ kills when shooting through players


- New Warzone loot items!

- Gulag weapons will now rotate every week between four sets total

- Increased effective damage range for all semi-auto DMR and semi-auto Sniper Rifles

- Increased effective damage range for the FR 5.56

- Fix for a bug where the player’s physics could be controlled by the helicopter while they parachute out

- Fix for an issue where players were unable to call in any Air Strikes

- Fix for seeing invalid pings on the Heartbeat Sensor

- Added new VO lines to warn players of enemy Recon Drones being called in near them (BR only)

- Previously, the Most Wanted contract could respawn dead players. Now, it can respawn players in the Gulag in any state

- Fix for the ‘Alive in Gas’ challenge timer


- Fix for an exploit while inside the blue kiosks on Piccadilly

- New restricted attachments:

- Muzzle: Suppressors (all)

- Optic: Thermal Sights (all)

- Underbarrel: Merc Foregrip

- CO-OP MODES (Tac Ops, Classic Special Operations, Survival):

- Team Ping is now enabled in these modes

- New Challenges: Playing it Bogart: Defeat enemies in style while supporting your teammates in these Co-Op Focused Challenges


- Added new map, Crash

- Fix for exploit involving the Equipment Store

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- Xbox: CoD MW Hauptdatei wurde von 105,6 GB in 100,6 GB verkleinert

- 49,86 GB groß

Release: 06.05.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de

- Removing the Juggernaut crate and Most Wanted contract in BR Buy Back Solos

- Lowered the drop rate of Juggernaut crates and how often they appear

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 11.08.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamepro.de | infinityward.com | xboxdynasty.de

- Nicht näher spezifizierter Exploit wird gefixt

- Ein Armory-Fehler soll behoben werden

- Fix für Grafik-Problem im Zusammenhang mit Waffen

- "Erneut Spielen"-Option wird gefixt

- Mehrere andere Schwierigkeiten sollen auch behoben werden


- Fix for an issue where explosive rounds on the Rytec AMR could still be equipped in CDL modes

- Fix for an error players could receive when opening the weapon armory

- Fix for an exploit in the Shooting Range trial



- Increased headshot damage (2 hit at range with 1 headshot)

- Reduced near damage (limbs and lower torso always 3 shot)


- Increased damage range

- Increased ADS speed

Bruen MK9

- Reduced damage range


- Increased near damage

- Increased ADS Speed

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 15.08.2020 (Version

Quelle: play3.de

- Fix für die Waffenmodelle (aufgehobene Visiere und Waffen), die auf dem Bildschirm beschädigt sind

- Fix für einen Fehler, der auftreten konnte, wenn man die „Nochmal spielen“-Option in Warzone gewählt hat

- Es wurde ein Fehler behoben, durch den die Spieler den Seilaufsteiger durch eine geschlossene Tür in Downtown nutzen konnten

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem das Weltmodell der normalen AUG in Warzone unsichtbar war

- Die erhöhte Kartenanzahl in unseren Spiellisten sorgte dafür, dass einige Karten nicht in den Spiellistenrotationen auftauchten.

Damit sie regelmäßiger auftauchen, entfernen wir folgende Karten aus den unten genannten Modi:

Hauptquartier: Arklov Peak und Shipment werden entfernt

Abschuss bestätigt: Aniyah Incursion wird entfernt

Cyberangriff: Aniyah Incursion wird entfernt

Stellung: Piccadilly und Aniyah Incursion werden entfernt

Suchen und Zerstören: Rust wird entfernt

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 66,33 GB groß

Release: 18.08.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de

Playlist Änderungen

Nur Mehrspieler

- Feuergefecht 3 vs 3

- Abgespeckt (Moshpit ohne Extras, Feldausrüstungen und Abschussserien)

- HC TDM und Kill Confirmed (Hardcore Team Deathmatch und Abschuss bestätigen)

nur Warzone

- Im Gulag wird nun mit Assault Rifles und SMGs

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 20.08.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamepro.de | infinityward.com | gamezone.de | play3.de

- Fix for an exploit near the Prison in Warzone

- Removing the VO from the High Alert perk

Waffen Änderungen

- FR 5.56: Shotgun-Aufsatz ist zu stark in Warzone Battle Royal, tötet Gegner mit vollem Schild, mit nur einem Schuss, wurde behoben

Fixed damage falloff for the FR 5.56 underbarrel shotgun

Bruen MK9:

- Reduced upper torso damage

- Base weapon: Increased recoil

- 60 Round Mag: Additional increased recoil


- Reduced movement penalty for drum mags

- Increased base ADS movement speed

725 Sawed-Off Barrel:

- Small increase to ADS time

- Small decrease to movement speed

- Reduced close lethal damage range

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 25.08.2020 (Version

Quelle: blog.activision.com | gamezone.de | play3.de

Games of Summer ist gestartet vom 25.8 bis zum 7.9 mit täglichen Herausforderungen und neuen Belohnungen

- Neue Karte "Verdansk Stadium" für Feuergefecht

- Neue Waffe kann freigeschaltet werden: Finn LMG

- Neuer Operator: Morte

Warzone Playlist

- Neuer Modus: King Slayer

Multiplayer Playlist

- Baare Bones

- Ground War Reinforce

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 14,17 GB groß

Release: 28.08.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com

- Various fixes to the Know Your History playlist

- Fix for an error when selecting a charm or sticker

- Fix for an issue with the in-game store after preordering Black Ops Cold War

Release: 06.09.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Warzone: Alle Fahrzeuge wurden im Battle Royal deaktiviert

Grund der Änderungen ist das man die Lobby mit dem Fahrzeug zum Abstürz bringen konnte

Release: 08.09.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com | play3.de

- Warzone: Alle Fahrzeuge wurden im Battle Royal wieder aktiviert

Release: 29.09.2020 (Version

Quelle: infinityward.com | play3.de

- Season 6 ist gestartet

- Neue Karte für Feuergefecht (Gunfight): Station

- Neue Karten für Schnelles Spiel 6 vs 6: Braodcast & Mialstor Tank Factory

- Neue Karte für Bodenkrieg (Ground War): Verdansk Riverside

- Neue Waffen sind im Battle Pass kostenlos verfügbar: AS VALL und SP-R 206

- Neuer Operator: Farah & Nokolai


- C4: Slight delay when performing a quick detonation. A beep will now play when quick detonation is triggered. Also reduced throw initial velocity by 30%

- Fix for a bug where, after reviving a teammate in Survival, there will be a 5 second delay before the user is able to use their weapon again

- Fix for an issue where players could obtain unlimited Stopping Power rounds

- Fix for an issue where the defending player had a long respawn timer after the HQ was taken back and all players were dead while in a Headquarters match

- Fix for an issue where it was possible to put a molotov or grenade into a planted bomb causing it to kill the defusing player


- Fix for two issues where the player’s watch and/or Heartbeat Sensor would not be entirely visible when using the XRK Chainsaw attachment on the Finn LMG

- Fix for a bug where explosive and thermite rounds do not function as intended on the Chronic variant from the Blunt Force II bundle

- Fixed an issue where the muzzle selection screen for the Finn LMG was hard to view in the Gunsmith menu

- Fixed an issue where the player’s left hand will not properly grip the weapon when the 23.0” Romanian barrel is equipped on the AK

- Fixed a few bugs where the prone hipfire viewmodel positioning was not appearing as intended and could disappear in certain circumstances

- Origin 12: Reduced very close damage in Warzone

- Shotguns: Increased damage of slugs in Warzone

- XRK ChainSAW - FiNN LMG:

- Adding a description in Gunsmith nothing the attachment does not allow for weapon mounting

- Increased brightness on the Tac Laser attachment


- Fixed a collision issue in the south corner of the Stadium

- Fix for an issue where a fence with a white tarp over it near the Hospital was allowing players to see through it on one side

- Fix for an issue where, on occasion, the train would appear as a white placeholder icon on the map

- Implemented fixes to help properly track Warzone wins

- Fixed a bug where players were unable to damage enemies with gunfire while on an ascender

- If a player has their minimap set to not rotate, they will see inaccurate pings on the heartbeat sensor. This has been fixed

- Fix for a rare issue where the Train’s supply boxes could vanish during longer rounds

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 22,76 GB groß (+ 7,97 GB Data Pack 2 notwendig über Optionen / Allgemein / Spielinstallation verwalten)

Release: 30.09.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com

- Players now die to gas while riding the Subway

- Adjusted spawns in the S6 Mosh Pit to fix out of bound spawning

- Increasing drop rate of the minigun

- Decreasing drop rate of the Foresight killstreak

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 30.09.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com | fix=play3.de

- Probleme mit Season 6 Update, welche Abstürze versusachten, wurde behoben

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 08.10.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: mein-mmo.de | infinityward.com | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Warzone: Fixed an issue where players could survive in the gas while staying on the subway fast travel system

- AS VAL Balancing: SSP 10-R Munition erlaubt den Patronen nicht mehr, mehrere Wände zu durchschlagen

- SKS: Small reduction to ADS speed for variable zoom scopes

SP-R 208:

- Increase to flinch

- Minor reduction to ADS speed

- Variable zoom scope

- Moved weapon closer to the player while ADSing

-Small reduction to ADS speed

- .300 Norma mag and .338 Lapua Mag ammo types: Reduction to bullet velocity & Reduction to ADS speed

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 14.10.2020 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | infinityward.com | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Neue Waffe kann freigeschaltet werden: JAK-12

Multiplayer Playlist

- Ground War

- Gunfight

- Deathmatch Domination + Drop Zone

- Gun Game TDM

- HQ Firefight: teams can add to their score by capturing the headquarters and also by getting kills

Warzone Playlist

- Removing Blood Money Quads

- Adding Plunder Quads


- Fix for an issue where the “next unlocks” section was showing attachments out of order

- Fixed an issue where teammates could spawn inside a closed off room on Broadcast

- Fix for a bug where viewing the “Nevermore” execution in the menu could sometimes cause the animal model to get stuck

- Fixed a bug where grenades could fall through the floor in the Foreman’s Office while on Mialstor Tank Factory

- Fixed a lighting issue with the “Gilded Arm” variant from the Season Six Battle Pass

- Fix for an issue where players could experience a crash after reaching wave 45 or higher in Survival mode

- Improved stability for PC


- Increased minimum damage at range on the Kar98 in Warzone

- Reduced minimum damage at range on the SP-R 208 in Warzone


- Fixes to help improve volume levels with War Tracks slider

- Fixes to help prevent players from dying while completing the Subway puzzle

- Fix for a bug where players might not be able to access Bunker 11

- Fixed a gas mask bug when players attempt to complete the Station puzzle

- Fix for a bug where using a self-revive near the doors on the subway train, they will clip out of the train but still be transferred to the next station

- Fix for a collision bug near the entrance of the underground road on the West side of the airport

- If a player dies post doors closing of the subway car, they will be pulled out of gulag by the fast travel system and then pulled back into gulag for a match once it is their turn. This has been fixed

- Fix for an issue where the player's view could be forcibly moved when exiting a vehicle or parachuting

- Fixed a bug where players could experience a crash after engaging with a Bounty contract

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 11,79 GB groß

Release: 01.10.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamepro.de | playfront.de || xboxdynasty.de | release=xboxdynasty.de

- Neuer Koop Spielmodus: Überleben wird kostenlos hinzugefügt für PC und Xbox One

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- + 5,81 GB (Spec Ops Überleben-Packnotwendig über Optionen / Allgemein / Spielinstallation verwalten)

Release: 20.10.2020 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Halloween Event in Warzone vom 20.10.2020 bis zum 03.11.2020

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 28.10.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: infinityward.com


Fix for an issue where the code for Bunker 3 wasn’t functioning as intended

Fix for an issue with the Riot Shield that would only occur when players obtained the pumpkin head after getting 3+ kills (pumpkin heads are back on!)

Fix for an exploit in Zombie Royale

Temporarily removing the Durable Gas Masks from Warzone

Removing Snipers Only (TDM) while we fix a bug. We'll be replacing this mode with Gunfight - Snipers Only (3v3)



Reduced movement and ADS speed on JAK-12 Drum Mags

Reduced rate of fire on JAK-12 FRAG-12 ammo

Updating the JAK-12 FRAG-12 ammo description to say ‘slugs’

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 10.11.2020 (Version

Quelle: gamezone.de | infinityward.com | gamezone.de | mein-mmo.de | nextgen=play3.de, xboxdynasty.de, gamepro.de | Auflösung=xboxdynasty.de | 120=xboxdynasty.de, play3.de

- Xbox Series X Support: native 4K mit bis zu 120 FPS in Warzone)

- PlayStation 5 Support: 1500p mit bis zu 60 FPS in Warzone

- gesamte Spielgröße wurde um circa 25 GB verkleinert

Jedoch wurden die Hochauflösenden Texturen als Paket entgernt und können nun optional kostenlos wieder geladen werden


- Battle Royal: 50 players required to start (also has squad variations)

- Plunder: 30 players required to start (also has squad variations)

- Mini Battle Royal: 24 players required


- Fix for a bug where, when reviving a fallen teammate as the round ends in Survival, users can become stuck in third person

- Fixed an issue where some players were seeing the error code: "HK:s=373408m=54293536:10635584"

- Fix for the Gaz Operator challenge where players are unable to complete the first objective in the Season 4 Gaz Operator Bundle Mission "win 3 Gulag fights as Gaz"

- Fix for an issue where officer challenges 90 - 100 have been resetting after completion, preventing players from getting the last Season 6 Emblem

- In the Safehouse Finale of SP, at the Killstreak Chopper checkpoint, when using the zoom button the camera will zoom in and out

- Players using the Juggernaut will not hear the drilling audio when hit by the Phlembotomizer throwing knife. This has been fixed

- Fixed a bug where the player could have the Spotter Scope effect when not ADSing with it by picking up 2 weapons while looking with the scope

- Fixed a bug where helicopters could spin and float in the air after progressing in Survival

- Fixes to help prevent players from going AFK in Gunfight

- LMGs, Sniper Rifles, and Marksmen Rifles will now rotate as intended in Gunfight

- Fix for an issue where players that die right before an HQ is disabled and watch the full killcam do not spawn in as intended 


- M4 Tombstone: Fix for a bug where adding the .458 SOCOM or the 9mm Para 32-Round Mags removes them from the weapon model

- Tracer Pack: Sakura Edition- Maruyama: The dynamic icon appears to have a minor gap between the barrel and body of the weapon when the Compensator is equipped on the FTAC 13.5" Compact barrel. This has been fixed 


- Fixes to help fight against weapon corruption while in Spectator mode

- The gas from the Gas Grenade can sometimes obscure or completely hide players from thermal scopes

- Fixed an exploit near the Lozoff Pass Metro Station

- Armored Royale: Fixed a bug where dropping a truck redeployment flare into the service entrance of the subway can cause the truck to parachute underground

- While in Plunder, players parachutes will now auto deploy to help prevent against exploits

- Fix for an exploit with the Durable Gas Mask

- Fixed an audio bug where no overheat audio was playing when using the minigun on the helicopter

- When the player is using Bumper Ping as their button layout, the player will be unable to switch between the Gas Grenade and EMP Blast, resulting in them only able to use the gas grenade. This has been fixed

- When sitting in passenger seat of a helicopter and using the minigun, priming a lethal while simultaneously switching seats will break the players viewmodel. This has been fixed

- Fix for a bug where players are unable to equip other War Tracks after selecting "Random"

- Removed Juggernauts from Bunker puzzles

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 34,29 GB groß

Release: 16.12.2020 (Version

Quelle: warzone=play3.de, gamepro.de, gamezone.de | infinityward.com

- Neue Battle Pass Season 1 kann erworben werden

Battle Pass Fortschritt wird in Warzone, Cold War, Modern Warfare

- Saisonales Prestige-System mit bis zu 1.000 saisonalen Stufen

- Neuer Operator: Stitch


- Fix for a bug on Hackney Yard that could prevent Minotaur from performing an execution 

- Fixed bug where some players were unable to obtain a Nuke after obtaining the correct number of kills 

- Fixes to help the Wheelson path up various terrain 

- Fixed a bug where the ‘Revive’ prompt while playing Cyber Attack was appearing inconsistently 


- Fennec: Increased damage range

- ISO: Increased damage range

Warzone Inhalte

- Eine neue Warzone-Karte "Rebirth Island" und ein neuer Spielmodus zum Start der ersten Season

- 30 Basiswaffen aus Black Ops Cold War und Blueprint-Varianten werden in Warzone eingefügt

- Eine neue Gulag-Erfahrung

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 22,72 GB groß

Release: 17.12.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: mein-mmo.de | gamezone.de

Warzone Änderung

- Der neue Angriff-Helikopter wurde vorübergehend aus den Warzone-Karten entfernt – Verdansk und Rebirth Island.

Das Fahrzeug kehrt zurück, sobald die Probleme (Unsichtbarkeit-Glitch) damit behoben sind. Der normale Helikopter bleibt verfügbar

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 18.12.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de

- Eingeschaltetes Nutzen von zuvor verdienten Modern Warfare/Warzone-XP-Token

- Die „Alle zufällig“-Option für Embleme auszuwählen sollte wie gedacht funktionieren

- Saisonale Fortschrittsherausforderungen werden nun die korrekten Vorschaubilder anzeigen

- Es wurde eine Basis-Waffenherausforderung versteckt, die noch nicht verfügbar sein sollte

- Es wurden einige Probleme behoben, wenn Store-Bundles eingelöst werden

- Mehrere Waffenanpassungen

- Legacy-Token, die vor Saison 1 in Modern Warfare verdient wurden, werden im Modern Warfare-Multiplayer und in Warzone nutzbar sein

- Alle Token, die in Saison 1 und darüber hinaus verdient werden, sind in Black Ops Cold War und Warzone nutzbar (aber nicht im Modern Warfare-Multiplayer)

- Die Gesamtanzahl an Legacy- und neuen Token ist in Modern Warfare/Warzone sichtbar (Legacy-Token werden als erstes verbraucht)

- Legacy-Token sind nicht in Black Ops Cold War sichtbar

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 06.01.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com | mein-mmo.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

Warzone Änderung

- DMR 14: Reduced headshot damage, increased recoil

- Type 63: Reduced headshot damage, increased recoil

- Mac-10: Decreased headshot multiplier

- Dual pistols: Increased hip fire spread, decreased damage range

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 14.01.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com | gamezone.de | mein-mmo.de | play3.de

Warzone Änderung

Baupläne (Blueprints)

Gallantry (Mac-10)

- All stats updated to match base Mac-10


DMR 14

- Bullet penetration reduced from sniper to AR

- Damage falloff ranges decreased: 55 damage before / 48 damage after 750 units (down 70% from 2500 units)

Recoil increased:

- Increased moderately for second and third bullet

- Increased slightly for subsequent bullets

 Locational damage multipliers adjusted:

- Headshot now does less than 100 damage after 750 units

Lower torso reduced from 1.1 to 1.01 (~8%)

Type 63

- Bullet penetration reduced from sniper to AR

- Damage falloff ranges decreased: 60 damage before / 45 damage after 900 units (down 55% from 2000 units)

Burst Pistol

- Max damage reduced from 45 to 40 (~11%)



Front Grip

- Vertical recoil reduction removed

- Horizontal recoil reduction increased from 20% to 30%

Field Agent Foregrip

- Vertical recoil reduction decreased from 35% to 25%

- Horizontal recoil reduction increased from 35% to 30%

Type 63

Front Grip

- Vertical recoil reduction removed

- Horizontal recoil reduction increased from 20% to 30%

Spetsnaz Ergonomic Grip

- Vertical recoil reduction decreased from 45% to 30%

- Horizontal recoil reduction decreased from 45% to 40%

Burst Pistol

- Akimbo: All location damage multipliers set to 1

Tactical Equipment

- Player no longer gets infinite tactical equipment (Stim) when dropping their weapons while cooking a grenade


- Seasonal Challenges fixed to appear/track as intended

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 05.02.2021 (Version

Quelle: mein-mmo.de | xboxdynasty.de

Allgemeine Änderungen:

- Neuer Fix gegen den unendlichen Stim-Glitch. Das Problem kehrte nun schon 5 Mal zurück und erlaubte es Spielern,

durch den Missbrauch von Stims, im Gas zu überleben. Für viele dürfte das wohl die wichtigste Änderung der neuen Updates sein.

- Der Match-Bonus sowie die Kill-XP-Belohnuung im Kingslayer-Modus wurde angepasst


Das Timing für das Auffüllen der Munition bei einem „Empty Reload“ wurde bei Waffen aus Black Ops Cold War angepasst.

Damit sollte das Nachladeproblem endlich behoben sein, wodurch beispielsweise ein Sprint am Ende der Animation komplett den Reload abbrechen würde.


Einige Operator-Missionen für Stitch (neu seit Season 1) sollten nun korrekten Fortschritt gewähren


Die visuelle Anzeige für den „Heavy Handed“-Vorschlaghammer im Ausrüstungsmenü wurde gefixt


Ein Problem wurde behoben, wodurch bei höheren Prestige-Leveln der in den Quartieren angezeigte Fortschritt zum nächsten Level etwas anderes anzeigte, als das obere Banner im Hauptmenü des Spiels.


Tier Skips (Stufensprünge) wurden aus „Modern Warfare“-Bundles entfernt

Die Vorschau der Uhr aus dem „Hot Shot“-Bundle zeigt nun die korrekte Uhr an

Einige kleinere Probleme beispielsweise bei Bildern, Icons oder Namen wurden gefixt

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 11,97 GB groß

Release: 12.02.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: mein-mmo.de

- Ein Problem wurde behoben, wodurch Waffen-XP nicht korrekt gewährt wurden

- Probleme mit einigen Elementen im Loadout-Menü wurden behoben

- Einige Namen und Bezeichnungen in der Valentins-Wochenende-Playlist wurden aktualisiert

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 25.02.2021 (Version

Quelle: mein-mmo.de| release=mein-mmo

- Season 2 ist gestartet und es kann ein neuer Battle Pass erworben werden

Warzone Playlists

- Resurgence Extreme

- Exfiltration


- Players should no longer spawn outside of the Gulag combat area

- Ammo replenishment timing when equipping Stopping Power rounds on Cold War weapons has been addressed

- Fixed various issues with reticle streaming

- The “Grinch Forest Spirit” Skin now properly renders at all distances

- The “Gem Cutter” Silenced Assault Rifle is now properly suppressed

- Operator Mission “Unkillable” will now track properly when getting kills with the High Alert Perk active

- Mac-10 Weapon Unlock Challenge now tracks correctly when getting 2 rapid kills using an SMG

- Operator Missions require now associated Operator to be equipped

- Fixed an issue with War Tracks not playing correctly

- Fixed an issue causing the Heartbeat Sensor to incorrectly display player with Ghost Perk active on Kill Cam

- Prestige banners now include correct text and award stickers

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 17,98 GB groß

Release: 02.03.2021 (Version

Quelle: twitter.com | texture paket= xboxdynasty.de, play3.de

- Verbindungsprobleme wurden behoben

- Optionaler Download für PS4 Pro, PS5, Xbox One X und Xbox Series X|S

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 840,52 MB groß

Release: 03.03.2021

Quelle: aufsätze=twitter.com | mein-mmo.de


- Agency/GRU/Umwickelter Schalldämpfer wurden auf ihren vorherigen Zustand zurückgesetzt

- Die vierte Operator-Mission für Baker mit dem Ziel, 15 Feinde mit einer Waffe mit einem angebrachten Zielfernrohr mit 2-facher Vergrößerung oder mehr zu eliminieren, wird nun korrekt gezählt

- Kleine Updates an verschiedenen UI-Elementen wie Icons, Store-Bundles, Spieler-Level-Up und mehr

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 31.03.2021 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | release=gamezone.de, ravensoftware.com, mein-mmo.de, play3.de

- Gesamtgröße 233,0 GB (Grundspiel: 95,3 GB wurde auf 81,1 GB verkleinert)

Nach dem Updates wurde die Gesamtgröße von 233 GB auf 175,3 GB verkleinert


- Fixed Dev Error 6634 for Xbox.

- Fixed subtitles for Sims, Beck, and Garcia.


Armor should now spawn consistently as ground loot across all matches.

- On Rebirth Island, an out of map exploit was fixed near Chemical Engineering.

- In Plunder, Self Revive can now be dropped via the Quick Inventory menu. 

- With keyboard/mouse or any Bumper Ping control scheme, holding the Ping button down for a short time will let you clear all your placed pings at once.

The Tactical Map has been updated:

You can now double-click to place a Danger Ping.

- When hovering over some pingable objects you'll now sometimes get the name of the object, making it easier to see what you're pointing at.

- It should now be slightly easier to point at exactly what you want when items are very close to one another.

- Changed "Delete Pings" text to "Remove My Pings".


- The Cold War AUG’s base recoil magnitude has been increased.

- Cold War weapon unlocks now appear properly in the After Action Report. 


- The Suppressor muzzle now correctly displays muzzle flash concealment as a pro.

- The Cavalry Lancer barrel now increases damage done to vehicles.

- Smooth zoom/variable zoom scopes will now properly mount on vertical walls.

- Fixed some ADS firing animation issues on scopes.

- Fixed a bug where some Cold War barrels were not having their intended effects.


- Baker’s fourth Operator Mission Objective to eliminate 15 enemies using a weapon with an attached 2x magnified scope or greater now tracks properly.

Die reduzierten Installationsgrößen im Detail

- PlayStation 5: 10,9 GB (nur Warzone) / 30,6 GB (Warzone und Modern Warfare)

- PlayStation 4: 10,9 GB (nur Warzone) / 30,6 GB (Warzone und Modern Warfare)

- Xbox Serie X / Xbox Serie S: 14,2 GB (nur Warzone) / 33,6 GB (Warzone und Modern Warfare)

- Xbox One: 14,2 GB (nur Warzone) / 33,6 GB (Warzone und Modern Warfare)

- PC: 11,8 GB (nur Warzone) / 30,6 GB (Warzone und Modern Warfare)

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 57,96 GB groß

Release: 20.04.2021 (Version

Quelle: mein-mmo.de


- Sorokin-Lauf und Akimbo zusammen verringern den Schaden um 25 %

- Hüftfeuer-Streuung mit dem Sorokin-Lauf erhöht

- Bewegungs-Geschwindigkeit mit Akimbo um 5 % verringert

- Bewegungs-Geschwindigkeit mit 80-Schuss-Trommel um 5 % verringert

- 80-Schuss-Trommel verringert ADS-Tempo um 7 %

Weitere Änderungen

- Das RC-XD gibts nicht mehr an der normalen Buy-Station – nur noch an den Zombie-Stationen

- Es gab Probleme beim Anlegen von Panzerplatten, nach der Aktivierung eines Killstreaks oder Feld-Aufrüstung

- Raketen des Eindämmungs-Protokolls sind nun leiser und landen nicht mehr im Spielgebiet

- Ein Bug wurde gefixt, der die Kollision der Loadout-Drops nach dem Aufheben beibehielt

- Beim Königsmörder-Modus geht der Gas-Kreis nicht mehr außerhalb des Spielfeldes

- Reparatur des reaktiven Waffen-Skins „Swatt Master“ der XM4

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 5,62 GB groß

Release: 22.04.2021 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Season 3 ist gestartet

Warzone Karte wurde verändert und ist nun Verdansk 1984

- 24,32 GB groß

Release: 29.04.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de | ravensoftware.com | mein-mmo.de

- Ein Fehler behoben, der dazu führen konnte, dass die Herausforderungen des zeitlich begrenzten „Hunt for Adler“-Events nicht als abgeschlossen registriert wurden,

obwohl die jeweiligen Bedingungen erfüllt wurden.

- Zudem wurde ein Bug ausgemerzt, durch den die Spieler außerhalb der Map spawnen konnten.

- Auch die Exploits, durch die die Spieler die Karte von „Verdansk“ an verschiedenen Punkten verlassen konnten, gehören nach dem Update des heutigen Updates der Vergangenheit an.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 07.05.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: ravensoftware.com


- Loot that spawns across both Verdansk and Rebirth Island has been adjusted as follows...


- Common variant removed from ground loot

- Uncommon variant removed from ground loot

- Rare variant removed from Supply Boxes

- Epic variant removed from Supply Boxes

Hauer 77

- Common variant added to ground loot

- Uncommon variant added to ground loot

- Rare variant added to Supply Boxes


- Fixed additional map locations in Verdansk that allowed players to reach out-of-bounds areas. This is on top of the locations that we addressed last week.

- Fixed a bug causing Player models to initially load as low resolution at the start of a BR match.

- Fixed a bug with the Cold War AK-47, FARA 83, XM4, and RPD where they were having their ADS Move Speed and Firing Move Speeds decreased with the Tactical and SAS Combat/Spetsnaz Stocks rather than increased.


Assault Rifles


- Minimum Damage decreased from 32 to 31 (Warzone Only)


- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.5 to 1.35

- Base ADS Move Speed decreased by 7%



- Base Hip Spread increased

- Recoil increased slightly

- ADS speed reduced slightly

Submachine Guns


- Maximum Damage decreased from 34 to 32

- Maximum Damage Range increased by 11%

- Base Move Speed increased by 1%

- Sprint Out Speed increased by 13%


- Maximum Damage Range increased by 4%

- Open Bolt Delay decreased by 80%



- Combat Recon (Snipers)

- Bullet Velocity multiplier increased by 12%

- ADS Idle Sway multiplier decreased by 33.3%


- Axial Arms 3x (Cold War AK-47)

- Optic behavior improved


 Raider/KGB Skeletal Stock (Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Shotguns, Snipers)

- ADS Firing Speed multiplier decreased by 75%

- ADS Move Speed multiplier decreased by 10%

Raider/KGB Skeletal Stock (Submachine Guns)

- ADS Firing Speed multiplier decreased by 50%

- ADS Move Speed multiplier decreased by 10%

SAS Combat/Spetsnaz Stock (Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Shotguns, Snipers)

- ADS Firing Speed multiplier decreased by 75%

- ADS Move Speed multiplier decreased by 10% 

SAS Combat/Spetsnaz Stock (Submachine Guns)

- ADS Firing Speed multiplier decreased by 50%

- ADS Move Speed multiplier decreased by 10%

Tactical Stock (Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Shotguns, Snipers)

- ADS Move Speed multiplier decreased by 75%

Tactical Stock (Submachine Guns)

- ADS Move Speed multiplier decreased by 50%

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 20.05.2021 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | release=mein-mmo.de, gamezone.de

- Neuer Operator "Rambo" & "John McClane" wurde hinzugefügt und kann erworben werden

Warzone Änderungen

Balance-Anpassungen Waffen

AK-47u Rework: Weniger Reichweite und Kugelgeschwindigkeit, dafür mehr Mobilität und ein höherer Multiplikator für den Nacken-Schaden. Soll eine Maschinenpistole werden, die risikoreiches Gameplay mit hohem Schaden belohnt.

- Nacken-Multiplikator von 1,0 auf 1,4

- Sprinten-zu-Feuern-Tempo um 20 % erhöht

- Kugelgeschwindigkeit um 25 & verringert

- Maximale Schadens-Reichweite um 25 % verringert

PPSh-41: Buff: Bekommt einen kleinen Schadens-Buff und dürfte dadurch nun deutlich stärken sein, nach Aussage der Entwickler.

- Maximaler Schaden von 27 auf 28 erhöht

- Maximale Schadens-Reichweite um 3,8 % erhöht

- M82 – Rework: Soll sich mehr von den DMRs unterscheiden – bekommt eine geringere Feuerrate, dafür mehr Durchschlagskraft. Weitere Buffs könnten folgen

- Kugelgeschwindigkeit um 14 % erhöht

- Extremitäten-Multiplikator von 0,9 auf 1,0 erhöht

Feuerrate verringert

LW3-Tundra: Buff: Die Entwickler wissen, dass die Waffe stark ist, aber unter bestimmten Schwächen leidet und deshalb unbeliebt ist. Ein kleiner Buff soll die Wirksamkeit verbessern.

- Ziel-Stabilität wurde erhöht

Swiss K31: Buff: Das mobile Sniper-Gewehr soll besser im Kampf auf mittlerer bis hoher Entfernung werden und bekam dafür wichtige Stärkungen.

- Zuckungs-Resistenz deutlich erhöht

- ADS-Tempo leicht erhöht

- Ziel-Stabilität leicht verbessert

ZRG 20mm: Buff/Nerf: Die ZRG ist sehr stark und hat die größten Kugeln der Schusswaffen in Warzone. Die Entwickler schreiben, dass sich die Waffe auch so anfühlen soll.

- Kugel-Penetration verstärkt

- Brust-Schaden-Multiplikator von 1,25 auf 1,7 erhöht

- Bauch-Schaden-Multiplkator von 1,15 auf 1,25 erhöht

- Extremitäten-Multiplikator von 0,9 auf 1,0 erhöht

- ADS-Tempo um 4 % verringert

- Bewegungs-Geschwindigkeit um 2 % verringert

- Kugelgeschwindigkeit um 2 % verringert

- Bewegung während des Zielens um 1 % verringert


 - Mehr Reparaturen an der Map Verdansk ’84, damit Spieler die Karte nicht ungewollt verlassen können

- Ein Glitch mit unendlichen Gasmasken wurde gefixt

- Activision-ID wurde beim Beobachten eines Spielers nicht immer korrekt angezeigt

- Plünderungs-Auftrag beim Schauplatz „Summit“ wurde repariert

- Loadout-Drops sollten nun nicht mehr durch die Salz-Pools der Salz-Mine fallen

- LW3-Tundra: Gefixter Grafik-Bug beim Waffen-Modell

- Swiss K31: Glitch konnte mit Spezial-Munition ungewollte One-Shots verteilen

- Bullfrog: Hatte manchmal eine viel zu hohe Kugelgeschwindigkeit

- CARV.2: Läufe gaben unter Umständen nicht immer die richtigen Werte im Match

- FARA 83: 50-Schuss-Magazin ist nun auch im Menü ein 60-Schuss-Magazin

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 15,20 GB groß

Release: 27.05.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: mein-mmo.de

Nur in Warzone

- Solo Modus : Anstatt zwischen 16 bis 20 Trucks pro Match sollen nun nur noch 5 Trucks auf der Map spawnen.


- Headshot-Multiplikator wurde von 1.62 auf 1.5 abgesenkt.


- Rückstoß wurde abgeschwächt

LW3 Tundra

 - Fischaugen-Effekt wurde der Linse etwas

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 04.06.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: charlieintel.com


- Fixed an issue preventing the FARA 83 horizontal recoil from being properly adjusted.

- Fixed an issue that caused Modern Warfare reticles to appear on the Axial Arms 3x and Royal & Kross 4x.


Submachine Guns (PPSh-41)

- Aim Down Sight position adjusted for iron sights

- This increase to visibility will make it much easier to stay on target while using iron sights.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 17.06.2021 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | paket=xboxdynasty.de | release=ravensoftware.com, play3.de, mein-mmo.de | ps5-120hz>=play3.de

- Season 4 ist gestartet

- Paket für hochauflösten Texturen für Xbox (ab 22.06.2021)


PlayStation 5 Support: 120 FPS nur in Warzone (in 1080p mit 120 Hz über HDMI 2.0 / 4K 120 Hz ohne HDR über HDMI 2.1)


- Red Doors have appeared in Verdansk

- Downtown Tower is now under new management

- New Gulag: Hijacked

- This plywood re-creation of the yacht’s central area will replace the current “Standoff Gulag”.

New Satellite Crash POIs added:

Krovnik Farmland

- Right in the middle of some poor farmer’s crops is one crashed satellite, its fuselage split into multiple parts amid the field.

Bloc 18

- Closer to the once-sleepy village near the Salt Mines lies another downed satellite. Its location leaves it open to Operators parachuting down from the Radar Array.

Bloc 16

- Deep within the Gora riverbed near the Airport Control Tower, a more intact satellite sits ready to be explored.

Gora Bridge

- Spanning the Gora River between Downtown Fire Station 12 and the Promenade Fairgrounds, this bridge saw a direct impact from the downed satellite, taking a chunk out of its brickwork.


- Downed Players who disconnect now provide kill credit and drop loot. This includes Players who disconnect during a Finishing Move.

- Progression Challenges: Font size for Challenges and their descriptions has been increased.

- Addition of 8 new LGBTQIA+ Pride flag Calling Cards. 

- Awarded to all Players for free! These cards will automatically show up in your Barracks.


New Vehicle: Dirt Bike

- Terror on two wheels arrives in Warzone. Ramp up your off-road antics with this extremely maneuverable scrambler, scattered across Verdansk and ready to use at the start of a match.

- Speed: Faster than all vehicles, including the ATV.

- Handling: Drifts at high speeds. Offers finer control at lower speeds. Mastery is key. 

- Durability: Low; same health as the ATV.

- Capacity: Two Operators: one driver and one passenger. Next to no room to “stack” Operators atop it, such as with the two-passenger ATV.

- Trophy System Placement: Must stand atop the bike to place a Trophy System; can fit one on the saddle or on front/rear fenders.

Loot that spawns across Verdansk has been adjusted as follows…

- The C58 (BOCW) and MG 82 (BOCW) can be found in the loot pool

- Combat Bow Killstreak has been added to the loot pool

- Self-Revive spawn rate has been reduced

- 1911 (BOCW) starter Handgun now requires three hits to gain bonus Finisher damage instead of two.

- This change will increase the number of melee hits needed for this Weapon to down an enemy at 200hp by 1.

Snapshot Grenade

- Reveal duration increased from 1.25 to 2 seconds.

- Hit enemies are now also revealed to your squad.

Custom Mods

- Custom Mods have been enabled for BOCW Weapons. This will allow you to name and save up to five custom Weapon builds as Blueprints.

- Some thoughts on the Specialist Token...


- Fixed some instances of Dev Error 5573 related to using the CARV.2 (BOCW).

- Updating Challenges that referred to the Quarry to correctly indicate the Salt Mine.

- Fixed an issue where a Player’s downed movement speed would remain at a slowed state after being partially revived by a teammate.

- Fixed issue with the Tactical Rifle Charlie (BOCW) causing some Operators to have their heads disappear when using tactical equipment.

- Fixed an issue where the "Gas closing in" voiceover was playing on infill for Resurgence Trios playlists.

- Fixed an issue where Scavenger Contracts would sometimes spawn inside the bridge near Stadium.

- Fixed an issue where Plunder Contracts were not properly showing Contract instructions and rewards.

- Fixed an issue where muzzles on the FARA 83 (BOCW) Weapon icon were misaligned.

- Fixed an issue where Players could survive a Finishing Move if they had just started using an ascender.

- Fixed an issue where pings on enemies would disappear and no audio would play.

- Fixed an issue with the lighting during the infiltration sequence of Rebirth Island.

- Fixed an issue in the corners of one of the buildings in Rebirth Island that caused a sun glare effect when GPUs run at high temperatures.

- Fixed several missing collision map exploit issues in Rebirth Island.

UI/UX, Social, & More

- Friends List now has improved responsiveness.

- Added the ability for Players to favorite up to 14 Operators.

- Added the ability to filter Operators by favorites and sort according to faction.

 - Added the ability for Players to preview skins from the customization menu (accessible only for unlocked Operators).

- Added the ability to allow Players to Play Again with Team, allowing them to stay connected with Players who aren’t in their party.


New Weapons (BOCW)

 MG 82: Light Machine Gun (Launch Week)

- Obtain the MG 82 for free and ready to use in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone at Tier 15 of the Season Four Battle Pass.

C58: Assault Rifle (Launch Week)

- Obtain the C58 for free and ready to use in Black Ops Cold War and Warzone at Tier 31 of the Season Four Battle Pass.

Nail Gun: Submachine Gun (Launch Week)

- Obtain via unlock Challenge or via Blueprint in the Store.

Baseball Bat: Melee (Launch Week)

- Obtain via unlock Challenge or via Blueprint in the Store.

OTs 9: Submachine Gun (In-Season)

- Obtain via unlock Challenge or via Blueprint in the Store.

Mace: Melee (In-Season)

- Obtain via unlock Challenge or via Blueprint in the Store.

Assault Rifles


- Upper Torso Damage multiplier decreased from 1.2 to 1.1

The real strength of the CR-56 AMAX (MW) layed in its long-range viability and the consistency of its Time to Kill.

While we have made several moves to reduce its power level, the third time is in fact, the charm.

We love the CR-56 AMAX (MW) and we will likely see it return in the future when the massive balance overhaul takes place.

Though for now, we would like to shake up the long-range space and see what rises to the top.

Groza (BOCW)

- Minimum Damage increased from 18 to 23

- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1.1 to 1.2

- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1

- Maximum Damage range decreased by 12%

- As a relatively slow-firing, low damage Assault Rifle, it is no surprise that the Groza (BOCW) has underperformed since its preemptive balance adjustment at the beginning of Season Three.

This tune up should put it in a solid position in short to mid-range mobility based AR builds.

FN Scar 17 (MW)

- Neck Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.5

- Upper Torso damage multiplier increased from 1 to 1.2

- We would like to avoid increasing the power level of a Weapon to a point where we would need to reduce it shortly after in the following balance overhaul.

With that being said, the Assault Rifle Golf (MW) may soon see another power increase in the near future, but we think an improvement to its average Time to Kill is a good place to start.


Neck Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.5

We consider increases to Neck Damage Multipliers a small buff realistically, as they make landing headshots only slightly more likely.

We feel the XM4 (BOCW) is close to being in a great spot and we are aiming for this change to get it there.



- Maximum Damage increased from 30 to 33

- Second Damage range increased by 14.3%

- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1

- Extremities Damage Multipliers increased from .9 to 1

- Head Damage Multiplier decreased from 1.4 to 1.3

- The AMP63 (BOCW) did not have its fastest Time to Kill improved by these changes. Rather, its TTK breakpoints were shifted around and its Second Damage range was pushed out.

A move we felt was necessary to help offset its limited magazine capacity and rate of fire.

These changes should provide another compelling Secondary Weapon option alongside the Sykov (MW) to complement non-Overkill loadouts.


Ballistic Knife (BOCW)

- Projectile Velocity increased by 25%

- Neck Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.3

- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.23

- Move Speed increased by 1.3%

Streetsweeper (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage range decreased by 24%

- Second Damage range decreased by 18%

- Third Damage range decreased by 7%

- Move Speed decreased by 1%

The Streetsweeper (BOCW) has one of the best short-range kill death ratios of any Weapon in Warzone.

The issue is with the right Attachments that lethal range could be stretched out further than we would like.

 The Streetsweeper (BOCW) will still be very deadly, but will now require you to be a few steps closer to your target to maximize its effectiveness.

Sniper Rifles

Sniper Rifle Charlie (BOCW)

- Bullet Velocity increased by 7.7%

- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1.1 to 1.25

- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.15

Swiss K31 (BOCW)

- Base Optic functionality improved

- Base Reticle updated

Submachine Guns


- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1

- Maximum Damage range increased by 10%

Bullfrog (BOCW)

- Ironsights ADS position adjusted

- These changes should allow for better ADS visibility without optics.


- Maximum damage range increased by 16.6%

- Extremities multipliers increased from .9 to 1

The KSP 45 (BOCW) has a fast Time to Kill potential. Insomuch that when considering how to increase its effectiveness, we were concerned not to push it too hard, for fear of making it dominant.

 It is understandable why one would steer clear of a short to mid-range burst-fire Weapon considering how low the margin for error is in that engagement range.

However, two well placed bursts with the KSP 45 (BOCW) will put someone out of commission faster than you might expect.

Milano 821 (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage increased from 34 to 36

- Minimum Damage increased from 25 to 30

- Maximum Damage range increased by 23%

- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.2

- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1

- Extremities Damage Multipliers increased from .9 to 1

- The Milano 821 (BOCW) needed a lot of love for it to reach a semi-viable state.

We will see how it shapes up over the first half of Season Four and make any necessary changes at that time.

PP-19 Bizon (MW)

- Maximum Damage increased from 34 to 35

- Extremities Damage Multipliers increased from .9 to 1

- Much like its BOCW counterpart, the Submachine Gun Echo (MW) relies heavily on well-placed shots. These changes should make it a tad more forgiving.

Tactical Rifles


- Recoil magnitude decreased

- Even after its falling out, the DMR 14 (BOCW) is still a respectable choice with the right Attachments.

A little bump to help stay on target at a distance should help the DMR 14 (BOCW) hold its own in the face of fierce mid to long-range competition.



- Combat Recon (Snipers)

- Pelington 703 (BOCW)

- Bullet Velocity increased from 42.5% to 47.5%

Sniper Rifle Charlie (BOCW)

- Bullet Velocity increased from 42.5% to 50%

Swiss K31 (BOCW)

- Bullet Velocity increased from 43% to 50%

LW3 - Tundra (BOCW)

- Bullet Velocity increased from 42.5% to 44%

ZRG 20mm (BOCW)

- Bullet Velocity increased from 42.5% to 43%

- These changes will bring the longest BOCW Sniper barrels much closer to parity with Modern Warfare equivalents.

Ranger (Assault Rifles)

- Now increases Bullet Velocity by 50%

- Now increases Vertical Recoil Control by 15%

- Now increases Hip Spread by 20%

Takedown (Assault Rifles)

- Now increases Effective Damage Range by 35%

- Now increases Horizontal Recoil Control by 15%

- Now increases Hip Spread by 20%

Reinforced Heavy/Match Grade (Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns)

- Now increases Bullet Velocity by 25%

- Now increases Effective Damage Range by 17.5%

- Now increases Horizontal Recoil Control by 7.5%

- Now increases Vertical Recoil Control by 7.5%

- Now decreases ADS Move Speed by 10%

- Now decreases Sprint Speed by 2.5%

- Now decreases ADS Speed by 3%

- Now increases Hip Spread by 25%

Task Force/Spetsnaz RPK/CMV Mil-Spec (Assault Rifle, Light Machine Guns)

- Now increases Bullet Velocity by 50%

- Now increases Effective Damage Range by 35%

- Now increases Horizontal Recoil Control by 15%

- Now increases Vertical Recoil Control by 15%

- Now decreases ADS Move Speed by 20%

- Now decreases Sprint Speed by 5%

- Now decreases ADS Speed by 6%

- Now increases Hip Spread by 30%

Recoil Control has long been a detractor to the long-range viability of BOCW Weapons.

These changes will help alleviate that and provide a more diverse selection of Weapons in that engagement space.


- Most BOCW Reticles have been updated.

- Axial Arms 3x

- Optic position shifted

- Royal & Kross 4x

- Optic position shifted


- Bruiser Grip (Snipers)

- Aiming Stability increased from 10% to 19%

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 11,26 GB groß

Release: 18.06.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: ravensoftware.com


Two New Weapon Unlock Challenges

- PPSh-41 (BOCW): Using SMGs, get 3 kills immediately after sprinting in 15 different completed matches.

- Swiss K31 (BOCW): Using Sniper Rifles, get 2 Headshot kills in 15 different completed matches.


- Fixed an issue that was causing Players in the Warzone client to see a placeholder image when receiving a gift from a Player in Black Ops Cold War.

- Fixed an issue causing Zeyna's third Operator Mission - "Accumulate 10 total seconds of airtime while riding a Dirt Bike" - to not track.

- Fixed an issue causing the "Soldier of Fortune" Challenge to grant a different Calling Card than the one displayed in the Seasonal Progression Menu.

- Fixed an issue where hovering over the “Power Surge” Reactive Bundle would force the player back to the Main Menu.

- Fixed an issue where Players could only access the Options Menu while queued for a match.

- Fixed an issue where receiving the Battle Pass Bundle as a gift would cause a crash when entering the Title Selection Menu.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 22.06.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: ravensoftware.com


Light Machine Guns

MG 82 (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 30 to 29

- Minimum Damage decreased from 28 to 27

- Maximum Damage range decreased by 20%

- Headshot multiplier decreased from 1.3 to 1.2

- Upper Chest multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1

- Extremities multiplier decreased from 1 to .9

- Vertical and Horizontal Recoil increased

Submachine Guns

Nail Gun (BOCW) 


- Fixed an issue that was causing some Players to have to restart the game in order to unlock a gifted Battle Pass.

- Fixed an issue causing tier skips to not apply properly when receiving a gifted Battle Pass Bundle.

- Fixed a locked control room door in Salt Mine that was killing Players instantly upon contact.

- Fixed an issue causing Players to lose control of their Operator after walking through a Red Door if another Player had previously died while going through it.

- Fixed an issue where using some QBZ-83 (BOCW) Blueprints would cause Players to crash.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 30.06.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: ravensoftware.com | mein-mmo.de | xboxdynasty.de



Assault Rifles

- C58 (BOCW): Recoil increased slightly

- FARA 83 (BOCW): Recoil increased slightly

Submachine Guns

- Nail Gun (BOCW): Maximum Damage range decreased by 39%

Änderungen der Aufsätze

Läufe (Barrels)

- Ranger (Assault Rifles except AK-47 (BOCW) & XM4 (BOCW))

Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 15% to 10%

- Takedown (Assault Rifles except AK-47 (BOCW) & XM4 (BOCW))

Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 15% to 10%

- Reinforced Heavy / Match Grade / VDV Reinforced (Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns)

Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 7.5% to 5%

Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 7.5% to 5%

- Task Force / Spetsnaz RPK / CMV Mil-Spec (Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns)

Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 15% to 10%

Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 15% to 10%

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 15.07.2021 (Version

Quelle: ravensoftware.com | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de


- New Prestige items added:

Calling Cards


- The Killchain Perk now increases the chance to obtain all Warzone Killstreaks from loot.


- Fixed an issue where the PS5 120hz mode couldn’t be activated while HDR was enabled.

- Fixed an issue with the Xbox One S that would prevent Players from joining matches in Verdansk Playlists.

- Fixed several issues that resulted in Players crashing due to Dev Error 5573.

- Fixed additional collision issues with various elements across Verdansk allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed an issue causing melee attacks to one-shot other Players if simultaneously equipping Armor Plates.

- Fixed an issue preventing Players from saving custom mods on the Shotgun Bravo (BOCW).

- Fixed an issue preventing Players from saving custom mods on the Tactical Rifle Charlie (BOCW).

- Fixed an issue with older Graphics Cards displaying shadows incorrectly.

- Fixed an issue with Rebirth Crates appearing open when they should be closed.

- Fixed an issue where the Ice Drake’s Barrel was obstructing the Player’s sight when ADSing with an Axial Arms 3x Optic.

- Fixed an issue allowing Players to briefly use Weapons after being downed if the Gas Mask animation was still active.

- Fixed an issue where a Bounty Target would still be tracked after death.

- Fixed an issue allowing Players to access an out of play area in the Downtown Tower.

- Fixed an issue where Players could fire their Weapons after being downed with a rocket launcher.

- Fixed an issue with the Tactical Rifle Charlie (BOCW) where its Maximum Reserve Ammo was 150 instead of 210.

- Fixed an issue where the hipfire reticle on the Light Machine Gun Alpha (BOCW) wouldn’t appear when the Visiontech 2x optic was equipped.

- Fixed an issue preventing Players from interacting with the Buy Battle Pass button after pressing an arrow key.

- Fixed an issue causing the "Celebratory Smoke" Gesture visual effects in Warzone to not match the Black Ops Cold War version.

- Fixed an issue causing various Blueprints in Warzone to not match the Black Ops Cold War version.

- Fixed an issue causing various Weapon Dynamic Icons to appear misaligned on the ingame UI.

- Fixed an issue causing the Dirt Bike icon to appear larger on the Tac Map than other vehicles.

- Fixed an issue causing Players to remain stuck on the Purchasing screen/animation when attempting to purchase the Battle Pass.

- Fixed an issue causing the hat on Beck’s “Spray Paint” Skin to appear translucent.

- Fixed an issue causing the Ballistic Knife to appear misaligned in third-person.

- Fixed an issue causing the Precision Airstrike Killstreak A-10 Thunderbolt II jet to remain in the sky until the end of the match.

- Fixed an issue causing Mastery Camos to apply inconsistently on various Blueprints.

- Fixed an issue causing incorrect animations while performing a melee attack in a crouched position.

- Fixed an issue where the Infil icon was the incorrect vehicle type.

- Fixed an issue causing the Bullfrog (BOCW) model to appear misaligned while equipped in the Primary Weapon slot.

Dirt Bike:

- Fixed an issue where Players would be unable to exit the Dirt Bike if it got stuck.

- Fixed an issue where Players in the passenger seat would not be able to melee other Players.

- Fixed an issue where picking up a fallen Dirt Bike would not play a pickup animation.

- Fixed an issue where detonating C4 on a Dirt Bike could kill Players in your squad.

- Fixed an issue where the Dirt Bike could be positioned to prevent doors from opening.

- Fixed an issue where the Helicopter blades would not kill Players riding a Dirt Bike.

- Fixed an issue where the Dirt Bike could get stuck if navigated to be resting on its underside.

- Fixed an issue where the kill feed icon for the Dirt Bike was the ATV.

- Fixed an issue where the Dirt Bike minimap icon was larger than other vehicle icons.

- Fixed an issue in Plunder where Player vision was partially blocked with bags of money.

UI, UX & More

New Social Menu Tabs: Recent Squad and Recent Lobby

- Added two new tabs to the Social Menu to display recent squad mates and

recent game lobby members so that Players can more easily find, friend, and play with their recent team members.

- Other Players that the Player interacted with during a match will be automatically sorted

 to the top of the Recent Lobby list to make it easier to report instances of cheating and/or toxicity even after the match has ended.


New Weapons (BOCW)

OTs 9: Submachine Gun (Launch Week)

- Full-auto SMG. Impressive firepower at close range with good visibility while firing. Reliable recoil control with a smaller magazine size.

- Unlockable via Store bundle or the following in-game challenge:

- Using SMGs, kill 2 or more Players rapidly in 15 different completed matches.

Mace: Melee (In-Season)

- Brutal new melee Weapon arriving later in the season.

- Unlockable via Store bundle or in-game challenge.

Assault Rifles

AK-47 (BOCW)

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.62 to 1.5

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.2 to 1

AK-47 (MW)

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.2 to 1.1

C58 (BOCW)

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.62 to 1.58

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.2 to 1

- Lower Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1

- Maximum Damage Range increased by 8%

- Recoil increased


- Headshot Multiplier increased from 1.5 to 1.55

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1

Assault Rifle Bravo (MW)

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 2.05 to 1.62

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.2 to 1.1


- Maximum Damage decreased from 31 to 29

- Recoil increased


- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.5 to 1.4

- Maximum Damage decreased from 27 to 25

- Minimum Damage decreased from 25 to 23

- Maximum Damage Range decreased by 20%

- Neck Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.2

Assault Rifle Golf (MW)

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.2 to 1.1

Grau 5.56 (MW)

- Minimum Damage increased from 22 to 24

Groza (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 28 to 27

- Maximum Damage Range increased by 4.5%

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.62 to 1.5

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.2 to 1.12

- Lower Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1

- Recoil pattern smoothed

Krig 6 (BOCW)

- Minimum Damage increased from 25 to 26

M13 (MW)

- Minimum Damage increased from 19 to 20

- Assault Rifle Charlie (MW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 28 to 27

- Minimum Damage increased from 22 to 23

Oden (MW)

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.3 to 1.2


- Minimum Damage increased from 22 to 24

- Base Move Speed reduced by 3%

- Base ADS Move Speed reduced by 5%

- Upper Torso Multiplier increased from 1.1 to 1.2

- Lower Torso Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1

RAM-7 (MW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 28 to 26


- Maximum Damage decreased from 32 to 30

- Minimum Damage decreased from 28 to 27

- ADS Speed decreased slightly

- Recoil increased slightly

Light Machine Guns

M60 (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage increased from 36 to 37

- Headshot Multiplier increased from 1.5 to 1.6

MG 34 (MW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 31 to 29

- Minimum Damage decreased from 28 to 27

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.5 to 1.4

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1

MG 82 (BOCW)

- ADS Speed decreased slightly

- Light Machine Gun Alpha (MW)

- Maximum Damage increased from 31 to 32

- Maximum Damage Range decreased by 7%

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1

SA87 (MW)

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.2 to 1.1

Light Machine Gun Alpha (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 34 to 33

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1

Sniper Rifles

Swiss K31 (BOCW)

- ADS animation updated

- Now shares a base reticle with the ZRG 20mm

Submachine Guns

AK-74u (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 35 to 31

- Minimum Damage increased from 25 to 26

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.62 to 1.6

- Upper Torso Multiplier increased from 1 to 1.1

- Bullet Velocity increased by 5%

Submachine Gun Alpha (MW)

- Minimum Damage increased from 25 to 26

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.62 to 1.47

Bullfrog (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 32 to 31

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.62 to 1.5

- Left Upper Arm Multiplier increased from .9 to 1

- Right Upper Arm Multiplier increased from .9 to 1

- Left Upper Leg Multiplier increased from .9 to 1

- Right Upper Leg Multiplier increased from .9 to 1


- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.62 to 1.57


- Maximum Damage decreased from 30 to 27

- Minimum Damage decreased from 25 to 24

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.62 to 1.55

Mac-10 (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 24 to 23

- Minimum Damage decreased from 20 to 19

Milano 821 (BOCW)

- Recoil increased slightly

- Maximum Damage range decreased by 12%

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.62 to 1.38

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.2 to 1.1

- Lower Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1

Submachine Gun Alpha (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 33 to 31

- Minimum Damage decreased from 25 to 24

Nail Gun (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 50 to 46

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.62 to 1.45

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.28 to 1

Submachine Gun Echo (MW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 35 to 34

- Minimum Damage increased from 25 to 26

PPSh-41 (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 28 to 26


- Minimum Damage increased from 20 to 21

- Submachine Gun Delta (MW)

- Minimum Damage increased from 25 to 26

Fennec (MW)

- Maximum Damage decreased from 25 to 24

- Minimum Damage decreased from 20 to 19

- Tactical Rifles

- Tactical Rifle Charlie (BOCW)

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.8 to 1.7


- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.7 to 1.6

M16 (BOCW)

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 1.8 to 1.6


- BOCW Sniper Optics with 4x or greater magnification will now state that they have optic glint.

- 9,21 GB groß

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 04.08.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de

- Neue Waffe MP "CX-9" kann nun freigeschaltet werden

- Neuer Operator "Soap MacTavish" wurde eingebaut

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 06.08.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com

Krig 6 (BOCW)

- Lower Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1

- Maximum Damage Range decreased from 1500 to 1400

CX-9 (MW)

- Increased mid damage range from 20 to 21

- Increased Headshot Multiplier from 1.4 to 1.45

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 13.08.2021 (Version

Quelle: callofduty.com | ravensoftware.com


- Season 5 startet am 13.08.2021 mit einem neuen Battle Pass

- Weitere Änderungen von der Battle Royal Karte

- Neuer Gulag: Rush

- Neue Waffen: EM2 (Strurmgewehr) & Tac-9 (SMG)

- Neue Killstreak: Flammenwerfer

- High-resolution textures are now delivered through On-Demand Texture Streaming. To enjoy a similar visual quality, enable this feature in the Options menu.


- Fixed additional collision issues with various elements across Verdansk allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed visual issues with various elements across Verdansk causing them to disappear at certain angles or allowing light to shine through them.

- Fixed an issue allowing Players to hide inside of cash drops.

- Fixed an issue related to the in-game lobby causing Players to turn invisible for the duration of the match.

- Fixed an issue where a Munitions Box could be dropped in the in-game lobby and persist to the live match.

- Fixed an issue where a Player would lose their Weapons when reviving another player if the downed Player gave up.

- Fixed an issue where a Player’s head would disappear when a Plunder bag was on their back.

- Fixed an issue where Dismemberment was not working for the “Solar Flare” Blueprint.

- Fixed an issue where new Text Chat options did not appear in the Accessibility Menu.

- Fixed an issue where sniper glint would sometimes not appear.

- Fixed an issue where the “Solar Flare” Blueprint wasn't properly applied to the base Weapon.

- Fixed an issue where the Bumper Ping Button Layout would ping when deploying a Field Upgrade.

- Fixed an issue with the Steady Aim Laser descriptions for the AK-47 (BOCW) and C58 (BOCW).

- Fixed an issue where Tracers were not present when using the “Solar Flare” Blueprint.

- Fixed an issue with Akimbo Pistols would spawn with the left Weapon unloaded.

- Fixed an issue with the OTs 9 (BOCW) dynamic icons.


- Added a new Armor Box icon to better differentiate between Ammo Box and Armor Box.




- 20 Rnd: Ammo Capacity increased from 20 to 25

- STANAG 25 Rnd: Ammo Capacity increased from 25 to 30

- 20 Rnd Speed Mag: Ammo Capacity increased from 20 to 25

- Salvo 23 Rnd Fast Mag: Ammo Capacity increased from 23 to 30

- gesamter Speicherverbrauch von 277,0 GB auf 278,2 GB erhöht

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 13,23 GB groß

Release: 18.08.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: mein-mmo.de | twitter.com


- This fix addresses an issue where Players were receiving significantly less XP than normal.


- Kugelgeschwindigkeit leicht um 13,4 % erhöht

OTs 9

- Visier-Bewegungen beim Anvisieren verringert


- Basis-Schaden erster Schadensbereich von 34 auf 31

- Reichweite um 5,4 % verringert

- Brust-Schaden-Multiplikator erhöht von 1 auf 1,1


- Basis-Schaden im ersten Schadensbereich von 30 auf 27

AMP 63

- Basis-Schaden ersten Schadensbereich von 33 auf 31

- Neuer zweiter Schadensbereich mit 28 Basis-Schaden

- Basis-Schaden im dritten Schadensbereich von 23 auf 20


- Die Änderungen gelten nur mit Akimbo-Extra

- Basis-Schaden ersten Schadensbereich von 33 auf 29

- Basis-Schaden zweiter Schadensbereich von 28 auf 25

- Basis-Schaden dritter Schadensbereich von 23 auf 20


- Die Änderungen gelten nur mit dem Lauf „Sorokin 140mm Auto“

- Basis-Schaden ersten Schadensbereich von 27 auf 24

- Basis-Schaden zweiter Schadensbereich von 23 auf 20

- Basis-Schaden dritter Schadensbereich von 19 auf 17

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 17.08.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de


- Dabei richten sich die Änderungen vorrangig an den Kill Feed: Aus der Anzeige geht fortan besser hervor, wenn ein Spieler aus einer laufenden Partie verbannt wurde.

Sollte ein unfairer Teilnehmer aus dem Match geworfen werden, unterrichtet der Kill Feed die anderen Spieler ab sofort vom Bann.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 24.08.2021 (Version

Quelle: twitter.com

- As some of you have noticed, mid-match Loadout editing has been reenabled for #Warzone pre-match lobby, Plunder, and #ModernWarfare multiplayer.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 1,81 GB groß

Release: 25.08.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de

- Neue Waffe "LAHS MG" (LMG) kann freigespielt werden

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 01.09.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | twitter.com

- Mit dem kleinen Patch beheben die Entwickler ein Problem, wodurch die dritten und vierten Objectives in der Security Expert Operator-Mission nicht ordnungsgemäß aufgezeichnet wurden.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 08.09.2021 (Version

Quelle: ravensoftware.com


Field Upgrades

- Dead Silence and Stopping Power have been removed. Leave the pocket sand on the playground.

Sniper Rifles

- Can only one-shot to the head within 30 meters. You’re gonna have to get up close and personal with the competition.


- ATVs and Dirt Bikes only. You’ll need to dispatch your foes the old fashioned way. Plan your drops carefully and rotate early.


- Fixed a visual issue causing Player models to appear to have two left hands after free falling with any akimbo Weapon equipped.

- Fixed additional collision issues with various elements across Verdansk allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed collision issues with various elements across both Verdansk and Rebirth Island that allowed Loadout Drops to fall through them.

- Fixed an issue causing Players to not receive the squad wipe notification when finishing the last member of an enemy squad.

- Fixed an issue causing Players to remain stuck in the blank tablet screen while using the RC-XD Killstreak.

- Fixed an issue causing the audio for certain Finishing Moves to not play properly.

- Fixed an issue causing Thermite damage to persist upon redeployment after exiting the Gulag.

- Fixed an issue where a Bounty Contract would display placeholder text.

- Fixed an issue where a Squad Wipe wouldn’t count if the last enemy was holding a Self-Revive.

- Fixed an issue where Players could regenerate Armor Plates while using the Tempered perk.

- Fixed an issue where Revive and Self-Revive times were incorrect in Private Matches.

- Fixed an issue where some Calling Cards were displaying placeholder text.

- Fixed an issue where trying to customize Reticles would send Players back to the Main Menu.

- Fixed incorrect Blueprint labeling of various Attachments in the Gunsmith Customs.

- Fixed the Reticle alignment for the Swiss K31 (BOCW) “Roman Standard” Blueprint.

- Fixed the visual scaling of the Swiss K31 (BOCW) Diamond Camo.

- Fixed various issues causing the inspect animation on some Blueprints to not work properly.

Weapon Changes

Assault Rifles

- C58 (BOCW): Recoil adjusted

- EM2 (BOCW): Base Optic eye position retracted

Assault Rifle Bravo (MW)

Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1

Groza (BOCW)

Sprint to Fire Speed increased by 15%

Krig 6 (BOCW)

Maximum Damage decreased from 30 to 29

Mid Damage now 25

Minimum Damage decreased from 25 to 23

Weapon Kick adjusted

Light Machine Guns

- Light Machine Gun Alpha (BOCW): Recoil increased slightly

Tactical Rifles

- Tactical Rifle Charlie (BOCW): Recoil decreased

- DMR 14 (BOCW): Recoil adjusted

- M16 (BOCW): Weapon Kick decreased

Type 63 (BOCW)

- Headshot Multiplier decreased from 2.1 to 1.58

- Neck Multiplier increased from 1.2 to 1.58

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.2 to 1

- Lower Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1

- Weapon Kick decreased

Submachine Guns

- OTs 9 (BOCW): Maximum Damage Range decreased by 6.2%

- Submachine Gun Charlie (MW) with 10mm Auto 30-Round Mags: Maximum Damage decreased from 34 to 31

PPSh-41 (BOCW)

- Weapon Kick adjusted

- ADS Sway adjusted

Sniper Rifles

- Swiss K31 (BOCW): Recoil adjusted

- ZRG 20mm (BOCW): Recoil adjusted



Assault Rifles

Ranger/Liberator/GRU Composite

- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 10% to 8%

Reinforced Heavy/VDV Reinforced/Contour

- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 5% to 4%

- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 5% to 4%

Takedown/Contour M2

- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 10% to 8%

Task Force/Spetsnaz RPK/CMV Mil-Spec

- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 10% to 8%

- Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 10% to 8%

Light Machine Guns

Match Grade

Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 5% to 4%

Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 5% to 4%

Task Force

Horizontal Recoil Control decreased from 10% to 8%

Vertical Recoil Control decreased from 10% to 8%

Tactical Rifles (DMR 14 (BOCW)

16.3” Titanium

- Damage Range decrease reduced from 25% to 20%

- Rate of Fire increase reduced from 16.7% to 15%

Rear Grips (Assault Rifles)

Groza (BOCW)

- Serpent Grip: ADS Speed increase reduced from 9% to 7%

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a visual issue causing Player models to appear to have two left hands after free falling with any akimbo Weapon equipped.

- Fixed additional collision issues with various elements across Verdansk allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed collision issues with various elements across both Verdansk and Rebirth Island that allowed Loadout Drops to fall through them.

- Fixed an issue causing Players to not receive the squad wipe notification when finishing the last member of an enemy squad.

- Fixed an issue causing Players to remain stuck in the blank tablet screen while using the RX-XD Killstreak.

- Fixed an issue causing the audio for certain Finishing Moves to not play properly.

- Fixed an issue causing Thermite damage to persist upon redeployment after exiting the Gulag.

- Fixed an issue where a Bounty Contract would display placeholder text.

- Fixed an issue where a Squad Wipe wouldn’t count if the last enemy was holding a Self-Revive.

- Fixed an issue where Players could regenerate Armor Plates while using the Tempered perk.

- Fixed an issue where Revive and Self-Revive times were incorrect in Private Matches.

- Fixed an issue where some Calling Cards were displaying placeholder text.

- Fixed an issue where trying to customize Reticles would send Players back to the Main Menu.

- Fixed incorrect Blueprint labeling of various Attachments in the Gunsmith Customs.

- Fixed the Reticle alignment for the Swiss K31 (BOCW) “Roman Standard” Blueprint.

- Fixed the visual scaling of the Swiss K31 (BOCW) Diamond Camo.

- Fixed various issues causing the inspect animation on some Blueprints to not work properly.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 5,61 GB groß

Release: 09.09.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: ravensoftware.com


Tactical Rifles (DMR 14 (BOCW)

- Neck Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1

- Upper Torso Multiplier decreased from 1.1 to 1


- Fixed a visual issue with the Season Progressional menu icons.

- Fixed an issue causing some Weapons found via Supply Box or ground loot to change rarity color after being picked up by Players.

- Fixed issues causing various HUD/UI elements to appear misaligned in non-English languages.

- Fixed issues with various dynamic Weapon icons in both the menu and in-game UI.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 15.09.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: ravensoftware.com | twitter.com | charlieintel.com

Weapon Balancing Changes

AK-47 (BOCW)

- Gun kick adjusted


- Maximum damage decreased 29 -> 25.

- Minimum damage decreased 25 -> 23.

- Head multiplier increased 1.35 -> 1.56.

- Neck multiplier increased 1 -> 1.2.

- Upper torso multiplier increased 1 -> 1.1.

Krig 6 (BOCW)

- Recoil increased.

- Neck multiplier decreased 1.3 -> 1.1.


- Recoil increased slightly.

- Recoil dampening enabled.

OTs 9 (BOCW)

- Recoil increased slightly.

- Maximum damage decreased 34 -> 31.

- Minimum damage increased 20 -> 21.

- Headshot multiplier increased 1.35 -> 1.52.

- Neck multiplier decreased 1.35 -> 1.


- Maximum damage decreased 26 -> 24.

- Minimum damage decreased 24 -> 22.

- Neck multiplier increased 1 -> 1.1.

Light Machine Gun Alpha (BOCW)

- Recoil adjusted.

- Gun kick adjusted.

- Raise interrupt time increased 0.8 -> 1 second.

Tactical Rifle Charlie (BOCW)

- Recoil decreased slightly.


Tactical Rifle Charlie (BOCW)

18” Rapid Fire

Fire rate increased 5% -> 6%.

17” Titanium

Fire rate increased 7% -> 8%.

M16 (BOCW)

16.3” Rapid Fire

Fire rate increased 5% -> 6%.

16.3” Titanium

Fire rate increased 7% -> 8%.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a visual issue with the Calling Card awarded for a certain easter egg.

- Fixed an issue causing Red Door rooms to misleadingly appear open if a Player dies inside one and redeploys after winning their Gulag match.

- Fixed an issue causing the Auto Move Forward accessibility menu option to appear twice.

- Fixed an issue preventing text from fitting properly within Menu elements in non-English languages.

- Fixed an issue that was allowing Players to force Red Doors to remain open by using the Deployable Cover Field Upgrade.

- Fixed an issue that was preventing some players from receiving rewards after completing a Contract in core BR.

- Fixed an issue where clicking an MOTD would cause Players to be taken to the incorrect location within the Menus.

- Fixed an issue were the same easter egg could not be interacted with.

- Fixed an issue where the Swiss K31 (BOCW) Roman Standard Reticle was not center-aligned.

- Fixed another issue causing the second Objective in Kitsune’s “Security Expert” Operator Mission to not track properly.

- Fixed several issues related to the Tempered Perk.

- Fixed the rarity label on various Blueprints and Charms.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 07.10.2021 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | mein-mmo.de | play3.de | clan=callofduty.com, twitter.com | release=ravensoftware.com

- Season 6 ist gestartet

- Clan System wird vorerst deaktiviert

Killfeed (Time On Screen)

- Added an option under the Accessibility menu to customize the amount of time that messages in the Killfeed stay on screen.

This option is intended to support Hard of Vision, Hard of Hearing, and Cognitive Overload accessibility.

The setting has 5 options:

- Off: Never show updates

- Default: Updates show for 10 seconds

- Medium: Updates show for 20 seconds

- Long: Updates show for 30 seconds

- Extended: Updates show for 60 seconds


- Fixed a UI issue causing the Tempered Perk to display incorrectly during Plunder matches.

- Fixed a visual issue causing the C58 (BOCW) ejection port to not open during the firing animation.

- Fixed additional collision issues with various elements across Verdansk allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed an issue causing a conflict between the audio of Red Doors and Supply Boxes.

- Fixed an issue causing Operator Bios and the “Set as Favorite” UI option to not appear when using a gamepad.

- Fixed an issue causing Seasonal Challenges to remain grayed-out while scrolling through the menu.

- Fixed an issue with the Krig 6 (BOCW) that would cause noticeable camera tilt while firing.

- Fixed an issue causing the Pelington 703 (BOCW) default reticle to appear misaligned.

- Fixed an issue causing the QBZ-83 (BOCW) to hitch when firing.

- Fixed an issue causing the Sniper Rifle Charlie (BOCW) default reticle to appear misaligned.

- Fixed an issue causing the TEC-9 (BOCW) hipfire reticle to not match the appropriate firing mode.

- Fixed an issue causing unintended bullet collision on the rear end of Payload Cargo Trucks.

- Fixed an issue with the firing audio on the “Turbo Powered” Bullfrog (BOCW) Blueprint.

- Fixed several issues related to the reload animations for both the Sniper Rifle Charlie (BOCW) and OTs 9 (BOCW).

- Fixed various issues that would result in Players experiencing either Dev Error 5476 or Dev Error 5573.

- Fixed various issues with Stitch's subtitles while near Red Doors.


Assault Rifles

- C58 (BOCW): Recoil increased

- EM2 (BOCW): Recoil increased

 Light Machine Guns

MG 82 (BOCW)

- Gun Kick increased

- Recoil increased

- Reload interrupt time increased

- Raise interrupt time increased

Light Machine Gun Alpha (BOCW)

- Gun Kick increased

- Recoil increased

Attachment Changes


Tiger Team Spotlight

- Movement Speed multiplier decreased from 3.2% to 3%

- ADS Movement Speed multiplier decreased from 3.2% to 3%


OTs 9 (BOCW)

Spetsnaz 40 Rnd

- ADS Speed multiplier decreased from .85 to .835

- Reload Time decreased from 2.6 to 2.7 seconds

- Reload Empty Time decreased from 3 to 3.1 seconds

VDV 40 Rnd Fast Mag

- ADS Speed multiplier decreased from .8 to .78

- Reload Time decreased from 1.93 to 2.11 seconds

- Reload Empty Time decreased from 2.23 to 2.32 seconds

- gesamte Speicherverbrauch 279,2 GB auf 269,8 GB reduziert

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 30,17 GB groß

Release: 19.10.2021 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | mein-mmo.de

- Halloween Event ist gestartet

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 3,21 GB groß

Release: 20.10.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com

- Ghosts can now drop ammo when killed

- Souls will be removed when too far out in the gas

- Passive Fear gain has been reduced

- Increased Fear reduction when killing Ghosts and humans

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 04.11.2021 (Version

Quelle: gamezone.de | mein-mmo.de | clan=callofduty.com, twitter.com

- Clan System wird wieder aktiviert

- Der Perk „Geist“ sollte nun wieder richtig funktionieren

- Die Waffen-Tarnung „Wissenschaft“ für die „Cold War“-Armbrust sollte jetzt freischaltbar sein

- Waffen-Tarnungen für die Nagelpistole sollten jetzt freispielbar sein

- Falscher Text des Waffen-Skins „Suprise Splash“ wurde korrigiert

- Falscher Text beim Freischalten der neue LAPA SMG wurde korrigiert

- Probleme mit den Aufsätzen des Waffen-Skins „High Stakes“ wurden behoben

- Falsche Visier-Animation des „Phoenix Inferno“-Bauplans wurde gefixt

- Im Match-Report wurde nicht immer die komplette ATVI ID angezeigt

- Das UI des Party-Leiters konnte das Chat-Fenster überlappen

- Bei der Operatorin Charly funktionierten manche Exekutionen nicht richtig

- Manchmal wurdet ihr aus den „Favorite Operator“-Screen geworfen

- Es kam vor, dass ihr „tot“ ins Match startet, wenn ihr in der Pre-Game-Lobby erledigt wurdet

- Fahrzeuge verursachen manchmal keinen Schaden auf „gedownte“ Gegner

Patchnotes in Englisch

- Fixed an issue causing the "Science" Camo Unlock Challenge for the R1 Shadowhunter (BOCW) to not track.

- Fixed an issue causing the Camo Unlock Challenges for the Nailgun (BOCW) to not track.

- Fixed an issue with the text on the "Surprise Splash" Legendary Assault Rifle Echo (BOCW) Blueprint.

- Fixed an issue causing incorrect text to appear for the LAPA (BOCW) Weapon Unlock Challenge.

- Fixed various issues with Attachment visibility on the "High Stakes" Light Machine Gun Delta (BOCW).

- Fixed an issue with the "Phoenix Inferno" Assault Rifle Delta (BOCW) Blueprint where the ADS animation was incorrect.

- Fixed an issue causing the Ghost Perk to not work correctly.

- Fixed an issue causing the After Action Report to not show the Player's full ATVI ID.

- Fixed an issue causing the Party Leader UI to overlap with the text chat window.

- Fixed an issue causing the Charly Operator's default execution animation to play incorrectly.

- Fixed an issue causing Players to get kicked from the Favorite Operators menu.

- Fixed an issue causing Players who are killed in the pre-match lobby to start a match as dead.

- Fixed an issue causing damage dealt with a vehicle to a downed enemy to not register.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 3,92 GB groß

Release: 08.12.2021 (Version

Quelle: mein.mmo.de | play3.de | verschoben=play3.de | xboxdynasty.de| release=ravensoftware.com, xboxdynasty.de


- Neue Warzone Karte "The Pacific" wird hinzugefügt

Verfügbar für Vanguard Besitzer am 08.12.2021 und für alle Spieler am 09.12.2021

- Neuer Gulag wurde eingebaut

- Neue Public Event werden eingebaut

Restock: All supply boxes on the map will close again and refresh their loot.

Resurgence: For a short duration, the Resurgence effect will allow Players to respawn so long as a teammate is boots on the ground.

Cash Drop: The well known Plunder Cash Drops will begin to spawn.

Heavy Weapons Crate: New and highly desirable Weapons can be obtained from these crates.

- mehe als 40 neue Waffen aus Vanguard werden hinzugefügt

Weapon Adjustments


- Ballistic Knife (BOCW): Melee damage decreased to 90, down from 135

- Battle Axe (BOCW): Damage decreased to 135, down from 175

- Cane (BOCW): Damage decreased to 135, down from 150

- Mace (BOCW): Damage decreased to 135, down from 150

- Sai (BOCW)

Damage decreased to 70, down from 135

Lunge Distance decreased 7.7%

Melee Finisher now requires 4 hits, up from 2

- Kali Sticks (MW)

Damage decreased to 65, down from 90

Lunge Distance decreased by 7.7%

Melee Finisher now requires 4 hits, up from 2

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- Speicherverbrauch von 165,2 GB auf 165,4 GB erhöht (mit allen Addons)

- 41,27 GB groß

Release: 10.12.2021 (Version

Quelle: twitter.com | ravensoftware.com



- Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed an issue allowing access to items that Players weren’t supposed to see yet!


Assault Rifle

AK-47 (BOCW)

- Initial Recoil Deviation increased


- Neck Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.1, down from 1.2

- Recoil Magnitude increased

- Recoil Deviation increased

Marksman Rifle

Crossbow (MW)

- Neck Damage increased to 250, up from 200

- Upper Torso Damage increased to 240, up from 200

- Lower Torso Damage increased to 220, up from 200

Marksman Rifle Charlie (MW)

- Flinch Resistance decreased by 62%

- R1 Shadowhunter (BOCW)

- Neck Damage increased to 250, up from 200

- Upper Torso Damage increased to 240, up from 200

- Lower Torso Damage increased to 220, up from 200


Ballistic Knife (BOCW)

- Upper Torso Damage increased to 248, up from 246

- Lower Torso Damage increased to 225, up from 195

- Upper Arm Damage increased to 200, up from 180

- Lower Arm Damage increased to 190, up from 180

- Upper Leg Damage increased to 200, up from 160

 - Lower Leg Damage increased to 190, up from 160

Baseball Bat (BOCW)

 - Lunge Distance decreased by 47%

Battle Axe (BOCW)

- Lunge Distance decreased by 38%

Cane (BOCW)

- Lunge Distance decreased by 46%

Mace (BOCW)

- Lunge Distance decreased by 42%


- Shotgun Bravo (BOCW)

- Movement Speed decreased by 1.2%

- ADS Movement Speed decreased by 8.6%

Sniper Rifle

Swiss K31 (BOCW)

- Flinch Resistance decreased by 62%

Submachine Gun

OTs 9 (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage decreased to 30, down from 31

- Headshot Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.33, down from 1.52

- Submachine Gun Alpha (BOCW)

- Maximum Damage decreased to 20, down from 31

- Headshot Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.41, down from 1.45

Submachine Gun Charlie (MW)

- Fire Rate decreased to .08, down from .075

- Sprint to Fire Speed decreased by 2.6%



- G16 2.5x (VG)

Assault Rifles

- Eye position shifted forward


Raider Stock (BOCW)

- Movement Speed modifiers decreased by 25%

SAS Combat Stock (BOCW)

- Movement Speed modifiers decreased by 25%

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 709,88 MB groß

Release: 15.12.2021 (Version

Quelle: twitter.com | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | ravensoftware.com | mein-mmo.de

- Neues Event "Geschenke zum Fest" ("Festive Fervor") ist gestartet vom 17.12.2021


- Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed an issue allowing Players to duplicate Weapons.

- Fixed an issue allowing Players to infil prematurely.

- Fixed an issue causing Players to experience framerate drops if respawning with a Player Title and Calling Card Frame equipped.

- Fixed an issue causing the Voice Chat output device setting to revert back to Default Communication Device.

- Fixed an issue preventing Vanguard Seasonal Challenges from appearing and/or tracking properly.

- Fixed an issue where EM2 (BOCW) Recoil was not being properly increased.

- Fixed an issue causing the k98 Scout 10.0x Telescopic Optic to incorrectly increase Aim Down Sight Speeds.

- Fixed an issue causing Players to unintentionally ADS-in and ADS-out.


Typ 100 – Buff

- Magazin 1 – Nambu-20-Schuss hat nun 30 Schuss

Roboter – Nerf

- Rückstoß erhöht

- Sakura-75-Schuss-Magazin: 2 % weniger Bewegungs-Geschwindigkeit / 3 % weniger Bewegung-Geschwindigkeit im Visier

- Klauser-50-Schuss-Magazin: 2 % weniger Bewegungs-Geschwindigkeit / 2 % weniger Bewegung-Geschwindigkeit im Visier

Bren – Nerf

- Hals-Multiplikator verringert von 1,5 auf 1,4

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- Speicherverbrauch von 165,4 GB auf 165,2 GB reduziert (mit allen Addons)

- 10,29 GB groß

Release: 15.12.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: mein-mmo.de


Änderungen beim Loot auf Caldera

- Boden-Loot

- Kisten-Loot

- Auftrags-Loot


- Weitere problematische Stellen mit Kollisionsproblemen auf Caldera gefixt

- Fehlende oder falsche Bilder von Store-Bundles wurden repariert

- Kaputte Texte im Social-Menü wurden überarbeitet

- Hohe Zuckungsresistenz des „Fokus“-Extras der Kar 98k aus CoD MW wurde gefixt

- Die Typ 99 kann nun keine One-Shot-Kills mit Brusttreffern mehr landen

- Maschinenpistole Owen und PPSh verursachten unter Umständen mehr Schaden als geplant

Weapon Adjustments

- Rückstoß-Anpassung / Recoil Adjustment

- Das Rückstoß-Muster hat sich geändert

- Rückstoß-Abweichung / Recoil Deviation

- Wert bestimmt über Zufall im Rückstoß-Muster (Bloom-Effekt)

- Rückstoß verringern, verstärken / Recoil increase, decrease

- Ausmaß des Rückstoßes

Weapon Adjustments

- STG44 : Rückstoß-Anpassung

- Owen Maschinenpistole: Rückstoß-Anpassung

- BAR: Rückstoß verstärkt

- PPSh-41 (Vanguard): Rückstoß-Anpassung

- Roboter: Rückstoß deutlich verstärkt

- MP40: Rückstoß-Anpassung

Cooper Karabiner

- Erster Schadensbereich verringert von 1.350 auf 1.200 Zoll (ca. 30 m)

- Hals-Multiplikator verringert auf 1,2 von 1,3

- Bauch-Multiplikator verringert von 1,1 auf 1,0

- Rückstoß leicht verstärkt


- Hals-Multiplikator verringert auf 1,2 von 1,5

- Maschinenpistole (Handfeuerwaffe) – Nerf

- Erster Schadensbereich verringert von 225 auf 215 Zoll (ca. 5,5 m)

- Zweiter Schadensbereich verringert von 600 auf 450 Zoll (ca. 11 m)

- RATT: Hals-Multiplikator verringert auf 1,2 von 1,5

- Kipplauf: Hals-Multiplikator verringert auf 1,2 von 1,5

- MG82 (Cold War): Rückstoß-Abweichung erhöht

- G-43: Rückstoß-Anpassung

MG42 (Nerf)

- Visier-Tempo verringert um 9 %

- Rückstoß verstärkt


- Erster Schadensbereich verringert von 150 auf 140 Zoll (ca. 3,50 m)

- Zweiter Schadensbereich verringert von 240 auf 220 Zoll (ca. 5,50 m)

Gracey automatisch

- Schaden zweiter Schadensbereich verringert auf 20 von 22

- Schaden dritter Schadensbereich verringert 18 auf 14

- Erster Schadensbereich verringert von 160 auf 140 Zoll (ca. 3,50 m)

- Zweiter Schadensbereich verringert von 325 auf 300 Zoll (ca. 8 m)


- Rückstoß-Anpassung

- Visier-Tempo verringert um 10 %


- Rückstoß-Anpassung

- Bewegungs-Geschwindigkeit verringert um 1,25 %

- Bewegungs-Geschwindigkeit im Visier verringert um 4 %

- Hier die etwas kürzere Liste mit den Buffs:

Kar 98k (CoD MW)

- Zuckungsresistenz erhöht um 19 %

Kar 98k (Vanguard)

- Zuckungsresistenz erhöht um 19 %

Schweizer K31

- Zuckungsresistenz erhöht um 19 %

Typ 99

- Maximaler Basis-Schaden erhöht von 92 auf 96

- Minimaler Basis-Schaden erhöht von 72 auf 82

- Hals-Multiplikator verringert von 2 auf 1,7


- Maximaler Basis-Schaden erhöht von 92 auf 95

- Minimaler Basis-Schaden erhöht von 75 auf 78

- Hals-Multiplikator verringert von 2 auf 1,5

- Bauch-Multiplikator verringert von 1,1 auf 1,06

- Obere-Gliedmaßen-Multiplikator verringert von 1,1 auf 1,0

- Visier-Tempo erhöht um 16,6 %

Gorenko Panzerabwehr-Gewehr

- Minimaler Basis-Schaden verringert von 108 auf 102

- Erster Schadensbereich erhöht von 2.048 auf 4.096 Zoll (ca. 104 m)

- Hals-Multiplikator verringert von 2,0 auf 1,8

- Kugelgeschwindigkeit erhöht von um 22 %


- Erster Schadensbereich erhöht von 140 auf 160 Zoll (ca. 4 m)

- Zweiter Schadensbereich verringert von 230 auf 220 Zoll (ca. 5,50 m)

- Dazu kommen ein paar Anpassungen bei Aufsätzen:

Kipplauf: M15-Schrotpatrone

- Erster Schadensbereich verringert von 197 auf 180 Zoll (ca. 4,50 m)

- Maximaler Basis-Schaden verringert auf 18 von 25

- Zweiter Schadensbereich verringert von 315 auf 278 Zoll (ca. 7 m)

- Schaden zweiter Schadensbereich verringert auf 14 von 15

Waffen-Extra „Ruhig“

- Hüftfeuer-Bewegungs-Multiplikator verringert auf 4 % von 5,5 %

- Visier-Bewegungs-Multiplikator verringert auf 3,5 % von 4 %

Dreiliniengewehr: Schnelllade-Magazin

- Kugelkapazität erhöht auf 5 von 3

Kar 98k (Vanguard): Schnellade-Magazin

- Kugelkapazität erhöht auf 5 von 3

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 18.12.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de



- The Firesale Public Event has been adjusted to last a fixed duration.


- Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed an issue causing the Festive Fervor Event Challenges to not track progress.

- Fixed an issue causing additional placeholder images to appear in various Store Bundle previews and/or purchases.

- Fixed an issue causing placeholder text to appear on various Store Bundles.

- Fixed an issue causing placeholder text to appear underneath Unlock Criteria XP Bar for locked Vehicles.

- Fixed an issue causing some Store Bundles to appear with the incorrect Rarity label.

- Fixed an issue causing the Festive Deals discount to not apply when gifting a Store Bundle to another Player.

- Fixed an issue causing visually incorrect pricing on some Store Bundles.

- Fixed an issue where the “Space Issue” Submachine Gun Charlie (VG) Blueprint was incorrectly displaying Vital instead of the Brace Gun Perk.

Weapon Adjustments

Assault Rifle

Cooper Carbine (VG)

- Maximum Damage decreased to 24, down from 25

- Minimum Damage decreased to 19, down from 20

- ADS Speed decreased by 5.3%


Attachment Adjustments


Assault Rifle Charlie (VG)

CGC 27” 2B

- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased by 5%

- Vertical Recoil Control decreased by 5%

CGC 30” XL

- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased by 5%

- Vertical Recoil Control decreased by 5%

Cooper Carbine (VG)

14” Gracey Rapid

- Now multiplies Damage by .9

- Now multiplies Headshot Damage by 1.07

- Now multiplies Upper Torso Damage by .99

- Now increases Vertical Recoil by 5%


Assault Rifle Charlie (VG)

8mm Klauser 30 Round Mags

- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased by 4%

- Vertical Recoil Control decreased by 4%

.50 BMG 30 Round Mags

- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased by 4%

- Vertical Recoil Control decreased by 4%

Cooper Carbine (VG)

9mm 60 Round Drums

- Damage Multiplier increased to .96, up from .89

- Move Speed decreased by 2%

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 06.01.2022 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: mein-mmo.de | xboxdynasty.de



- In den Vanguard-Modi dauert das Schussverkauf-Event jetzt so lange wie der Kreis-Zyklus, in dem das Event gestartet ist.


- Probleme mit der Kollision auf Caldera gefixt, die Spieler zu ihrem Vorteil ausnutzen konnten

- Fehler entfernt, der dazu führte, dass kostenlose Loadout-Kisten von allen Teams auf demselben Platz landeten

- Der kaputte „Erwacht“-Skin von Francis wurde repariert – der Skin konnte unsichtbar machen

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 13.01.2022 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | ravensoftware.com | xboxdynasty.de


Bug Fixes

- Fixed several issues causing instability on the Xbox and PlayStation platforms.

- More fixes to come.

- Fixed an issue that was causing crashes on the PlayStation 5.

- Fixed an issue with the Packed Powder Attachment where it was increasing Locational Multipliers.

- Fixed an issue with the Double Barrel (VG) where its Akimbo Gun Perk was not properly decreasing Damage.

- Fixed an issue with the Submachine Gun Alpha (VG) where its VDD 189mm Short Barrel was incorrectly affecting Locational Multipliers.

- Fixed an issue with the Assault Rifle Charlie (VG) where its SVT-40 PU Scope 3-6x Optic would envelop the screen while firing.

- Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed an issue causing Players to return from the Gulag with an incorrect Loadout.

- Fixed an issue causing Players to get kicked from the Gunsmith screen while accessing Custom Loadouts during a match.

- Fixed an issue causing incorrect visual assets to appear for certain Store Bundle previews.

- Fixed an issue causing incorrect description text to appear for certain Operators.

- Fixed an issue causing placeholder text to appear below cross-platform friends on the Social menu.

- Fixed an issue causing placeholder text to appear on various Calling Cards.

- Fixed an issue causing some Store Bundles to appear with the incorrect Rarity label.

- Fixed an issue preventing the “Get 3 Wins as Francis” Operator Mission from tracking progress.

- Fixed an issue causing the Caldera Victory Exfil cinematic to end prematurely.

- Fixed an issue causing the Match Summary button to not work.

- Fixed an issue causing Tactical Insertion to not appear in the Field Upgrades menu


New Weapons

- Welgun Submachine Gun (VG): Heavy full-auto SMG with lethality and range for short to medium-range engagements.

Weapon Adjustments

Assault Rifle

Assault Rifle Alpha (VG)

- Visual Recoil decreased

Assault Rifle Hotel (VG)

- Recoil decreased

- Recoil Deviation decreased

AS44 (VG)

- Initial Recoil decreased

- Recoil Deviation decreased

NZ-41 (VG)

- Recoil Deviation decreased slightly

- Recoil ramp-up now occurs one bullet later


Einhorn Revolving (VG)

- Hip Spread increased slightly



Cooper Carbine (VG)

- Compressed Rounds

- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased by 1.04, down from 1.05

- Visual Recoil decreased slightly


Assault Rifle Alpha (VG)

- VDD 760mm 05B

- Visual Recoil decreased

Cooper Carbine (VG)

- 22″ Cooper Custom

- Sprint to Fire Speed decreased by 1.2, down from 1.3

 Light Machine Gun Charlie (VG)

- Queen’s 705mm Royal

- No longer removes Damage Falloff

- Now multiplies Damage Range by 1.5, up from 1

- Horizontal Recoil Control increased by 1.36, down from 1.37

Submachine Gun Charlie (VG)

- Krausnick 317mm 04B

- Now decreases Hip Fire Accuracy by 6.4% 

Gun Perk

Double Barrel (VG)


- Hip Spread Accuracy decreased by 40%, down from 32%


Assault Rifle Alpha (VG)

 -7.62 Gorenko 50 Round Mags

- Visual Recoil decreased

Cooper Carbine (VG)

- .30 Carbine 45 Round Mags

- Move Speed increased by 4%

- ADS Speed increased by 1%

- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased by 1.28, down from 1.3

- Vertical Recoil Control decreased by 1.28, down from 1.3

Light Machine Gun Charlie (VG)

- 6.5 Sakura 40 Round Mags

- Vertical Recoil Control increased by 1.17, down from 1.2

- Horizontal Recoil Control increased by 1.19, down from 1.21


Assault Rifle Charlie (VG)

Mercury Silencer

- Vertical Recoil Control increased by 1.07, up from 1.048

- Horizontal Recoil Control increased by 1.03, up from 1.013

MX Silencer

- Horizontal Recoil Control increased by 1.049, up from 1.036

Visual Recoil decreased slightly

Assault Rifle Hotel (VG)

Mercury Silencer

- Vertical Recoil Control increased by 1.05, up from 1.035

- Horizontal Recoil Control increased by 1.02, up from 1.01

Visual Recoil decreased slightly

MX Silencer

ADS Speed decreased by 5.1%, up from 4%

Horizontal Recoil Control increased by 1.065, up from 1.03

Einhorn Revolving (VG)

M97 Full Choke

ADS Spread (Bloom) Multiplier decreased to .9, up from .85

A reduction to this multiplier will increase the size of its firing cone while ADSing.

» Rear Grip «

Assault Rifle Alpha (VG)

Pine Tar Grip

ADS Speed decreased by 4.9%, up from 4%

Vertical Recoil Control increased by 1.11, up from 1.1

Rubber Grip

Now decreases Idle Sway Control by 5%

Vertical Recoil Control increased by 1.06, up from 1.047

Assault Rifle Hotel (VG)

Polymer Grip

Visual Recoil decreased slightly 

» Stock «

Assault Rifle Alpha (VG)

Krausnick S11S Folding

Visual Recoil decreased slightly

Cooper Carbine (VG)

Removed Stock

Horizontal Recoil Control decreased by 1.11, down from 1.3

Vertical Recoil Control decreased by 1.09, down from 1.1

Visual Recoil decreased

Einhorn Revolving (VG)

Removed Stock

Hip Fire Accuracy increased by 6.4%, down from 7.6%

VDD Hunter

Hip Fire Accuracy increased by 5.6%, down from 7.6% 

» Underbarrel «

Assault Rifle Alpha (VG)

Carver Foregrip

Visual Recoil decreased

M1941 Hand Stop

Visual Recoil decreased

Assault Rifle Charlie (VG)

Carver Foregrip

Vertical Recoil Control increased by 1.11, up from 1.093

Visual Recoil decreased slightly

M1930 Strife Angled

Now increases Vertical Recoil Control by 1.012

Assault Rifle Hotel (VG)

Carver Foregrip

ADS Speed decreased by 5%, up from 4%

Hip Spread Accuracy increased to 1.03, down from 1.04

Horizontal Recoil Control increased by 1.025, up from 1.016

Vertical Recoil Control increased by 1.072, up from 1.065

Visual Recoil decreased slightly

M1941 Hand Stop

Horizontal Recoil Control increased by 1.06, up from 1.049

Idle Sway Control now decreased by 10%

Vertical Recoil Control increased by 1.06, up from 1.048

Visual Recoil decreased slightly



- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- Speicherverbrauch von 177,5 GB auf 177,9 GB erhöht (mit allen Addons)

- 5,18 GB groß

Release: 27.01.2022 (Version

Quelle: twitter.com | ravenstoftware.com | xboxdynasty.de


- Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed an issue causing instability when pressing the Xbox home button twice while in-game.

- Fixed an issue causing instability when typing non-ASCII characters (eg: ©, ®, ™, ).

- Fixed an additional issue causing the menu screen to flicker.

- Fixed an issue allowing Players to respawn via buy back with part of their original Loadout.

- Fixed an issue causing additional placeholder images to appear in various Store Bundle previews and/or purchases.

- Fixed an issue causing live matches to crash.

- Fixed an issue causing Players to fall into a bottomless pit of despair when attempting to take a dip in the pool.

- Fixed an issue causing the second Loadout Public Event to not occur in core Battle Royale modes.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- 1018,27 MB groß

Release: 14.02.2022 (Version

Quelle: mein-mmo.de

- Season 2 ist gestartet


- Anpassungen beim Gameplay

- Massig Bugfixes

- Umfangreiches Waffen-Balancing

- „Nebula V“: Kommt als Bombe und neue Munition ins Spiel

- P.D.S.: Neue Feldaufrüstung, die vor Gas schützt

- Neue POIs: Eine neue Chemie-Fabrik und unterirdische Labore auf der Map

- NPCs: Soldaten der Achsen-Mächte patrouillieren bei den „Nebula V“-Anlagen

- Transport-Panzer: Ein bewaffneter Panzer-Wagen rollt über Caldera (Laufe der Season)

- Bomber: Die 2. Art von Flugzeugen für die Vanguard-Modi

- Neuer Modus: Großes Deathmatch zum Start

- Frischer Battle Pass mit über 100 Belohnungen

- Redeploy Balloon: Der Ballon schießt euch in die Luft

- Neue Waffen: Sturmgewehr und LMG zum Start, MP und Ice Axe zur Mid-Season

- Rebirth-Mid-Season: Änderung der Insel in der Mid-Season und Trails-Modus


- Probleme mit Textur-Streaming auf den Konsolen gelöst

- Kaputte Grafik-Elemente auf allen Plattformen entfernt

- Viele Gründe für Spiel-Crashes gefixt

- Unsichtbare Skins gefixt

- Der 2. Loadout-Drop ist gefixt: kommt jetzt im 5. Kreis

- Spieler können nicht mehr mit vollem Loadout aus dem Gulag kommen

- Viele kaputte Aufsätze repariert

- Invertierte Maus-Steuerung funktioniert wieder

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- Speicherverbrauch von 177,9 GB auf 180,1 GB erhöht (mit allen Addons)

- 13,78 GB groß


Quelle: play3.de | gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de | eingestellt=play3.de, mein-mmo.de

- Xbox Series X|S Support: 120 FPS Modus, kürzere Ladezeiten (FOV Slider für Konsole wird versucht)

- PlayStation 5 Support, 120 FPS Modus, kürzere Ladezeiten, Dual Sense Support, (FOV Slider für Konsole wird versucht)

Release: 02.03.2022 (Version

Quelle: ravensoftware.com


- XM4 (BOCW): Neck Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.33, down from 1.5


- Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed an issue causing Players to get stuck while proning underneath certain environmental elements such as stairs.

- Fixed an issue with elements at Chemical Factory to improve system performance and reduce hitching.

- Fixed an issue causing the Wade Bundled Up Operator Skin to appear headless.

- Fixed an issue causing the Submachine Gun Charlie (VG) VDD 189mm Short Barrel to incorrectly affect Locational Multipliers.

- Fixed an issue causing the Light Machine Gun Charlie (VG) Queen's 705mm Royal Barrel to bypass its intended Damage Falloff.

- Fixed an issue causing optics on the Sniper Rifle Alpha (VG) Baltic Blueprint to appear opaque.

- Fixed an issue that allowed Nebula V Rounds to penetrate Riot Shields.

- Fixed an issue that allowed Nebula V Rounds to be applied to certain Melee Weapons.

- Fixed an issue causing Nebula V Rounds to lack a visual effect when used with various Launchers.

- Fixed an issue causing placeholder images and descriptions to appear in various Store Bundles.

- Fixed an issue causing placeholder descriptions to appear for the Whitley (VG) Camo Unlock Challenges.

- Fixed an issue causing placeholder text to appear on the Party tab of the Social menu.

- Fixed an issue causing certain restricted Operators to be usable in Vanguard Royale modes.

- Fixed an issue causing the Bomber Plane ADS UI to remain stuck on the Player screen when landing the plane while holding ADS.

- 1,46 GB groß

Release: 09.03.2022 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: mein-mmo.de

- Entfernt den Perk-Expolit, mit dem Spieler beliebige Waffen-Perks auf andere Waffen übertragen konnten

- Problem mit dem neuen, starken Sturmgewehr Vargo 52 behoben, das die Waffe vom Nachladen abhielt

- Fehler mit der Nebula-Bombe gefixt, der euch daran hinderte, Killstreaks, Fahrzeuge und Equipment zu benutzen

- Fehler mit der Nebula-Bombe gefixt, der die Platzierung verhinderte, wenn ein anderer Spieler ebenfalls eine Nebula-Bombe legen wollte

- Optischen Fehler im Zusammenhang mit dem „Krewe Leader“-Bauplan entfernt

- Falsche Freischaltungs-Herausforderung des Operators Halima gefixt

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 23.03.2022 (Version

Quelle: ravensoftware.com | mein-mmo.de | gamezone.de


- Facelift Rebirth Island

- MP (Armaguerra 43) als neue Waffe

- Normales Battle Royale geht auf 150 Lebenspunkte hoch

- Vanguard Royale ist vorerst komplett gestrichen

- Kleines Rebirth-Event mit Cosmetic-Belohungen


- A Ukrainian Flag Calling Card has been added to both Warzone and Modern Warfare. This FREE Calling Card is now in your inventory. Equip in the Barracks tab, under Customization.

- Mouse scrolling speed in the Store has been reduced for more comfortable navigation.

- Improved gamepad navigation in the Options menu in tabs that contain sub-tabs.

- Improved mouse & keyboard navigation in the Mastery Challenges menu.

- Players can now equip their Vanguard Clan Emblems and Calling Card Frame rewards.


- Fixed an issue where the “FerroFluid” Blueprint was unable to be equipped in-game.

- Fixed an issue where Pings would appear inconsistent around Redeploy Balloons.

- Fixed an issue where Polina’s “Cloaked for Combat” skin would appear with the incorrect head model.

- Fixed an issue where the "Armored Strength" Blueprint was unable to equip the 9mm 60 Round Drums attachment.

- Fixed an issue where the Season Two Challenge “Get pistol double kills” would not track.

- Fixed an issue where the Portable Decontamination Station would break after being placed when the circle has closed.

- Fixed an issue where Xbox users with their Multiplayer privileges set to Block are able to join another Player's party.

- Fixed an issue where the Deployable Cover Field Upgrade could be used to access areas outside of the map.

- Fixed a bug that was causing the Quick Inventory to not display the selected item as prominently as intended.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- Speicherverbrauch von 180,1 GB auf 181,4 GB erhöht (mit allen Addons)

- 9,16 GB groß

Release: 25.03.2022 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: twitter.com | gamezone.de


- Armaguerra 43 (VG) .30 Russian Mag global damage bonus removed.

- Combat Shield (VG) now properly covers a Players head when equipped.

- Icon visibility has been increased from 400m to 600m.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 31.03.2022 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de


- Private Matches have been updated to align with Public Match settings.

- Fixed an issue causing inconsistent Operator parachuting functionality.

- Fixed an issue causing the Community Challenges under the Rebirth Reinforced Event tab to not display the current/updated challenge.

- Fixed an issue causing the Armaguerra 43 (VG) to mistakenly appear in-game as Submachine Gun Charlie.

- Fixed an issue causing the Circle to occasionally move outside of playable space on Caldera.

- Fixed an issue causing Party Invite notification text to appear misaligned.

- Fixed an issue causing Armor Satchels acquired via Heavy Weapon Crates to equip with 0 out of 8 Armor Plates available.

- Fixed an issue causing Heavy Weapon Crate pallets to occasionally appear as non interactable ground loot.

- Fixed an issue causing an incorrect Mode to appear on the menu while queueing for a Match.

- Fixed an issue causing a Scavenger Contract loot crate to spawn outside of reach on Rebirth Island.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 19.04.2022 (Version

Quelle: ravensoftware.com | twitter.com | mein-mmo.de


- Fixed collision issues with various elements across Caldera allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed an issue where the Restock and Quick Fix Perk descriptions did not match their current functionality.

- Fixed an issue where some Keyboard and Mouse button prompts could be seen when using a Gamepad.

- Fixed an issue where the button prompt when receiving a Playlist Update would incorrectly say “Exit” instead of “Restart Now”

- Fixed an issue where Players could not invite other Players to join their party from the “Invite From Social” menu.

- Fixed an issue where “The Wall” Blueprint would disappear in-game before Players could receive it.

- Fixed an issue allowing Players to clip through Golden Bunker doors.

- Fixed an issue causing Combat Shield Blueprints to not appear correctly when equipped in a Loadout.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- Speicherverbrauch von 180,1 GB auf 181,7 GB erhöht (mit allen Addons)

- 4,23 GB groß

Release: 27.04.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxwire.com | mein-mmo.de | xboxwire.com | ravensoftware.com


- New Gulag

- Updated POIs

General Adjustments

Gas Mask

- Will no longer interrupt a falling Player, thus allowing them to still be able to pull their parachute when falling to preserve their life.

- Won’t play animation when the Player is ADS and affected by the gas from Nebula V Rounds

UI/UX (Buy Stations)

- No longer require confirmation when making a purchase


- Fixed an issue causing incorrect Ping positioning when used on the Tac Map near Redeploy Balloons.

- Fixed an issue that caused Players to get stuck in AA turrets if they interacted with it at the same time it was destroyed.

- Fixed an issue that prevented carriable gasoline from being picked up while Dead Silence is active.

- Fixed an issue that allowed Players to glitch-carry carriable gasoline up ladders.

- Fixed an issue that was preventing skyhook balloons from receiving damage from certain explosives and thermite-based sources.

- Fixed an issue that allowed Players to have unlimited gas immunity when entering the area of effect of a PDS as it ends.

- Fixed an issue that caused Vehicles to receive less damage than intended.

- Fixed an issue that caused Players to be kicked back to the Main Menu when attempting to preview Vanguard Charms.

- Fixed an issue that caused Buy Station UI selections to reset to the top when attempting to scroll up.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Armaguerra 43 (VG) to have the same codename as another Weapon.

- Fixed an issue that caused Helicopters flying near Capital to be pulled towards the ground.

- Fixed an issue that caused the “Fenrir Unchained” Finisher to not be available in the Finishing Moves menu.

- Fixed an issue that caused Blueprint-specific Attachments for the “Purgatory Lost” Blueprint to not be available in the Gunsmith Customs menu.

- Fixed an issue that caused the "Mod. 3 10.0x Telescopic" Optic on the M1 Garand (VG) to appear blacked out when a Player would ADS.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Player’s view to be obstructed when using Park’s “Petal Pusher” Operator Skin.

- Fixed an issue that allowed Players to clip into stairs in a certain area of the map.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Armaguerra’s Botti DA Stock not receiving a bonus to flinch like intended

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- Special Ops 1: 8,09 GB groß

- Multiplayer Pack 2: 11,74 GB groß

- Campaign Pack: 6,42 GB

- Muliplayer And Special Ops Pack: 19,45 GB

- Campaign And Special Ops Pack: 17,09 GB

- Speicherverbrauch von 181,7 GB auf 181,0 GB reduziert (mit allen Addons)

- 41,26 GB groß

Release: 11.05.2022 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: xboxwire.com | xboxdynasty.de | release=mein-mmo.de, xboxdynasty.de, play3.de

- Event mit Monster Godzilla vs. King Kong ist startet um 18 Uhr

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

Release: 25.05.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | twitter.com | gamezone.de | mein-mmo.de | callofduty.com


- Xbox Series X|S Support: 120 Hz Modus

Weitere Änderungen

- Lobby Größe wurde von 150 auf 120 Spieler reduziert

- 150 statt 100 Basis-Gesundheit auf Rebirth Island

- 120 statt 150 Spieler auf Caldera

- 6 mehr lootbare Perks

- Loadout-Marker sind jetzt Teil des Boden-Loots (Caldera)

- Höhere Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit im K.O.-Zustand

- Nerf für die Stims

- Höhere Spawnrate von Wiederbelebungs-Token (Caldera)

- 3.000 statt 4.000 Cash für Wiederbelebung

- Ihr verliert nur noch 50 % Cash bei einem Tod (vorher 80 %)

- 4 Schläge für einen Kill mit dem Waffen-Schaft

- Slide-Kamera gefixt, wenn man eine Treppe runterrutscht

- Panzer-Trucks wurden abgeschwächt, Sabotage-Vertrag aus Solo gestrichen

- Neuer Boden-Loot: graue und grüne Waffen haben je einen Aufsatz mehr

Feldaufrüstung „Radar Jammer“

- Ähnlich wie die Feldaufrüstungen „Trophy-System“ und „P.D.S.“ werft ihr dieses Teil vor euch auf den Boden und alle Gegner in der Nähe haben einen kaputte Mini-Map und können keine Killstreaks einsetzen.

Schnellreise-System auf Caldera

- Beinahe jeder Point-of-Interest auf Caldera bekommt einen Zugang zum neuen Schnellreise-System. 14 Eingänge bekommt das Tunnel-System, in dem ihr mit Minenfahrzeuge über die Insel kachelt.

Nähert euch einem dieser Fahrzeuge, um zu sehen, wo euch das Teil hinbringt.

Neue Token

- Der Selbstwiederbelebungs-Token bekommt Besuch von der Verwandtschaft. Die wertvollen Boni „Gulag-Token“ und „Redeploy-Token“ kommen ins Spiel und geben euch mehr Möglichkeiten beim Respawn.

- Während der Gulag-Token euch ein zweites Mal in das 1vs1-Duell bringt, holt euch der Redeploy-Token nach einem Tod direkt wieder zurück ins Match.

 Beiden Token halten nur so lange, wie der Gulag geöffnet hat und schütten ordentlich Cash aus, wenn ihr sie bis dahin im Inventar habt.

- Speed Boost: it will automatically grant the Operator a temporary movement buff.

- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- Speicherverbrauch von 181,0 GB auf 182,6 GB erhöht (mit allen Addons)

- 5,41 GB groß

Release: 22.06.2022 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | map=gamezone.de | details=twitter.com | play3.de | xboxwire.com


- Fortunes Keep wird eingebaut

- Neue Ausrüstung?: EMP Granate & ATMs

Map Änderungen Caldera

- Vegetation wird um 50% reduziert

- Neu geheime unterirdische Söldnerbunker werden hinzugefügt

- Neue Mirco-POIs wurde eingebaut




- Im Spiel Updatesystem

- Speicherverbrauch von 188,1 GB auf 193,4 GB erhöht (mit allen Addons)

- 25,17 GB groß

Release: 27.07.2022 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | mein-mmo.de


- Neues Fahrzeug: Amored SUV mit MG auf dem Dach

- Fortune’s Keep: Cursed Ground Event

- Portable Redeploy Balloons

- Rebirth of the Dead

- Zombie-Camos von Vanguard in Warzone nutzbar

- Neue Version der beliebten Iron Trails

Neues Sturmgewehr Vargo-S

- 4,54 GB groß

Release: 08.08.2022 (Version

Quelle: ravensoftware.com



- Fixed an issue causing Players to encounter Dev Error 5476 which caused the game client to crash.

- Fixed an issue causing the H4 Blixen’s (VG) 7.62 Gorenko 54 Round Mag to increase movement speed by 2% rather than decrease it as intended.


Weapon Adjustments

Submachine Guns

- H4 Blixen (VG): Max Damage reduced to 38, down from 39

- 1,01 GB groß

Release: 24.08.2022 (Version


- Season 5 ist gestartet


- Speicherverbrauch von 189,3 GB auf 196,0 GB erhöht (mit allen Addons)

- 9,87 GB groß

Release: 02.09.2022 (Version

Quelle: ravensoftware.com


Supply Box UAV Adjustment

- Removed Resurgence Supply Boxes from appearing on Supply Box UAV scans to focus the scan on the best Supply Boxes.


Gas Mask Adjustments

- Gas Masks will now appear in the first slot of the Quick Inventory Menu for easier access during engagements for players using the Manual Gas Mask toggle.

- Improved Manual Gas Mask text in the settings menu to better detail how players manually equip the Gas Mask.


- Fixed additional collision issues with various elements across Caldera/Fortune's Keep allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed an issue causing the idle/unlooted sound effect of Event tokens to be louder than intended.

- Fixed an issue with Operation: Last Call causing the incorrect victory banner to appear if a team wins during overtime.

- Fixed an issue preventing Field Upgrades and Equipment from being destroyed when placed in lava.

- Fixed an issue causing the Serpentine Perk icon to appear even if the Player was not under the effects of it.


Perk Adjustments

- Serpentine is now only active while in Tactical Sprint.

- 1,08 GB groß

Release: 28.09.2022 (Version

Quelle: ravensoftware.com



- At the start of the year we made Quality of Life improvements one of our key focus points.

9 months and more than 100+ changes later, we are happy to reveal the final set of Quality of Life improvements below.

- We’d like to thank our entire community for every piece of constructive feedback and the positive engagement you have shown each season.

 Even at times where we turned left instead of right, we were never afraid to try new things to see how they landed… and correcting course where necessary based on your feedback.

QoL Updates

“Recommended” Weapons

- Increased the number of Players that will see “Recommended” Weapons appear in the Gunsmith.

- Weapons from Modern Warfare 2019 and Black Ops: Cold War will also show as “Recommended” if they are meta relevant.

Golden Keycard Bunkers

- Golden Keycard Bunkers will now have a Yellow Circle highlighted on the Tac Map.

Manual Gas Mask

- Improved Manual Gas Mask text in the settings menu to better detail how Players manually equip the Gas Mask.

- Moved the Gas Mask to be the first entry in the Quick Inventory for easier manual equipping.

Supply Box UAVs

- Supply Box UAVs will no longer show red Rebirth Supply Boxes.


General Adjustments

Ground Loot Perks

- Text will be displayed on the UI when a Perk is acquired via ground loot.

Perk Adjustments

Scavenger Pouch

- Scavenger pouches will now drop a guaranteed $1,000 on enemy elimination


Field Upgrade Adjustments

- Portable Decontamination Station: Duration has been increased to 20 seconds, up from 13 seconds


Ground Loot and Gulag Loadouts Refreshed

- Leaning into the history of Warzone , you’ll find some of the greatest hits from Modern Warfare, Black Ops and Vanguard in Ground Loot.

We have significantly increased the variance on offer from what was previously on offer in order to make the early game feel more dynamic each drop. 

New Weapons

BP50: Assault Rifle (VG)

- This fully automatic bullpup assault rifle boasts a high fire rate while remaining deadly and accurate at long range.

Lienna 57: Light Machine Gun (VG)

- This compact LMG is capable of high accuracy during sustained fire at short to medium ranges.

Weapon Adjustments

Assault Rifles


- Max Damage Range increased to 28.62 meters up from 24.1 meters

- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.1, up from 1.0

Assault Rifle Hotel (VG)

- Neck Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.3, down from 1.5

- Lower Torso Damage multiplier decreased to 1.0, down from 1.1 

Assault Rifle Charlie (MW)

- Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.1, up from 1.01


- Headshot Damage Multiplier increased to 1.6, up from 1.5

- Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.25, up from 1.2

Oden (MW)

- Muzzle Velocity increased by 3.5%

- Upper Arm Damage Multiplier increased to 1.2, up from 1.0

EX1 (VG)

- Min Damage increased to 11, up from 10

- ADS Spread decreased to 0.01, down from 0.2

PWN Beam Condenser

- Min Damage increased to 30, up from 28

Burst AC1-4 

- Damage increased to 24, up from 2

Low Temp Laser

- Recoil Control now increased by 1%

- Hip Fire Accuracy now increased by 1%

Charge Amp PV

´- Movement Speed Penalty now decreased by -1%

- ADS Movement Speed Penalty now decreased by -5%

Assault Rifle Bravo (VG)

- Auto Burst-Fire Now Enabled

- Rate of Fire Time decreased to 0.068, up from 0.065

Perfetto 140mm Rapida

- Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to 14%, down from 20%

- Vertical Recoil now increased by 18%

- Horizontal Recoil Control Penalty increased to -50%, down from -40% 

- .303 British 36 Round Mags

- Burst Fire Cooldown Bonus decreased to 6%, down from 10%


- Initial Recoil Control decreased when using Hardscope on the Itra Burst


- Headshot Multiplier increased to 1.5, up from 1.3

- Min Damage increased to 36, up from 35


- Muzzle Velocity increased by 4.25%

- ADS Movement Speed Scale increased to 1.4, up from 1.25

- ADS Transition In Time decreased to 300ms, down from 310ms 

17.9” Ultralight

- ADS Movement Speed while firing now increased by 3.5%

Volkssturmgewehr (VG)

- ADS Movement Speed Scalar decreased to 1.42, down from 1.55

» Shotguns «

.410 Ironhide (BOCW)

- Mid 1 Pellet Damage increased to 35, up from 30

- Mid 2 Pellet Damage increased to 24, up from 23

- Min Pellet Damage increased to 20, up from 18

Buck and Slug Rounds

- Headshot Damage has been increased

Combat Shotgun (VG)

- Rechamber Time decreased by 10%

Slug Rounds

- Max Damage increased to 120, up from 100

- Mid Damage increased to 80, up from 75

- Min Damage increased to 70, up from 60

- Lower Extremity Damage Multiplier increased to 0.8, up from 0.7

Shotgun Bravo (BOCW)

- Mid 1 Pellet Damage increased to 20, up from 18

- Mid 2 Pellet Damage increased to 18, up from 14

- Min Pellet Damage increased to 15, up from 12

- ADS Transition In Time decreased to 305ms, down from 320ms 

- ADS Transition Out Time decreased to 295ms, down from 320ms 

- Movement Speed Scaler increased to 0.89, up from 0.87

21.4” Reinforced Heavy Barrel

- Damage Range increased to 18%, up from 11%

Streetsweeper (BOCW)

- Mid 2 Pellet Damage increased to 14, up from 12

- Min Pellet Damage increased to 13, up from 10

» Submachine Guns «

Armaguerra 43 (VG)

- Headshot Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.5 down from 1.58

- Neck Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.30, down from 1.3

- ADS Movement Speed Scalar decreased to 1.29, down from 1.32

Imerito TA Skeletal

- ADS Movement Speed Bonus decreased to 28%, down from 35%

9mm 60 Round Mags

- Magazine Capacity decreased to 55, down from 60

8mm 72 Round Mags

- Magazine Capacity decreased to 64, down from 60

Bullfrog (BOCW)

- Lower Arm Damage Multiplier increased to 1.0, up from 0.9

- Hand Damage Multiplier increased to 1.0, up from 0.9

RA 225 (VG)

- Neck Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.1, down from 1.7

Urban Rapid 11”

- Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to 10%, down from 15%

- Vertical Recoil Control Penalty increased to -10%

- Horizontal Recoil Control Penalty increased to -45%, down from -40%

7.62 Gorenko 38 Round Mags

- Magazine Capacity increased to 42, up from 38

.45 ACP 38 Round Mags

- Magazine Capacity increased to 42, up from 38

H4 Blixen (VG)

- Lower Torso Damage multiplier decreased to 1.01, down from 1.1


- Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.15, up from 1.01

- Sprint to Fire Speed increased by 5% 

CX-9 (MW)

- Headshot Damage Multiplier increased to 1.5, up from 1.45

- Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.2, up from 1.01

- Sprint to Fire Speed increased by 5%


- Auto Burst-Fire Now Enabled

- Lower Extremities Damage Multiplier decreased to 0.9, down from 1.0

Submachine Gun Charlie (VG)

7.62 Gorenko 45 Round Mags

- Muzzle Velocity Penalty decreased to -10%, up from -20%

- Damage Range Penalty decreased to -15%, up from -20%

PPSh-41 (VG)

- Min Damage decreased to 18, down from 19

- Upper Leg Damage Multiplier decreased to 0.9, down from 1.0

Kovalevskaya 230mm B03P

- Hipfire accuracy decreased to 45%, down from 50%

8mm Nambu 71 Round Mags

- Magazine Capacity decreased to 64, down from 71

- Damage Range Penalty decreased to -20%, up from -25%

- Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to 5.5%, down from 6.6% 

- Vertical Recoil Control decreased to 10%, down from 15%

- Horizontal Recoil Control decreased to 20%, down from 25%

- Hipfire accuracy decreased to 3%, down from 4%

Empress 140mm Rapid

- Rate of Fire Bonus decreased to 8.5%, down from 10%

- Vertical Recoil Control now decreased by 10%

Tight Grip

- The benefit that Tight Grip provides has been decreased

» Light Machine Guns «

UGM-8 (VG)

- Min Damage decreased to 22, down from 23

- Headshot Damage multiplier decreased to 1.5, down from 1.6

- Neck Damage multiplier decreased to 1.1, down from 1.3

- Recoil Intensity increased

Bernard XL214 736mm 

- Muzzle Velocity bonus decreased to 30%, down from 35%

Romuald 560mm

- Muzzle Velocity bonus increased to 15%, up from 10%

6.5mm Sakura 125 Round Box

- Box Capacity decreased to 100, down from 125

- Recoil Control decreased to 12.5% down from 15%

» Marksman Rifles «

Crossbow (MW)

- Upper Extremities Damage Multiplier increased to 1.8, up from 1.5

- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.9, up from 1.5

M1 Garand (VG)

- Min Damage decreased to 47, down from 48


- Initial Recoil Control decreased

» Sniper Rifles «

Sniper Rifle Charlie (MW)

- Bullet Dropoff decreased

- Muzzle Velocity increased by 2.7%

Sniper Rifle Alpha (MW) 

- Max Damage Range increased to 57.2 meters, up from 54.9 meters

- Max Damage increased to 90up from 80

- Min Damage increased to 75, up from 60

- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier decreased to 1.9, down from 1.95

Rytec AMR (MW)

- Can now one-shot down to the head at all ranges.

- Min Damage increased to 112, up from 96

- Headshot Damage Multiplier increased to 2.7, up from 2.4

25x59mm Explosive 5-R Mag 

- Direct Hit Damage increased to 206, up from 176

Pellington 703 (BOCW)

- ADS Transition In Time decreased to 399ms , down from 421ms

- ADS Transition Out Time decreased to 410ms, down from 433ms

- Neck Damage Multiplier increased to 1.2, up from 1.1

- Upper Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.2, up from 1.1

- Lower Torso Damage Multiplier increased to 1.1, up from 1.0

Gorenko Anti-Tank Rifle (VG)

- Bullet Dropoff increased

- Fire Rate decreased to 111 RPM, down from 120 RPM

420mm Empress

- Muzzle Velocity decreased to 43%, down from 50%

- Visual Recoil increased

400mm Kovalevskaya Wrap

- ADS Time Penalty decreased to -2%, up from -5%

440mm Anastasia Custom

- Muzzle Velocity increased to 25%, up from 20% 

- Rate of Fire Penalty decreased to -50%, up from -100%

- Crouch Recoil Control decreased to 25%, down from 40%

- Prone Recoil Control decreased to 35%, down from 67%

13mm AM 7 Round Mags

- ADS Time Penalty increased to -5%, down from -4%

13mm AM 10 Round Mags

- ADS Time Penalty increased to -6%, down from -4.5%

» Tactical Rifles «

Klauser (VG)

Wyvern 170mm 29L

- Damage Range increased to 40%, up from 20%

- Horizontal Recoil Control Penalty decreased to -15%, up from -25%

- Vertical Recoil Control Penalty decreased to -5%, up from -10%

- Movement Speed Penalty decreased to -2.5, up from -4%

Fitzherbert 200mm BL

- Muzzle Velocity increased to 50%, up from 40%

- ADS Time Penalty decreased to- 6%, up from -12

- Movement Speed penalty decreased to -1%, down from -1.5%

- ADS Movement Speed penalty decreased to -1%, down from -2%

.45 ACP 12 Round Mags

- Magazine Capacity increased to 16, up from 12

- Rate of Fire Penalty decreased to -4%, down from -10%

» Launchers «


- Mid Damage increased to 200, up from 175

Launcher Alpha (BOCW)

- Mid Damage increased to 170, up from 155

- Mid Damage Radius increased to 4.4 meters, up from 4 meters


» Underbarrels «

Bipod (VG)

- ADS Time now decreased by -4.5

» Optics «

SVT-40 PU Scope 3-6x

- Scope Magnification Transition Time increased to 250ms, up from 120ms

- Visual Recoil increased by 15%

1913 Variable 4-8x

- Scope Magnification Transition Time increased to 250ms, up from 200ms

- Visual Recoil increased by 15%

» Gunperks «


- Vehicle Damage Bonus increased to 200%, up from 150%


- Vertical Recoil Control Penalty increased to -5.5%, down from -5%

- Horizontal Recoil Control Penalty increased to -5%, down from -4.5%


- ADS Movement Speed while Firing increased to 4%, up from 3.5% 

» Muzzles «

Recoil Booster

- Hip Fire Accuracy now decreased by 3%


- Fixed an issue causing various elements of Gulag audio to not be present.

- Fixed an issue causing some Players to not receive their Operation: Last Call Tier Skip.

- Missing Tier Skips will start being granted shortly after the update.

- Fixed additional collision issues with various elements across Caldera/Fortune's Keep allowing Players to exploit/peek/shoot through them.

- Fixed an issue with the UGM-8 (VG) causing the MK 3. Reflector Optic to be locked after the level requirement has been reached.

- Fixed an issue with the UGM-8 (VG) Bipod attachment causing bullet impact effects and tracers to not display.

- Fixed an issue where certain Grav (BOCW) blueprint statistics were not matching the base Weapon. 

- Fixed an issue where using the Whitley (VG) with Slight of hand caused an unintended delay in the ammo being credited to the Weapon. 

- Fixed an issue with the EX1 (VG) causing the Zombies Camos tab to not appear.

- Fixed an issue with the Push Dagger (VG) causing the Zombies Camos tab to not appear.

- Fixed an issue causing Camo Challenges on some Weapons to not track.

- Speicherverbrauch von 196,0 GB auf 196,7 GB erhöht (mit allen Addons)

- 5,79 GB groß

Release: 16.11.2022 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 196,7 GB auf 172,5 GB reduziert (mit allen Addons)

- 2,62 GB groß

Release: 02.03.2023 (Version


- Speicherverbrauch von 172,5 GB auf 172,1 GB reduziert (mit allen Addons)

- 774,50 MB groß

Release: 21.09.2023 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | twitter.com | xboxdynasty.de


- Server werden heute abgeschaltet (Nur die Server des Battle Royal free 2 play Titel sind betroffen)

- Warzone wurde aus dem Hauptmenü entfernt

- 969,74 MB groß