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Band of Bugs (Arcade)

Banjo Kazooie (Arcade)

Banjo Kazooie: Schraube Locker (360)

Bankshort Billiards (Arcade)

Batman Arkham City (360)

Batman Arkham Origins (360) !!

Batman Arkham Knight (XBO)

Battle Ages (free2play|XBO)

Battle Bock Theater (Arcade) !!

Battleborn (XBO)

Battlefield Bad Company (360)

Battlefield Bad Company 2 (360)

Battlefield 2 Modern Combat (360)

Battlefield 3 (360)

Battlefield 4 (360)

Battlefield 4 (XBO)

Battlefield Hardline (360)

Battlefield Hardline (XBO)

Battelfield 1 (XBO) xbox one x

Battelfield 5 (XBO) xbox one x

Battletoads (XBO) xbox one x

Battle Island (free2play|XBO)

Battle Island Commanders (XBO|free2play)

Battle for Pacific (360) !!

Battlestations Midway (360) !!

Bionic Commando Rearmed (Arcade)

BioShock (360)

BioShock 2 (360)

BioShock Infinite (360) !!

Birds of Steel (360) !!

Black Desert Online (XBO) xbox one x

Blacklight: Tango Down (Arcade)

Blacksite (360) !!

Blair Witch (XBO) xbox one x

Blazing Angels 2 (360) !!

Bleeding Edge (XBO) xbox one x

Bless Unleashed (free2play|XBO) xbox one x

Bodycount (360) !!

Bomberman LIVE (Arcade)

Boom Boom Rocket (Arcade)

Borderlands (360)

Borderlands 2 (360)

Borderlands Pre Sequel (360)

Borderlands Handsome Collection (XBO) xbox one x

Borderlands 3 (XBO) xbox one x

BRINK (360)

Brothers in Arms (Xbox)

Brothers in Arms Hells Highway (360) !!

Brute Force (Xbox) !!

Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition (XBO) xbox one x

Bully Die Ehrenrunde (360)

Burnout 3 Takedown (Xbox) !!

Burnout Paradise (360)

Burnout Revenge (360)

Brütal Legends (360) !!


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