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DayZ Update Details (17)

 Spielevorschau-Beta | Release


Release: 30.08.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Probleme beim Starten des Spiels wurden behoben, die zum Absturz ins Dashboard führen.

- 1,49 GB groß (2,39 GB groß für Xbox One X)

Release: 05.09.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- fixed issue of server reporting incorrect max slots

- fixed a crash when ending the trial version

- added sorting of servers based on the number of players and server names

- fixes in the server browser window

- fixed micromanagement in player’s inventory

- 304,49 MB groß

Release: 05.09.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Fixed free space calculation in inventory

- Fixed controller re-connect issue

- Improved listing of servers in the server browser

- Improved title stability

- 739,47 MB groß (68,09 MB groß auf Xbox One X)

Release: 11.09.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Fixed items disappearing from the containers (backpack, jacket, jeans,…) after logout from the server

 - Fixed the free space calculation in the inventory

- Fixed game freezing when disconnecting the controller

- Improved listing of the servers in the server browser

- Improved the title stability

- 587,11 MB groß

Release: 13.09.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Fixed the registration of player/infected hits (from a gun) when the player has a slower connection to the server

- Fixed a possible cause of the player character corruption in the database

- Fixed multiple server crashes (increased stability of the game)

- Fixed the inability to damage headgear/hat/helmet

- 103,52 MB groß

Release: 18.09.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 314,38 GB groß

Release: 25.09.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- Fix: Menu button does not respond after respawn while being unconscious

- Fix: Online tab on server can’t be scrolled through

- Added character ID into MainMenu

Fix for Options:

- Options button is skipped while moving down in main menu

- Update of details window

- Field of view discard and reset button should work now

- Server messages disable should work now

Fix for VoIP:

- Mute of online players now stays

- Replugged device is refreshed if needed

- 334,85 MB groß

Release: 12.10.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 224,88 MB groß

Release: 24.10.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- 297,52 MB groß

Release: 02.11.2018


- 197,82 MB groß

Release: 23.11.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Neues Fahrzeug: ADA 4x4 + Teile und andere notwendige Gegenstände.

- Basis-Bau + notwendige Gegenstände, damit es funktioniert (Werkzeuge, Bretter, Nägel, usw.).

- Einige fehlende Steuerungsoptionen hinzugefügt (freies Umschauen, Gehen, Umschalten des Feuer-Modus, Waffen-Nullstellung).

- Verschiedene Probleme bei der Trefferregistrierung von Schusswaffen behoben.

- Das Wetter wurde so verändert, dass es weniger Regen gibt.

- Neue Shotgun + Munition hinzugefügt.

- Zelte und Fässer für improvisierte Lager und Loot-Vorratsspeicher.

- Verbesserte Nachtzeit.

- Leicht erhöhte Anzahl von Infizierten.

-  8,07 GB groß

Release: 05.12.2018


- 7,99 GB groß

Release: 13.12.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


Added: Field shovel, farming hoe and ice axe can now be used to dig a garden plot


- Fixed: Unable to get servers, Error code: 9

- Fixed: Server populaton showing Empty at all times

- Fixed: Game softlocks after refreshing server browser while „wrong password“ message is up

- Fixed: Inventory – Scroll bar collides with HUD

- Fixed: Inventory – Dropping items on the ground from hands by holding Y button puts the item in the inventory

- Fixed: Inventory – Splitting does not work properly

- Fixed: PowerGenerator and roadflare sounds

- Fixed: Metal wire attachment visibility after gate is built

- Fixed: Emptying a pack of seeds was not putting the product item into player’s hands

- Fixed: Planting of seeds not working through hands

- Fixed: VME when unpacking seeds

- Fixed: Adding attachments to containers

- Fixed: Client/server crashes

- Fixed: Client/server errors related to in-game actions

- Fixed: Infected are having trouble navigating stairs

- Fixed: Player can make level_3_wall_3 parts on Watchtower disappear

- Fixed: It is possible to ruin watchtower/fence with single shot

- Fixed: Power generator looks and sounds on even if its switched off

- Fixed: Hidden stash can be visible in vicinity

- Fixed: Strange facial animations that sometimes happen in vehicles

- Fixed: Bottles and canteens can be filled with fuel

- 4,99 GB groß

Release: 18.12.2018

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Added: added metal wire to base building proxies


- Fixed: Several server crashes

- Fixed: Rag icon disappears when moved over to fireplace

- Fixed: Incorrect filter name in Filters -> Sorting

- Fixed: No possibility to switch firing mode

- Fixed: Polytunnel having a white untextured square inside

- Fixed: Torch no being possible to ignite from a burning Fireplace

- Fixed: Fixed missing LODs in medium tent camonet proxy

- Fixed: Roadflare burning sound not playing

- Fixed: Wheels might be shaking/twitching

- Fixed: Missing material/textures

- Fixed: A seat can be moved while a player is sitting on it

- Fixed: Faulty firegeometry components


- Tweaked: Plants take only ~30 minutes to grow now.

- Tweaked: HUD icons and UI updates

- Tweaked: Damage system for vehicles

- Tweaked: Weather

- Tweaked: System messages

- Tweaked: Metabolism and regeneration

- Tweaked: Stamina and quantity progress bars

- Tweaked: HUD icons


- Removed: Feathers and SmallGuts from skinning of chickens

- 4,32 GB groß

Release: 14.01.2019


- 2,86 GB groß

Release: 04.02.2019

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de


- Added: Changing system language in system settings changes in game language as well


- Fixed: The title does not transition the user into an online multiplayer game session when accepting an invite whilst suspended during active gameplay

- Fixed: Game freezing when the player tries to move logs in fence base

- Fixed: Character can not rearm a gun while „taking a sip“ information is on the screen

- Fixed: Landmine explosion killing everyone within 60m radius. The range is now 5m.

- Fixed: Player is unable to interact with items/bodies after dropping it in tree

- Fixed: The image freezes after constraining the title and removing the controller

- Fixed: Video freeze after suspend or constrain application


- Tweaked: Zoom remapped to LB

Bekannte Fehler

- Server crashes can cause undesirable persistence wipes

- There are various issues with cars, often related to physics simulation/desync (cars shooting up the air, or diving underground)

- Game performance (FPS) may drop significantly

- It’s currently possible to duplicate items (duping)

- Spamming B when disconnecting can freeze the game

- It is currently not possible to customise your fresh spawn character in the main menu

- Hold breath feature has no assigned controls

- Leaning feature has no assigned controls

- It is not possible to reload when your inventory is completely full

- Some wearable items can obstruct aiming

- Loading times for filled inventories are too long

- Options menu item is named „Configure“ when connected to server (should be „Options“ too)

- Zoom is working with LB now, but controls schema is showing RB instead

- Some players may experience bleeding after connecting to server

- No health system icons in Tutorial

- Chat options missing Tooltips in Main Menu

- Some texts are still appearing in English after language change

- Czech language is not yet supported

- VoIP mute does not mute other players

- Kazuar Optic day night mode inverted

- Stitching wound with sewing kit does not stop bleeding

- Previously played servers not shown after restart

- 950,05 MB groß