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Red Dead Redemption 2 Update Details (27)


Release: 27.10.2018

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gameswelt.de | gamezone.de

- Fehler- und Problembehebungen werden noch schnell behoben

- Xbox One X: 4K Texturen

- 3,20 GB groß (13 GB groß für Xbox One X)

 Release: 28.11.2018 (Version 1.03)

Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Unterstützung für Red Dead Online Beta hinzugefügt

- Korrekturen für Absturzprobleme  hinzugefügt

- Korrekturen für Probleme mit Stottern und Einfrieren hinzugefügt

- Verschiedene Glitches auf PS4 behoben

- Zusätzliche Leistungs- und Stabilitätsverbesserungen

- Gameplay-Verbesserungen

- Weitere kleinere Korrekturen und Änderungen hinzugefügt

- 5,65 GB groß

Release: 06.12.2018 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de

- Zudem schenkt Rockstar Games allen Beta-Teilnehmern als kleines Dankeschön 250 RDO$ und 15 Goldbarren.

Berechtigt sind alle Revolverhelden, die „Red Dead Online“ bis morgen um 9 Uhr deutscher Zeit gespielt haben.

Release: 11.12.2018 (Version 1.04)

Quelle: mein-mmo.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Absturzprobleme sollen durchs neue Update behoben werden

- Lag-Probleme oder nicht flüssig laufendes Gameplay soll durch das Update behoben werden

- Einige Glitches wurden behoben

- Die Framerate soll durch das Update verbessert werden und einfrierende Bildschirme sollen der Geschichte angehören.

- Performance- und Stabilitätsverbesserungen wurde durchs Update hinzugefügt

- Das gesamte Gameplay soll verbessert werden durch das neue Update

- Kleinere Fehlerbehebungen

Red Dead Online Beta

- Allgemeine Stabilitätsverbesserungen

- Es wurde das Problem behoben, bei dem Spieler, die ein verwundetes Pferd ohne es zu heilen aus ihrem Stall entfernen,

 eine klapprige Schindmähre erhalten, wenn sie nach ihrem Pferd pfeifen

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem die Spieler nicht das Haus in der Mission „Love and Honor“ verlassen konnten

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem die Spieler nicht in der Lage waren über 90 Prozent in die Red Dead Online Beta zu laden,

 solange sie nicht zuerst den Story-Modus betreten hatten

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem Spieler in einem schwarzen Bildschirm hängenbleiben konnten,

nachdem ein Truppanführer in der Mission „Love and Honor“ die Lobby verlassen hatte

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem Spieler in den Xbox Home Screen abstürzen konnten,

wenn sie aus einem pausierten Status fortsetzten, nachdem sie sich mit den Xbox Live-Diensten verbunden hatten

- Es wurde ein Problem behoben, bei dem Spieler aus den Rockstar-Spieldiensten mit dem Fehlercode 0x99395004 geworfen werden konnten,

 nachdem sie Teil 2 der Mission „Honor Among Horse Thieves“ abgeschlossen hatten

- 1,32 GB groß

Release: 13.12.2018 (Version 1.05)

Quelle: gamepro.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

- General improvements to fix game stability, save data and to address exploits.

- 1,32 GB groß

Release: 10.01.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | gamepro.de

Red Dead Online Beta

- Der neue Gun-Rush-Modus (Battle Royal) steht in Free-for-All- und Team-Variationen zur Verfügung

Release: 10.01.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

Red Dead Online Beta

- Kostenlose Goldbarren für alle Spieler vom 25.1 bis zum 27.01.2019

- Matchmaking vom Gun Rush Modus verbessert

Release: 26.02.2019

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | gamepro.de | xboxdynasty.de || xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | play3.de

Red Dead Online Beta

- Tägliche Herausforderungen: Bewältigt jeden Tag neue Herausforderungen, die alle Aspekte des Spiels abdecken, vom Scharfschießen bis zur Umgehung des Gesetzes.

- Upgrades des "Recht und Kopfgeld"-Systems: In Red Dead Online werden einige Änderungen an der Funktionsweise der

Gesetzes- und Kopfgeldsysteme vorgenommen, um die Verlockung von Griefing zu reduzieren

- Demnächst wird ein Kopfgeld auf die Spieler ausgesetzt, die Straftaten begehen.

Sie werden dazu angehalten, das Kopfgeld innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeit abzubezahlen.

- Warten sie zu lange, dann werden diese Spieler von Kopfgeldjägern aus jedem Bundesstaat verfolgt, die sie dazu zwingen, das Geld zu bezahlen.

- Parley-Änderungen: Es wird einfacher werden, das Parley-System auszulösen, um aggressiven Spielern schneller aus dem Weg gehen zu können.

 Außerdem wird es einfacher sein, Feudes, Posse Feuds und Leader Feuds auszulösen, um angreifende Spieler in strukturierten Wettkämpfen zu bekämpfen.

- Proximity-basierte Player-Blips: Player-Blips werden in Kürze nur über kurze Entfernungen angezeigt,

wodurch sich die Reichweite, in der sie für andere sichtbar sind, verringert.

Ebenfalls verringt wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein anderer Spieler über große Distanzen hinweg angreift.

Auf der ganzen Linie will Rockstar Games auch die Möglichkeit einführen, Spieler zu identifizieren, die wahllos töten.

Diese Spieler erkennt ihr dann an einem zunehmend dunkler werdenden Blip, der immer sichtbarer wird.

So erkennt ihr potenziell gefährliche Gegner auf einen Blick aus sicherer Entfernung.

- Zudem sind neue Mission und dynamische Events geplant sowie weitere Spielmodi.

- 1,94 GB groß

Release: 18.03.2019 (Version

Quelle: play3.de

Red Dead Online BETA

- Neues Free-Roam-Event mit Angel Herausforderung

- 1,09 GB groß

Release: 14.05.2019 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de || xboxdynasty.de | play3.de | gamezone.de

Red Dead Online Beta wurde beendet

- Faster Weapon Swaps/Instant Projectile Lighting

- Removed Auto-Aim Headshot Tracking (Enemy Players Only)

- A new HDR Calibration menu has been added. Players can now switch between the existing ‘Cinematic HDR’ and new ‘Game HDR’ styles,

and a new option has been added to allow manual adjustment of Peak Brightness values for different displays

- Thrown weapons that required ignition (Dynamite, Fire Bottle) now light instantly when held in Red Dead Online, speeding up the time before being able to throw them

- Quality improvements and performance optimizations have been made to ambient occlusion in order to match the on-disc version of the game (1.00).

 Lighting changes were originally made in the Day One Patch (1.02) to prevent framerate issues.

- Updates have been made to the Red Dead Online Character Creator, improving menu layouts and adding descriptions/illustrations

- You can now quickly switch between Ranks while on the Rank Unlocks menu screen using the bumper/shoulder buttons of the controller

- Weitere Missionen aus „Ein Land der Möglichkeiten“: Führt Jessica LeClerks Streben nach Rache fort und erlebt den Weg eines Revolverhelden oder eines Gesetzlosen

- Neue Free-Roam-Missionsgeber und -Missionsarten: Red Dead Online spielt in den Jahren vor den Ereignissen des Einzelspieler-Modus,

rechnet also damit, eine ganze Reihe neuer und bekannter Gesichter anzutreffen, während ihr durch das Grenzland reist

- Die Einführung von dynamischen Events: Wehrt Überfälle ab, startet Rettungsaktionen, verteidigt Hilfsbedürftige und mehr, während ihr durch die Welt reist

- Weitere Verbesserungen am Charakter-Editor mit über 370 neuen Items

- Auch wurden über 70 weitere Items für Pferde hinzugefügt

- umstrukturierte tägliche Herausforderungenwerden hinzugefügt

- die Feindseligkeiten im Free Roam soll reduziert werden

- Serien für größere Belohnungen einführen

- Die Rückkehr einer weiteren klassischen Waffe: Dem LeMat Revolver aus dem originalen Red Dead Redemption

- 5 neue Emotes wurden hinzugefügt: Flex, Slow Clap, Beg for Mercy, Throat Slit, Flip Off

Story Mode Fixes

- Fixed an issue in Story Mode that prevented the ‘Gang Camps found’ statistic in the Compendium section of the Pause Menu from increasing after encountering a Camp

- Fixed several issues with incorrect lighting that could occur during Story Mode cutscenes

- Fixed an issue that caused some lines of dialogue to not be played when interacting with Rufus in Story Mode

- Fixed an issue that caused Camp conversations in Story Mode to continue where they left off after the player performed some time skips such as sleeping

- Fixed an issue with incompatible clothing combinations at the Trapper store in Story Mode that caused some body parts to become invisible

- Fixed an issue that may have caused broken animations during wagon conversations in some Story Mode Missions

- Fixed an issue that prevented some Horseman racing challenges from being successfully completable in Story Mode

- Fixed an issue that may have caused an Item Request mission to disappear from the Log menu in Story Mode, preventing completion of the side activity

- Fixed an issue during Story Mode Mission – American Venom that stopped the player from interacting with a character and preventing further Mission progress until restarted

- Fixed an issue during Story Mode Mission – The Bridge to Nowhere that could have prevented the player from being able to use a vehicle that was required in order to progress

- Fixed an issue with incorrect goal text that appeared on a Story Mode Mission challenge in some localizations

- Fixed an issue where blood and bullet wound effects would never be removed due to the passage of time from some ambient characters in Story Mode

- Fixed an issue that caused robbery ambient music to continually play after performing certain combinations actions in Story Mode

Red Dead Online Fixes

Game Stability, Performance and Networking

- Fixed matchmaking and network issues that should eliminate or reduce the chance of encountering the following error codes: 0x20010004, 0x20010006, 0x30005006, 0x99260000, 0x99360000

- Fixed numerous issues that caused game crashes, freezes and general stability issues

- Made several minor improvements to general performance, which may improve framerates in some areas of the game

Awards and Daily Challenges

- Fixed an issue that caused players in Red Dead Online to not receive Gold or XP rewards from completing Daily Challenges

- Fixed several issues that caused some Daily Challenges in Red Dead Online to not increment consistently when collecting required items

- Fixed an issue where the incorrect amount of XP is rewarded to the player when completing multiple tiers of the ‘Spend Cash in Shops’ Multiplayer Award in a single purchase

- The button prompt to reset an Award in Red Dead Online is now a hold prompt to prevent accidental resets

- The ‘Purchase unique breeds’ Horse Award in Red Dead Online no longer increments when buying different coat colors for the same Horse breed

- Fixed an issue where certain pamphlet recipes did not count towards the ‘Learn unique crafting recipes’ Survivalist Award in Red Dead Online

- The ‘kills without reloading’ Sharpshooter Award in Red Dead Online will now correctly reset the streak if the player dies and respawns

- Fixed an issue that caused some clothing buckles to not be successfully awarded after completing certain Awards in Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue where some Daily Challenges in Red Dead Online related to player kills would still increment after a headshot blocked by the ‘Never Without One’ Ability Card

- Fixed an issue where a Daily Challenge in Red Dead Online related to trampling enemies with the horse would sometimes not register kills properly

- Fixed an issue where melee kills with thrown weapons and gun melee takedowns did not count towards melee-related Daily Challenges in Red Dead Online

- Daily Challenges in Red Dead Online based around distance are now represented in feet instead of miles, allowing players to see current progress

- Fixed an issue that meant players would pass certain Daily Challenges despite only being a spectating player

Audio and Dialogue

- Fixed an issue where the audio/movement of bell ringing on trains would not synchronize between all players in a Red Dead Online session

- Added missing sound effect that should have played when hitting targets with an incendiary shotgun shell

- Added missing / incorrect sound effects when using some mounted turret weapons

- Fixed several audio issues with missing/repeating dialogue, lines being cut off, or lines overlapping in conversations

- Fixed an issue that could cause loading screen music to not play when transitioning between Story Mode and Red Dead Online

- Fixed several issues with incorrect or missing speaker names in subtitles

Crime and Bounty

- Fixed an issue that prevented lawmen from entering certain interiors when the player had a wanted level and their position was known while in a Red Dead Online session

- Fixed an issue that caused some incorrect flee reactions from the ambient population after performing some crimes

- Fixed an issue with law response in Red Dead Online that may have caused sheriffs and deputies to spawn in repeatedly from the same location

- Fixed an issue that prevented lawmen and bounty hunters from attempting to take a player alive if they were running/sprinting and will now correctly detect when a player is trying to intentionally flee

- Fixed an issue that caused the victim of a successful intimidation robbery to become a witness to that crime

- Fixed an issue where the ambient population would incorrectly react by fleeing if the player trampled small animals such as chickens and rats, potentially leading to a crime

- Fixed an issue where the mine workers inside the Annesburg Mine would not react to crimes or become witnesses correctly

- Fixed an issue in Red Dead Online that incorrectly triggered an aggressive response from lawmen when loitering in law offices

- Fixed issues with Camp blips while being hunted by Bounty Hunters

- Fixed an issue where a player in Red Dead Online would sometimes not trigger a crime when stealing or hijacking a train

- Fixed issues with Catalogue use while being hunted by Bounty Hunters

- Fixed an issue with the incorrect crime notification showing while shooting another player’s injured horse in Red Dead Online

- Fixed issues with delayed UI after being hunted by Bounty Hunters

- Fixed an issue that caused some Bounty Hunter enemies to remain idle and not move

- Fixed issues that caused players to be immediately hunted by Bounty Hunters after passing a Mission

- Fixed issues that resulted in players’ weapons being removed in certain locations in the world when being chased by Bounty Hunters

- Fixed issues with the ‘View Gamercard’ option while being hunted by Bounty Hunters

- Fixed an issue that caused the player to get an unintended wanted level when missing shots at enemy targets and hitting buildings

- Fixed an issue that allowed drunk members of the ambient population to become witnesses to crimes

- Fixed an issue where the incorrect sidearm would be used when reaching for a weapon while surrendering to lawmen

- Fixed an issue that prevented the player from being able to surrender to lawmen while holding some thrown weapons

- Fixed an issue that prevented a murder charge from being triggered when killing an unconscious lawman

Game Menus and User Interface

- Fixed some graphical and usability issues with the following areas of the user interface in Red Dead Online:

Pause Menu

Player Menu

Weapon, Item and Horse Wheels

Satchel Menu

- Fixed an issue that may have caused numbers to display on some parts of the Weapon Wheel menu instead of the correct playing card symbols that differentiate between multiple copies of the same weapon

- Fixed some minor graphical and usability issues with the Weapon Wheel, Item Wheel and Horse Wheel menus

- Added Rank numerals to Ability Card artwork to help visually differentiate between card categories in some colorblind modes

- Fixed an issue in Red Dead Online that caused a looted Pocket Watch to not appear in the player’s satchel after collection

- Fixed several issues where some statistics (Creation Date, Cash/Gold) in the Player section of the Pause Menu would not be correctly reset or saved when a Red Dead Online character was deleted and recreated

- Fixed some graphical and usability issues that could occur with the scoreboard at the end of a Showdown Mode in Red Dead Online

- Fixed some graphical and usability issues with the Lobby menu at the beginning of a Showdown Mode in Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue where death screen information would not get the chance to be displayed before the player had respawned

- Fixed some minor issues with all colorblind modes in the game in order to improve visibility for menus and team-based Showdown Modes in Red Dead Online.

- Fixed an issue that caused minor flickering when moving between selected items in Shop Catalogues

- Controller bumpers can now be used to quickly switch between ranks while on the Rank Unlocks Menu screen

- Fixed a minor display issue with the waypoint line on the Radar while in moving vehicles

- Fixed an issue that caused a player’s position to be incorrect on the map after being shot off their horse and subsequently revived by another player in Red Dead Online

- Fixed several issues with the display of text in East Asian languages for several menus and modes, causing missing characters and cut-off text

- Fixed an issue that left the player unable to close some alert screens in Red Dead Online if their controller was disconnected or their internet connection was interrupted

- Fixed an issue where the player would be shown an incorrect Landing Page menu after deleting a character in Red Dead Online

- Fixed some minor graphical and usability issues with the Player menu in Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue that caused the Time Played statistic in the Player section of the Pause Menu to temporarily pause while certain shop menus were active

- Fixed issues that left the player stuck on a prolonged black screen with no loading indicator

- Fixed some minor graphical issues with the Pause Menu

Items, Clothing & Emotes

- Fixed many issues related to clothing intersections when a player’s Red Dead Online character is wearing various clothing combinations

- Fixed an issue that prevented some Horse items from having the correct Health/Stamina effects when fed to donkeys

- Fixed issues with weather obscuring the Wardrobe clothing preview

- Fixed an issue that caused pelts, delivery bags and other objects to sometimes fall through the ground when dropped by a player in Red Dead Online

- Fixed several minor text issues with item descriptions and Shop Catalogues

- Fixed some lighting issues with the end game scenes of Showdown Modes in Red Dead Online to make players and teams more visible

- Fixed multiple issues with various clothing combinations

- Fixed an issue where some outfits for Red Dead Online characters did not display the correct temperature symbol

- Fixed an issue with emote animations when triggered on horseback

- Fixed several issues that caused facial hair to intersect the face when combined with various head shapes and player character weights

- Fixed an issue with incorrect animations that could occur while using the Fishing Rod in Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players having their clothing removed after Fast Travelling

- Fixed an issue that meant several clothing items were appearing twice in the Wardrobe

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ clothing to disappear after exiting the Wardrobe

- Using the Horse Reviver item will now remove any poisoned state after being hit by a Poison Arrow in Red Dead Online, as this made it otherwise impossible to revive your horse

- Fixed an issue that prevented the player from being able to equip and use the Lantern after being hogtied by another player in Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue that caused broken animations when opening doors and holding the Fishing Rod at the same time

Horses and Vehicles

- Fixed several issues that caused a player’s Horse Bonding level to be reset after completing certain missions in Red Dead Online, or displaying incorrectly on some menus when at maximum Level

- Fixed an issue that caused players to sometimes lose their stowed animal pelts if their horse dies and another is summoned

- Fixes have been made to the ‘Horse Specialty’ option in the Player Menu to address an issue that resulted in the option being greyed out and the Scrawny Nag being made theplayer’s default horse for various content

- Fixed an issue with broken animations that could occur while aiming some longarm weapons in first person in vehicles

- Fixed an issue with incorrect animations while using some thrown weapons on horseback

- Fixed an issue where another player’s agitated horse would no longer be aggressive towards you if they whistled for them

- Fixed an issue where rowing faster in a canoe would not deplete the player’s Stamina correctly

- Fixed an issue with rider animations not making contact and appearing to float for female player characters in Red Dead Online while riding a horse without a saddle

- Fixed an issue that caused holstered longarm weapons to intersect through vehicles when entering and exiting

- Fixed an issue that caused an unholstered longarm weapon on horseback to automatically holster itself when getting off the horse

- Fixed an issue where horses would play incorrect animations after being revived by a player

- Fixed an issue that could cause players to fall through the world if lassoed at the same time as entering certain vehicles

- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect animations to play when causing some ambient vehicle occupants to ragdoll while in a Red Dead Online session

- Fixed an issue with vehicle glass not smashing correctly when shooting a weapon from inside the vehicle

- Fixed several minor animation issues related to animal movement

- Fixed an issue that incorrectly refilled Horse Stamina to maximum when swapping horses with another player in Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue that prevented some vehicles from being damaged by the player when standing on top of them

- Fixed an issue where incorrect animations could appear on horses after detaching from a wagon due to a vehicle collision

- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the player from being able to enter a vehicle while sprinting towards it in Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue that led to other players in a Red Dead Online session appearing to be reloading weapons infinitely while on horseback


- Fixed an issue that caused the Evans Repeater to be invisible during cutscenes for some Free Roam Missions

- Fixed some animation issues seen when using some thrown weapons and the Bow while Dead Eye slow motion is active

- Fixed an issue with weapon reticle responsiveness that caused it to turn white while cocking and before the player was able to fire again

- The effects of the Poison Throwing Knife will now apply when using the weapon against enemies in melee combat

- Fixed an issue where female player characters in Red Dead Online used incorrect animations while using the Fire Bottle throwable weapon

- The camera positioning when using the iron sights of sidearm weapons is now correct while holding a Lantern in the offhand

- Fixed issues with pickup detection that left the player unable to collect some thrown weapons when stuck in some locations

- Fixed an issue where ambient riders would repeatedly play a hit reaction animation if hit with a Throwing Knife in Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue that caused unintentionally slow weapon firing speeds when attempting to dual-wield two sidearms in very poor condition

- Fixed an issue that caused bullet wound effects to not appear in the correct place for all players in a Red Dead Online session

- Deaths caused by exploding lanterns and other destructible objects will now be correctly attributed to the attacker who destroyed the object

- Fixed an issue that caused weapon condition visuals such as rust and dirt to not appear correctly when viewed by other players while in a Red Dead Online session

- Fixed an issue that sometimes caused visual degradation to pop to a fully clean state when maintaining weapons with Gun Oil

- Fixed an issue that caused some weapon models to not display the correct visual degradation when in poor condition

- Fixed an issue with environment collision detection that could have caused some thrown weapons to intersect buildings or fall through the ground

- Fixed an issue that caused some sharp thrown weapons to not stick correctly into horse riders on impact

- Fixed an issue where weapon reloads wouldn’t be interrupted correctly when switching ammo types during another reload

- Fixed an issue with off-center weapon reticles that occurred when one of a player’s Cores was completely empty

- Fixed an issue that caused hit reactions and blood effects to trigger if shot while not visible to an attacking player due to long-distance range

- Fixed an issue with bullet collision against hats of female Red Dead Online players that may have prevented hat shots from registering correctly

- Fixed an issue that caused duplicate weapon models to repeatedly drop from a corpse after killing an enemy in the world

- Fixed an issue that had a chance to cause the weapon reticle to stay on the screen permanently

- Fixed an issue that could have caused unreliable hit detection when using the Carcano Rifle and Rolling Block Rifle against moving targets at long ranges

- Fixed an issue that caused thrown weapons to be orientated incorrectly when spectating other players during Showdown Modes in Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue that may have prevented the player from being able to lock-on to others in a Red Dead Online session


- Fixed several issues that prevented Free Roam Missions from launching correctly in some Red Dead Online sessions, or failing to launch correctly for every member of a Posse

- Fixed an issue that resulted in spectators to appear on the scoreboard in the Showdown Mode – Gun Rush

- Fixed an issue that caused the word ‘Deaths’ to appear as ‘Value’ in the Showdown Mode – Most Wanted

- Fixed an issue that caused players’ weapons to revert to the previous weapon in the Showdown Mode – Name Your Weapon

- Fixed issues with ambient population appearing in the play area in the Free Roam Event – Golden Showdown

- Fixed overlapping UI in the lobby of various Showdown Modes

- Fixed issues with horse trampling kills in the Showdown Mode – Gun Rush

- Fixed UI issues on the results screen in the Showdown Mode – Gun Rush

- Fixed issues that caused the mode to not launch in the Showdown Mode – Gun Rush

- Fixed camera issues in the Showdown Mode – Gun Rush

- Fixed an issue that stopped players becoming spectators after dying in the Showdown Mode – Gun Rush

- Fixed issues with the scoreboard in the Showdown Mode – Plunder

- Fixed issues with the fail messaging in the Showdown Mode – Plunder

- Fixed blip issues in the Showdown Mode – Plunder

- Fixed spawning issues in the Showdown Mode – Plunder

- Fixed issues with ambient population in the Showdown Mode – Plunder

- Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to steal supplies from another team in the Showdown Mode – Plunder

- Fixed scoring issues in the Showdown Mode – Plunder

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning under the map in the Showdown Mode – Plunder

- Fixed an issue in the Showdown Mode – Spoils of War that may have caused the incorrect number of points to be scored when bags are picked up and delivered at the same time

- Fixed issue that caused players to T-pose during the Showdown Mode – Spoils of War

- Fixed an issue that caused props to disappear in the Showdown Mode – Spoils of War

- Fixed issues with music in the Showdown Mode – Spoils of War

- Fixed issues with blips in the Showdown Mode – Spoils of War

- Fixed an issue that resulted in the mode not launching in the Showdown Mode – Spoils of War

- Fixed UI issues in the Showdown Mode – Name Your Weapon

- Fixed issues with the scoreboard in the Showdown Mode – Up In Smoke

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ characters to be missing from the lobby screen in the Showdown Mode – Up In Smoke

- Fixed issues with overhead UI in the Showdown Mode – Up In Smoke

- Fixed an issue that caused the map to not load in correctly in the Showdown Mode – Up In Smoke

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players still having the objective prop in their hand at the end of the Showdown Mode – Up In Smoke

- Fixed syncing issues with the objective in the Showdown Mode – Up In Smoke

- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck after finishing the Showdown Mode – Up In Smoke

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Team’ menu to not update correctly in Showdown Mode lobbies

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Join Team’ prompt in Showdown Mode lobbies to be unresponsive

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Invite All’ prompt in Showdown Mode lobbies to be unresponsive

- Fixed UI issues in the Free Roam Mission – On The Hunt

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being incorrectly told that there was no available Free Roam Missions

- Fixed overlapping cutscene issues that occurred in Free Roam Missions

- Fixed issues with the radar route given in various Free Roam Missions

- Fixed inconsistent references to enemies in the Free Roam Mission – Bushwhack

- Fixed inconsistent UI between players in Free Roam Missions

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to hogtie the prisoners in the Free Roam Mission – Early Release

- Fixed an issue that caused the alligator to not appear in the Free Roam Mission – On The Hunt

- Fixed an issue that caused the boat to render incorrectly in the Free Roam Mission – Paid Killing

- Fixed an issue that caused enemies to run away in the Free Roam Mission – Paid Killing

- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck in the Free Roam Mission – RePossession

- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Mission UI briefly appearing on screen while launching the Free Roam Mission – RePossession

- Fixed issues with objective blips in the Free Roam Mission – Wagon Thieves

- Fixed issues with Free Roam Mission blips disappearing on the radar

- Fixed an issue that resulted in no Parley option being presented if the killing player was active on a Free Roam Mission

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on the voting screen in the Co-op Mission – If The Hat Fits

- Fixed an issue that caused team lives to be lost incorrectly in the – Where Your Morals Lead You

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being incorrectly put back to the lobby screen in the Co-op Mission – Highly Illegal and Highly Moral

- Fixed inconsistencies with medal awarding in the Co-op Mission – Highly Illegal and Highly Moral

- Fixed issues with the objective getting stuck in the Co-op Mission – Love and Honor

- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck after completing / trying to replay the Co-op Mission – Love and Honor

- Fixed camera issues in the Co-op Mission – The Right Side of the Tracks

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players entering the Mission on their own in the Co-op Mission – The Right Side of the Tracks

- Fixed cutscene issues in the Co-op Mission – The Right Side of the Tracks

- Fixed issues with players incorrectly receiving positive/negative honor in the Co-op Mission – The Right Side of the Tracks

- Fixed an issue that caused players to be made a spectator instead of failing the Mission in the Co-op Mission – The Right Side of the Tracks

- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck on a black screen after failing the Co-op Mission – The Right Side of the Tracks

- Fixed cutscene issues in the Co-op Mission – If the Hat Fits

- Fixed an issue that caused players to lose team lives incorrectly in the Co-op Mission – If the Hat Fits

- Fixed an issue that caused the objective to get stuck in the Co-op Mission – If the Hat Fits

- Fixed an issue that blocked players making a choice in the Co-op Mission – If the Hat Fits

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being able to choose an option on the fail screen in the Co-op Mission – If the Hat Fits

- Fixed issues with players’ horses disappearing during the Co-op Mission – More Than One Way To Earn a Buck

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on certain objectives in the Co-op Mission – More Than One Way To Earn a Buck

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not wearing the armor given in the Co-op Mission – Kill Them, Each and Every One

- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck when launching the Co-op Mission – Kill Them, Each and Every One

- Fixed an issue that resulted in winner UI not disappearing after completing a Free Roam Event

- Fixed player positioning issues with the celebration screen in the Free Roam Event – Cold Dead Hands

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving a bounty while in a Free Roam Event

- Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to collect the golden armor in the Free Roam Event – Fool’s Gold

- Fixed an issue where bullet penetration could still occur while a player is wearing the Golden Armor in the Free Roam Event – Fool’s Gold

- Fixed an issue that resulted in player’s horses appearing without a saddle after playing the Free Roam Event – Master Archer

- Fixed incorrect text that appeared on-screen during the Free Roam Event – Fishing Challenge

- Fixed cash and payout issues that occurred in Free Roam Events

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on an alert screen after failing to join a Free Roam Event

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players skipping the Tutorial Mission – Honor Among Horse Thieves

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ progress being incorrectly reset after rebooting during the Tutorial

- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck after delivering the Horse to the Stables in the Tutorial Mission – Honor Among Horse Thieves

- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck after passing the Tutorial Mission – Honor Among Horse Thieves

- Fixed camera issues that occurred after delivering the horse to the Stables in the Tutorial Mission – Honor Among Horse Thieves

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players having no objective after buying a Saddle in the Stables during the Tutorial

- Fixed issues with Saddle purchasing in the Stables during the Tutorial

- Fixed VFX issues that occurred when spectating a Target Race

- Fixed outfit issues that occurred in Races

- Fixed an issue that resulted in horses missing in the celebration screen of Races

- Fixed an issue that caused players to be unable to pick up dynamite inRaces

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to join a Race

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing honor when accepting a Race invite

- Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck in a weapon swap animation during Races

- Fixed checkpoint UI issues in various Races

- Fixed issues that caused horses to be missing from the end screen in Races

- Fixed issues that caused players to be disconnected from Online after completing a Race

- Fixed an issue that caused riders and horses to flicker when respawning during Race game modes in Red Dead Online

- Fixed issues that resulted in the Race scoreboard to be misaligned

- Fixed issues that resulted in Posse Races stopping incorrectly

- Fixed an issue that caused Horse Tack to be incorrect in Race lobbies

- Fixed an issue that may have caused a player’s horse to turn while standing at the starting line of a Race mode in Red Dead Online

- Fixed many animation issues that occurred in existing Red Dead Online content:

- A Land of Opportunities Missions cutscenes

- Free Mode Mission cutscenes

- Showdown Mode lobbies, starting lineups and finishing poses

General / Miscellaneous

- Fixed multiple issues that resulted in players losing functionality

- Fixed many issues with animations, positions and synchronization when observing other players in a Red Dead Online session perform the following actions:

- Entering, exiting and hijacking vehicles

- Standing on top of large moving vehicles (trains, trams)

- Using mounted turret weapons like the Maxim Gun

- Aiming, firing and reloading weapons while on horseback or in a vehicle

- Melee combat, tackles, takedowns and executions

- Lassoing, hogtying and breaking free

- Climbing, vaulting, using ladders and walking up/down stairs

- Falling down, ragdolling and sliding down slopes

- Looting, skinning and picking up

- Crafting and cooking

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Stubble’ facial hair option and some other Barber Shop items to disappear from your player character after purchasing and left them unable to be reapplied

- Fixed an issue that may have caused a player character’s facial features to appear incorrect compared to the Character Creator after playing the game with the previous Title Update

- Fixed several issues that resulted in the player’s character gaining weight too quickly. The player will now lose weight over time at a quicker rate, and liquid consumables no longer increase weight.

- Fixed an issue that prevented Alligator Skins from being able to be sold to the Butcher in Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue with player Camps in Red Dead Online that caused members of the ambient population to walk through your Camp when pitched in certain locations

- Fixed an issue that prevented the player from being able to craft further weapon ammunition in Red Dead Online after crafting large amounts of the same item in quick succession

- Fixed an issue that may have allowed blocked players to still rejoin the same session or Mission in Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue in Red Dead Online that prevented the player from earning XP successfully when killing Wolves and Canada Geese

- Fixed an issue that caused some animal and human corpses to disappear before the player had the chance to loot/skin/collect them while in a Red Dead Online session

- Fixed an issue that left the player unable to invite other players in the Red Dead Online session into their Posse

- Fixed an issue that caused the player to incorrectly be charged a fee when an attempt to move a Camp failed because that location in the Red Dead Online session was already full

- Fixed an issue that caused players’ gamertags to constantly move position in Player Menu > Players > Crew

- Fixed an issue that allowed manual climbing onto animals/humans stowed on horseback, interfering with other button prompts

- Train and tram conductors will no longer attempt to step out of vehicles while the vehicle carriage is still in motion

- Fixed an issue where players may be unable to pet ambient dogs in Red Dead Online after they were petted by another player in the session

- Fixed an issue that incorrectly limited the player’s maximum speed in some caves and large building interiors while in a Red Dead Online session

- Fixed an issue that caused players to have the wrong option highlighted after backing out of various options in the Player Menu

- Fixed an issue where multiple ambient population may be created on top of each other in the same train/tram seat while in Red Dead Online sessions

- Fixed camera issues that occurred when using ‘Zoom Out’ in the Gunsmith

- Fixed multiple shopkeeper animation issues

- Fixed an issue that caused in-game voice chat to mute itself while the on-screen keyboard was visible

- Fixed issues with incorrect/inaccurate cover in many locations in the world, and for many environment objects such as fences, hay bales, and benches

- Fixed issues that occurred with notifications after sending invites to players

- Fixed issues with players appearing to have incorrect Ranks in the Player Menu

- Fixed an issue that caused ambient population to disappear when purchasing/examining items from a shelf

- Fixed issues that made some aspects of Camp customization at night

- Fixed an issue that would cause some menus to continue to show the player as in a Posse directly after leaving that Posse

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ dynamite ammo count not going down after using it

- Fixed an issue that caused players’ horses to change from their current active horse to the Scrawny Nag after Fast Travelling

- Fixed an issue that caused the Rank icon to not appear correctly

- Fixed an issue with the cutscene when entering the Stables

- Fixed an issue that caused the Saloon pianist to not react when being shot near

- Fixed issues that caused Ranks to be difficult to read in the Player Menu

- Fixed an issue that prevented players from entering melee combat when targeting the ambient drivers of some boats

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players incorrectly appearing in Player Menu > Friends if they left and rejoined the session

- Fixed an issue with missing facial animations while a player had an empty Dead Eye Core in Red Dead Online

- Fixed issues with horse whistling

- Fixed an issue that caused Player Menu > Crew list to take a long time to populate

- Fixed issues with the Fast Travel cutscene

- Fixed an issue where the ‘Steal Vehicle’ on-screen prompt would sometimes not do anything after accepting a ride request from an ambient population driver

- Fixed an issue that caused Player Menu > Log > Notifications to never populate with information

- Fixed an issue that prevented players from being able to peek from cover after moving between different cover objects

- Fixed issues that caused players to be kicked out of the Player Menu

- Fixed issues that occurred when entering the Stables as a hogtied player

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players incorrectly appearing as active members of a Posse in the Player Menu

- Fixed issues that resulted in players climbing the Butcher’s table

- Fixed an issue that caused incorrect investigation behavior when corpses are on boats near populated areas

- Fixed an issue that prevented a player from being able to move after reviving another player in a Red Dead Online session

- Fixed issues with interactable items not being interactable

- Fixed an issue with other players in a Red Dead Online session sometimes rendering incorrectly when set on fire

- Fixed an issue with ambient drivers in the world where they would still accept a ride request while the player was visibly carrying a dead body

- Fixed issues with the Old Man Jones cutscene

- Fixed multiple camera issues that occurred when in the Wardrobe

- Fixed issues with chairs appearing in the background of the Photo Studio

- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Photo Studio filter persisting into Free Roam

- Fixed issues with the page count in the Player Menu

- Fixed animation issues that were caused by drinking in the Saloon

- Fixed an issue that caused players to not have the ‘Posse’ submenu in the Player Menu

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being able to wear their Posse outfit

- Fixed an issue that caused players to be removed from the Gold store menu after being tackled by another player

- Fixed an issue that prevented the Lasso from being able to drag large animals out of water

- Fixed issues with the ‘Sell’ option in the Stable

- Fixed an issue with broken animations that could occur while fishing in Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue that caused players to move when interacting with the Thieves Landing Fence

- Fixed issues with unresponsive button prompts in the Stable

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players wearing the wrong hat after purchasing an outfit

- Fixed issues that occurred when players attempted to discard pelts

- Fixed an issue that meant players would not receive a prompt letting them know their gallery is full

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Trusty Steed’ Achievement to not unlock

- Fixed an issue that caused various props that the Butcher drops to not disappear

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Recent Players’ tab in the Player Menu to not populate with players

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to purchase weapons

- Fixed an issue with player visibility/ghosting when observing another player in a Red Dead Online session using shop catalogues

- Fixed an issue that caused the values in Pause Menu > Horse Stats to be incorrect

- Fixed an issue that may turn animal carcasses invisible if the player is killed while in the process of skinning the animal

- Fixed purchasing issues with Special Lures and Spinners

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not receiving Feud invites

- Fixed camera issues that occurred when previewing a horse at the Van Horn Stable

- Fixed an issue where some witnesses would not correctly be intimidated when aimed at by the player

- Fixed an issue that allowed players to deal damage to one another through certain methods while in a Parley

- Fixed an issue that caused the player to become stuck in ragdoll animationunderneath high-pressure steam vents and unable to get back up

- Fixed an issue where players were able to join a Posse that was actively playing a mode

- Fixed issues with the Saloon blip in Red Dead Online

- Fixed issues with the ‘Owned’ stamp in the Catalogue

- Fixed an issue that allowed players to continue using emotes if they were set on fire

- Fixed issues with incorrect ambient population behavior during Hideouts

- Fixed issues with the Old Man Jones blip

- Fixed issues that occurred when accepting a Feud and Fast Travelling

- Fixed an issue that resulted in button prompts sometimes becoming unresponsive in the Satchel

- Fixed an issue that caused treasure map descriptions to incorrectly appear in places in the Satchel

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ Camps to be changed to ‘None’

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Buy Max’ option to not work correctly in the Gunsmith

- Fixed an issue that meant the Parley/Feud options were not available when choosing to die after being hogtied by another player

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck inside the Valentine Gunsmith

- Fixed XP issues with Feuds

- Fixed gun positioning issues that occurred when previewing weapons in the Gunsmith

- Fixed an issue that caused other players in a Red Dead Online session to appear as if they were repeatedly putting away kit items such as the Fishing Rod or Binoculars

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to see their Posse name in the Player Menu

- Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to buy Snake Oil

- Fixed an issue that caused the ability to swap tabs in the Player Menu to become unresponsive

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ Camps being blipped twice

- Fixed issues with selecting and unselecting walk style

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being placed into a different Posse after joining a mode from the Landing Page menu

- Fixed an issue that meant players couldn’t interact with the Strawberry Butcher

- Fixed an issue that resulted in bonding XP to occasionally not increase when applying a Horse Care Package

- Fixed an issue that created a situation where players could almost report themselves in the Player Menu

- Fixed visual issues that occurred when leaving/joining certain lobbies

- Fixed camera issues in the Valentine Gunsmith

- Fixed an issue that caused the values in Pause Menu > General Stats to be incorrect

- Fixed an issue where a player in Red Dead Online would incorrectly get a very small bounty increase when looting a dead body

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being kicked out of their Posse after abandoning a previous Posse

- Fixed an issue that caused various stirrups to not correctly affect a horse’s stamina drain rate

- Fixed an issue that caused players to have a broken invite in the Player Menu

- Fixed issues with the Feud scoreboard

- Fixed an issue that meant players could not select their horse’s gender when purchasing a horse at the Stables

- Fixed issues that caused players to be incorrectly charged for killing another player’s horse

- Fixed issues that caused several Fast Travel destinations to be incorrectly greyed out

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players seeing under the map after exiting a lobby

- Fixed an issue that may have shown another player in a Red Dead Online session as alive and moving after being decapitated by a shotgun blast

- Fixed issues with conflicting neckwear and sweater shirts

- Fixed camera issues that occurred when in the Stable

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Time Played’ statistic to temporarily pause while certain shop menus were active

- Fixed issues with the Old Man Jones dialogue

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on a black screen when entering the Stables

- Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to collect deliveries or pay bounties at the Post Office

- Fixed an issue that caused players to spin when previewing clothes in the Wardrobe

- Fixed an issue that meant holding L1/LB caused Catalogue pages to be turned the wrong way

- Fixed issues that resulted in players not being able to start a Feud

- Fixed issues that resulted in players being told a lobby was full when it wasn’t

- Fixed issues with unresponsive button prompts in the Wardrobe

- Fixed an issue that caused an active Parley to end when a Leader Feud was initiated

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Sell All’ button prompt to be unresponsive in Shops

- Fixed issues with the ‘Report’ option in the Player Menu

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to see their Posse Leader’s Camp

- Fixed button conflicts that occurred when using the alternate control scheme

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being put into a different Posse

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘View’ prompt to be unusable in the Tailor

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to exit the Catalogue

- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck in the Wardrobe if their Posse Leader accepts a Feud invite while they’re in there

- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Post Office clerk going missing

- Fixed an issue that caused carcasses to be invisible when stowed on a Horse

- Fixed an issue that meant players could accidentally disband their permanent Posse after leaving another player’s Posse

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing saved outfits from their horse

- Fixed multiple issues with missing and/or incorrect help text

- Fixed issues that caused Parleys to end unexpectedly

- Fixed issues that caused players to get stuck when launching multiple content types

- Fixed an issue that led to players being unable to join, leave or abandon Posses

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck with an unresponsive ‘View’ button prompt on screen

- Fixed an issue that caused players’ horses to constantly be dirty

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to access their Camp Wardrobe

- Fixed issues with the Stride Hat in the Catalogue

- Fixed UI issues with the Fence in Thieves Landing

- Fixed an issue that caused burnt and stowed animal carcasses to no longer be burnt after fast travelling in Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being taken to the wrong area of the menu when accepting a notification in the Player Menu

- Fixed an issue that caused props in Camps to vanish

- Fixed an issue that showed held objects like beer bottles intersecting through hands when observing other players in a Red Dead Online session

- Fixed an issue that caused the Camp shop to not be accessible

- Fixed issues with incorrect textures on horses

- Fixed an issue that caused the Camp bed to be missing

- Fixed issues with player spawn locations

- Fixed an issue that could cause the player to lose movement control if bumped into at the same time as opening some store menus

- Fixed an issue that caused the player’s controller to continually rumble after a failed attempt to tame a wild horse

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being put into the right session after accepting an invite while booting into Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue that caused players to see under the map when entering the Stables as a passenger in a wagon

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being taken to the store when selected

- Fixed an issue that caused several tabs to be missing in the Crafting Menu

- Fixed several issues that caused bad pathfinding and navigations for the ambient population in some areas of the world

- Fixed issues that allowed players to deal damage to one another through certain methods while in a Parley

- Fixed an issue that caused the Gamercard of the second most recent online player to be shown instead of the actual most recent player

 if the actual most recent player is now offline when trying to view their Gamercard

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Buy with Gold’ option to not work in the Handheld Catalogue

- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck after buying a stick of dynamite

- Fixed an issue that caused parts of a player’s character to be missing in the Wardrobe

- Fixed an issue that incorrectly showed ‘Skin’ and ‘Pick Up‘ prompts for some dead animals while mounted on horseback

- Fixed an issue that caused players’ horses to not disappear after selling them

- Fixed an issue that caused players’ custom saved outfits on the horse to be changed back to a previous custom saved outfit

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being displayed as being in a Posse to everyone but themselves

- Fixed an issue that may have led to players in the same Red Dead Online session seeing the world currently at different times of day

- Fixed issues that resulted in players briefly appearing on screen when exiting a lobby

- Fixed issues that caused Old Man Jones to not be present

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players seeing invites ticker feed messages for offline players despite the invite prompt being greyed out

- Fixed an issue that caused Feud play areas to be located far away

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck if in the Wardrobe when the shop closes

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players not joining a mode correctly after their Posse Leader joined it

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to break-out of a hogtie

- Fixed an issue that meant players could not pick up certain discoverable items

- Fixed issues that occurred with Posse name restrictions

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to unlock the recipe for the potent Horse Stimulant

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck after failing a Mission

- Fixed issues with corrupted or missing text in the ticker feed

- Fixed an issue that meant players could be stuck in the Crafting Menu

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck in the Emerald Ranch Barn

- Fixed an issue with collision detection that may have caused players to fall through the world

- Fixed an issue that resulted in corpses duplicating

- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Player Menu becoming broken

- Fixed issues with the eagle eye VFX

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being spawned under the map

- Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Locked and Loaded’ Achievement not being awarded correctly

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being incorrectly told they didn’t have enough ingredients when crafting

- Fixed visual issues that occurred in the Handheld Catalogue after crafting

- Fixed an issue that caused outfits to not store on horses correctly

- Fixed an issue that meant players would not receive any core benefits when eating plants

- 2,81 GB groß

Release: 20.05.2019 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: play3.de

- Glitch sorgte für zahlreiche tote Pferde wurde direkt behoben

Release: 28.05.2019 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

Neue Inhalte für Red Dead Online

- Wildtierjagd-Herausforderung

- Head for the Hills Modus ist verfügbar

Missions Bonus

Außerdem können neue Spieler von Ein Land der Möglichkeiten einen Bonus von 50 RDO$ verdienen, wenn sie die erste Mission „Ehre unter Pferdedieben“ abschließen

- Alle Spieler verdienen einen Bonus von 75 RDO$ für den Abschluss von „Töte sie, einen nach dem anderen“

- 10 Goldbarren für den Abschluss von „Von Trauer zerstört“.

- 1,22 GB groß

Release: 10.09.2019 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de || gamezone.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- 3 neue Rollen in Red Dead Online sind verfügbar

Als Kopfgeldjäger: Ein lizenzierter Kopfgeldjäger kann Zielpersonen aufspüren und festnehmen – oder töten, je nachdem wie ehrenhaft ihr bei eurer Tätigkeit seid

Als Sammler: erkundet die Welt und durchsucht diese nach wertvollen Gegenständen und Ressourcen

sucht ihr nach verlorenem Schmuck, seltenen Pfeilköpfen und anderen Schätzen, die ihr anschließend als Einzelstücke oder in besonders wertvollen Sets verkauft.

Als Händler: Dank eures zuverlässigen Gefährten Cripps und seiner Kenntnisse über Felle, Häute und das Fleischerhandwerk, seid ihr in der Lage,

 neue Gelegenheiten zu ergreifen, um Materialien zu sammeln und wertvolle Artikel zum Verkauf herzustellen.


- Konzentration: Ziele leuchten rot in Adlerauge

- Verstärktes Lasso: Ein Lasso aus verstärktem Seil, um gesuchte Personen sicher zu fesseln

- Rückwärtsdrehung: Führt eine Rückwärtsdrehung mit einer Pistole oder einem Revolver aus

- Verbesserung der Arzneitasche: Tragt mehr Gegenstände in eurer Arzneitasche

- Adlerauge+: Verfolgt Gegner beim Sprinten und Galoppieren

- Wirbel: Führt einen Wirbel mit einer Pistole oder einem Revolver aus

- Verbesserung der Ausrüstungstasche: Tragt mehr Gegenstände in eurer Ausrüstungstasche

- Broschüre für Verfolgungspfeile: Eine Broschüre, die das Rezept für Verfolgungspfeile enthält

- Rückwärtswirbel: Führt einen Rückwärtswirbel mit einer Pistole oder einem Revolver aus

- Ducken: Duckt euch, um euch beim Reiten zu schützen

- Bolas: Eine Wurfwaffe die sich um die Beine von gesuchten Personen wickelt

- Kopfgeldjägerwagen: Ein Wagen, mit dem man gesuchte Personen sicher transportieren kann

- Wahrnehmung: Erhaltet Benachrichtigungen zu Kopfgeldjagden aus größerer Entfernung

- Abwechselnd kippen: Führt abwechselnde Kippbewegungen mit einer Pistole oder einem Revolver aus

- Beidhändiger Waffenwirbel: Führt ein Waffenwirbel-Kunststück mit zwei ausgerüsteten Pistolen oder Revolvern aus


- Suppentopf: Eine Lagerverbesserung, die Eintopfrezepte, die eure Kerne verstärken, freischaltet

- Verbesserung der Zutatentasche: Tragt mehr Gegenstände in eurer Zutatentasche

- Achtsamkeit: Erkennt Wagen von rivalisierenden Händlern auf größere Entfernung

- Hundewarnung: Bringt eurem Hund bei, euch vor Lagerüberfällen zu warnen

- Mittelgroßer und großer Lieferwagen: Verbesserte Wagen, die mehr Waren transportieren können

- Waffenkoffer: Lagert Waffen für späteren Gebrauch

- Lanziermesser: Ein maßgefertigtes Messer, das nur Händlern zugänglich ist

- Effizienz: Lernt wie ihr eine größere Menge an verwertbaren Materialien von perfekten Kadavern erhaltet

- Verbesserung der Materialientasche: Tragt mehr Gegenstände in eurer Materialtasche

- Jagdwagen: Ein stabiler Wagen zum Transport mehrerer Kadaver, Häute und Pelze

- Schutz: Verringert die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Lagerüberfällen


- Gespür: Erspürt Sammlerstücke in eurer Nähe

- Pennington-Field-Spaten: Ein essenzielles Werkzeug zum Ausgraben von Sammlerstücken

- Potenzial: Entdeckt mithilfe von Adlerauge Haufen aufgewühlter Erde

- Intuition: Verringert die Größe von Suchgebieten

- Sammler-Satteltasche: Tragt mehr Gegenstände in eurer Satteltasche

- Veredeltes Fernglas: Ein spezielles Fernglas, durch welches Ausgrabungsstätten auch aus weiter Entfernung leuchten

- Águila-Machete: Eine klassische Machete, die für draufgängerische und streitlustige Sammler entworfen wurde

- Metalldetektor: Ein wichtiges Werkzeug, welches beim Auffinden vergrabener Sammlerstücke hilfreich ist

- Pferdeunterstützung: Sammelt Kräuter beim Reiten

- Laterne für euer Pferd: Beleuchtet den Weg vor euch mit einer Laterne, die an der Brustplatte eures Pferdes befestigt ist

- Verbesserung der Wertgegenstandstasche: Tragt mehr Gegenstände in eurer Wertgegenstandstasche

kostenpflichter Outlaw Pass (10.09-18.11.19) kann für 34 Goldbaren erworben werden

Belohnungen: Kleidungsstücke, auffällige Stile für ihre Waffen, Verschönerungen für ihre Lagerplätze, Geldboni, besondere Gutscheine und vieles mehr.

Steigt bis Rang 70 auf, um alle Vorteile zu nutzen, darunter auch Goldbarrengeschenke im Gesamtwert von 35 Goldbarren

Weitere Änderungen

- Neue Gegenstände, Waffen, Kleidungsstücke und Pferdewagen

- Richtungsschadensanzeige, um die Richtung anzuzeigen, aus der eure Spielfigur getroffen wurde

- Zusätzliche Pferderassen

- Die Möglichkeit, das Aussehen eurer Spielfigur zu verändern, ohne dabei den Spielfortschritt zurückzusetzen

- Zusätzliche Speicherplätze für eigene Outfits

- Die Möglichkeit, gespeicherte Outfits zu benennen

- Erhöhte Verkaufspreise für geplünderten Schmuck

- Verbesserte Bewegungs- und Animationsgeschwindigkeiten für flüssigere Gefechte (inkl. Zielen, Spannen und Nachladen), schnelleres Plündern und mehr

- Zusätzliches Balancing und Verbesserungen

- 13,02 GB groß

Release: 18.09.2019 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Erste legendäre Kopfgeldjagd ist gestartet

- 2,29 GB groß

Release: 24.09.2019 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Nächste legendäre Kopfgeldjagd "Wolfsmensch" ist gestartet

Neue Bekleidung eingetroffen

 - Neue Kopfbedeckungen im Katalog von Wheeler, Rawson & Co, darunter der Trilby, die Hurley-Kappe, der Ledbetter-Hut und die Bartley-Mütze.

- Hinzu kommen der Fuentes-Poncho, die Killiman-Weste und die Hollman-Hose.

- Das Chaftin- und das Olmo-Hemd richten sich an Gentlemans und für die Damen gibt es die Huerta- und Winford-Hemdblusen sowie den neuen aus Tierhäuten hergestellten Hadley-Rock.

- Neu sind außerdem die Rutherford-Stiefel und die mit Fell besetzten Strayhorn-Stiefel mit Schnürung.

- Desweiteren könnt ihr den Inglett-Schal und eine neu gestaltete Variante eines klassischen Halstuchs erwerben.

- 2,31 GB groß

Release: 04.11.2019 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de

- Legendäre Kopfgeldjagd auf Etta Doyle

- Geschenk in Höhe von 100 RDO$ und eine kostenlose Schatzkarte bis zum 11.11.2019

- Sämtliche Mitglieder des „Wheeler, Rawson & Co.“-Clubs, die den Club-Rang 50 erreichen, erhalten in dieser Woche das Emote „Sanftes Winken“

- 2,96 GB groß

Release: 25.11.2019 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- General fixes and improvements to stability and performance

- 2,83 GB groß

Release: 13.12.2019 (Version

Quelle: wooco.de | play3.de

- Photo Mode has been added for consoles (nur PS4)

- A new Horse Breed, Norfolk Roadster (with 6 coat variations) has been added to Red Dead Online and can be unlocked through Moonshiner Role progression.

- New Moonshiner role unlocks

- Additional clothing options

- An increase in the amount of outfit slots in your Wardrobe

- Polished Copper Still Upgrade (free for Twitch Prime Members)

- Collector’s Bag (free for Twitch Prime Members)


40 Gold Bars

An array of special Offers & Rewards

Role XP boosts during the Club Membership period

Horse Masks

New Gun wraps

A trusty Camp Husky Dog

Various accessories for your Camp

Aesthetic perks for your Moonshine Operation

- 7,45 GB groß

Release: 14.01.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de

- Probleme und Abstürze seit dem letzten Update werden behoben.

Dadurch soll es nicht mehr zu 3 Abstürzen pro Stunde oder alle 30 Minuten, endlich behoben werden

- RDO: Neue Vorteile sind aktiv und 2000 Rollen-XP erhalten

- 3,09 GB groß

Release: 21.01.2020 (Version

Quelle: play3.de

Story Modus

- Photo Mode has been added for consoles (auch Xbox One)

- 6 neue Pferderassen sind nun auch für die Xbox Spieler verfügbar

4 neue Waffen wurde auch für Xbox hinzufgefügt

- 5 neue versteckte Amulette sind nun auch auf der Xbox verfügbar

- 3,09 GB groß

Release: 13.02.2020 (Version


- 3,59 GB groß

Release: 14.02.2020 (Version


- 3,01 GB groß

Release: 09.03.2020 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | gamezone.de | xboxdynasty.de

Allgemeine Stabilitätskorrekturen und Verbesserungen

- Improvements to issue with endless loading screens when performing some actions in Red Dead Online such as switching between game modes and sessions

- Improvements to issues seen when pitching camps through the Player menu, resulting in a flashing prompts and an incorrect “Cripps has packed up your camp” alert

- Fixed several networking issues that should reduce the chance of player camps being packed up during dynamic session switching in Red Dead Online

- Improvements to an issue that caused pitched camps in Red Dead Online to not spawn correctly when approaching the marked blip on the Radar / Map

- Fixed issues with player horses and riders being kicked off while in Posses

- Fixed an issue that caused player horses to be frozen in place and unable to move when other players are nearby in a Red Dead Online session

- Fixed several issues with some player horse visual attributes such as cleanliness not being correct after dismissing and re-summoning in a Red Dead Online session

- 3,09 GB groß

- PS4: 625 MB groß

Release: 28.07.2020 (Version

Quelle: gamezone.de | play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | gamezone.de | stroy=gamepro.de

Story Modus

- Wafenschrank wurde hinzugefügt: Dieser steht nach dem 2. Kapitel zu Verfügung.

Read Dead Online

- Neuer Outlaw Pass wird eingebaut und bius zum 19.10.2020 aktiv

- Weitere Anpassungen und Inhalte werden kostenlos hinzugefügt

- Weitere neue Aktivitäten für den Multiplayer

- 4,69 GB groß

Release: 10.08.2020 (Version


- 3,24 GB groß

Release: 13.08.2020 (Version

Quelle: fehler=gamezone.de | gamezone.de | play3.de

- Version wurde zurückgenommen

Leider waren sehr viele Fehler in diesem Update drin deshalb entschied sich Rockstar Games diesen wieder zurückzunehmen

- 3,24 GB groß

Release: 24.08.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

- General stability and security fixes

- Fixed a number of connection issues

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being able to buy the Horned Variant Bow with Gold despite already owning it

- 3,27 GB groß

Release: 28.09.2020 (Version

Quelle: xboxdynasty.de

Stability Improvements

- Fixed several reported crashes and stability issues impacting gameplay in Story Mode and Red Dead Online

- Fixed an issue that prevented some players from entering Red Dead Online resulting in the error 0x99220000

- 3,36 GB groß

Release: 20.10.2020 (Vom Server aus geändert)

Quelle: modus=play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | play3.de

- Halloween Event mit einem neuen Modus "Dead of Night" wurde freigeschaltet

- kostenpflichtiger Halloween-Pass kann erworben werden und bietet 20 Ränge mit Belohnungen bis zum 16.11.2020

Release: 01.12.2020 (Version

Quelle: play3.de | xboxdynasty.de | fotomodus=play3.de

- Ein Foto Modus wurde eingebaut

Read Dead Online

- Neuer Outlaw Pass #4 wurde hinzugefügt und biettet weitere und neue Belohnungen

- 4,92 GB groß

Release: 16.03.2021 (Vom Server aus geändert)


Read Dead Online

- Neuer Outlaw Pass #5 wurde hinzugefügt und biettet weitere und neue Belohnungen

Release: 13.07.2021 (Version

Quelle: mein-mmo.de | xboxdynasty.de | rockstargames.com | play3.de

Read Dead Online

- So soll es beispielsweise möglich sein, in allen 5 Staaten des freien Modus verschiedene Höfe und Camps zu überfallen.

- Zusätzlich soll es weitere Möglichkeiten geben, sich anderweitig die Taschen vollzumachen.

- Diese Aktivitäten sollen keine Vorabkosten für die Spieler mit sich bringen.

Matchmaking & Networking

- Fixed multiple issues that resulted in players being unable to load into Red Dead Online.

- Fixed issues that resulted in players being unable to get back into Red Dead Online after disconnecting during Character Creation.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on a black screen after accepting an invite.


- Fixed an issue that caused Collector maps to not unlock for purchase after meeting the requirements

- Fixed an issue that caused players’ Potent Snake Oil and Potent Miracle Tonic to incorrectly reduce after playing the Legendary Bounty Mission – Carmela Montez.

- Fixed an issue that caused players’ Bounty Wagons to be missing from Player Menu > Stables during the Legendary Bounty Mission – Gene Beau Finley.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality during the Legendary Bounty Mission – Gene Beau Finley.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players going into a Legendary Bounty Mission on their Free Roam Horses instead of their Story Horse.

- Fixed an issue that caused Bounty Missions to not launch correctly after launching from the Bounty Board.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players incorrectly receiving only $1.00 for returning a Bounty target alive.

- Fixed an issue that caused the enemy guard dogs to get stuck in the Dynamic Bounty Mission – Cumberland Forest.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Bounty Mission – Track Target, to end prematurely.

- Fixed an issue that caused the objective to not progress correctly during the Bounty Hunter Mission – Bounty Infiltration.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Bounty target to be invisible in the Bounty Hunter Mission – Time Target.

- Fixed an issue that caused the objective to incorrectly skip in the Bounty Hunter Mission – Scout Stakeout.

- Fixed multiple issues that caused Free Roam Missions to not launch correctly.

- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck with no functionality after launching a Free Roam Mission.

- Fixed issues with missing UI in Free Roam Missions.

- Fixed an issue that caused ambient population to disappear during cutscenes in the Free Roam Mission – Coach Holdup.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Caravan to get stuck in the Free Roam Mission – Caravan Escort.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Caravan to be invisible in the Free Roam Mission – Caravan Escort.

- Fixed an issue that caused enemies to not move as expected in the Free Roam Mission – Caravan Escort.

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Mission Passed’ screen to be under the map in the Free Roam Mission – Early Release.

- Fixed an issue that caused the wagon to be under the map in the Free Roam Mission – Supply Wagon.

- Fixed an issue that caused the mid-mission cutscene to not play correctly in the Co-op Mission – The Right Side of The Tracks.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on a black screen during the Co-op Mission – Honor Among Horse Thieves.

- Fixed an issue that caused the mid-mission cutscene to not play as expected in the Co-op Mission – Kill Them, Each and Every One.

- Fixed an issue that caused button prompts to be missing in the Co-op Mission – Banks Don't Rob Themselves.

- Fixed an issue that caused the bank manager to get stuck in a loop of opening the vault door in the Co-op Mission – Banks Don't Rob Themselves.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in the predator being downed and not dead after the hunters collected all the masks in the Showdown Mode – Fear of the Dark.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ playing styles to incorrectly remain as ‘Defensive’ in the Showdown Mode – Most Wanted.

- Fixed an issue that caused players to be incorrectly awarded MVP at the end of Showdown Modes.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ loadouts to not persist into Showdown Modes.

- Fixed an issue that caused teams to spawn in incorrect positions at the start of the Showdown Mode – Hostile Territory.

- Fixed incorrect text that was present in the Showdown Mode – Plunder.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck inside a nearby house after launching several Free Roam Missions.

- Fixed an issue that caused players to be placed under the map after accepting a Free Roam Mission.

- Fixed an issue that caused some Free Roam Mission givers to incorrectly be on a cooldown.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in some Free Roam Mission givers to not be offering any Missions, despite being blipped as available.

- Fixed incorrect text that was present in several Free Roam Missions.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to kill posse members during the Free Roam Mission – Posse Assassination.

- Fixed an issue that caused ambient population to be invisible after launching the Free Roam Mission – Player Assassination.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players having limited functionality after launching the Free Roam Mission – Caravan Escort.

- Fixed an issue that caused Bob Crawfish and his associate to spawn in an incorrect location during the Co-op Mission – The Right Side of the Tracks.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality during the Co-op Mission – If the Hat Fits...

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on the mid-mission cutscene during the Co-op Mission – If the Hat Fits…

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players becoming invisible after choosing to 'Retry Checkpoint' during the Co-op Mission – Blood is Thicker Than 'Shine.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to inspect the clue in the Moonshiner Mission – Where There's Smoke There's Firewater.

- Fixed an issue that incorrectly caused the revenue men to become hostile during a Moonshiner – Sell Mission.

- Fixed an issue that caused Marcel to not move after being freed during the Moonshiner Mission – Rescue Cook.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on a black screen after launching a Trader – Sell Mission.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Mission to get stuck on the objective 'Ward off the Hostile Beavers' during the Animal Sighting Mission – Beaver.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Mission to incorrectly fail during the Red Dead Online Intro.

- Fixed an issue that meant players who joined in progress could see the final target immediately after a Race started.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning without a Horse during Races.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players experiencing a messy transition after quitting back to Free Roam from a Race lobby.

Awards and Daily Challenges

- Fixed an issue that caused the Daily Challenge ‘Bounties Completed Within One Real-World Hour' to complete incorrectly.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Daily Challenge ‘Bounties Collected' to not increment correctly.

- Fixed an issue that caused the Daily Challenge 'Drink Own Strong Moonshine' to not increment correctly.


- The fixes below apply to all platforms and game modes unless specified otherwise.

- Game Stability and Performance

- Fixed several crashes in Red Dead Online.

Items, Clothing and Emotes

- Fixed an issue that caused players’ saved outfits to be deleted.

- Fixed an issue that caused players’ saved outfits to be missing from their Horse and Wardrobe.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to save custom outfits.

- Fixed an issue that caused invisible outfits that could not be viewed or deleted to appear in players’ Horse storage.

- Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to scroll through different color variants of role outfits.

Horses and Vehicles

- Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to call their Horse.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in Horses with golden cores to still gallop wearily.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players’ Horses being left behind after fast travelling.


- Fixed an issue that resulted in items being incorrectly sold to Madam Nazar when trying to sell something else.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to purchase the ‘Gunslinger Holster’ from the Handheld Catalogue.

- Fixed an issue that caused the price of Whiskey to be incorrect in the Saloon.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to scroll through the ‘Hairstyles’ menu in the Barber Shop.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after scrolling through the ‘Stables’ menu.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players receiving an incorrect amount of cash after selling a large amount of pelts at Gus’s Store.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck on the menu at Harriet’s Shop.

- Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck at the Trader Butcher Table.

- Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to purchase items with gold in Shops.


- Fixed an issue that resulted in certain coupons being unusable in Red Dead Online.

- Fixed an issue that caused ambient population to be missing from the world in Red Dead Online.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in sampled Legendary Animal Carcasses becoming skinned carcasses.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players incorrectly being able to Fast Travel from their Wilderness Camp before unlocking the Fast Travel Pamphlet.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after trying to rest at the Wilderness Camp fire.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in all prompts being missing in the Wilderness Camp.

- Fixed issues that resulted in players losing functionality after placing their Wilderness Camp.

- Fixed an issue that meant players were unable to interact with a camp's Fast Travel post.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in players being stuck with the Fast Travel menu on-screen.

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Fast Travel’ prompt to be unresponsive.

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Maintain’ prompt to be incorrectly missing.

- Fixed multiple instances of missing help text in Red Dead Online.

- Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Insufficient Gold’ alert screen to not appear correctly.

- Fixed an issue that resulted in the top left option in some menus to be unusable after selling items.

- Fixed an issue that caused players to open a treasure map when attempting to eat a food/ingredient from the Satchel.

- Fixed an issue that caused the 'Unlock Rank' prompt to be present on the Season Pass menu despite having already unlocked the rank.

- 5,24 GB groß

Release: 11.08.2021 (Version


- 2,94 GB groß

Release: 06.09.2022 (Version


- 4,8 GB groß (wurde angezeigt)

- 5,37 GB groß (wurde geladen)